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... ,? - I .. I - -- - - - ,I , Ls. 1-11, 'k ?- ;. IC AB1D1 ;I DEE;N. |Quartern Loaf _ ls -d Ve * _ _ '4 80 O; Oile:11, per pek 150t 13d It u-k - - . ' srlsy Eitto - - lId 1 'd 1lt0er- - 1-;; P)1(:!tuc, - - I 3d 14 Egg;s, per doznI - 14 ! *Ialt - - '100 -10 Cheese, psr Sawi (c Ss at O 1 0cts, h'-r bblL - - 2tUs 01 s '1olo - - - I 3s jEoar 2 5- - - 25 30 Hil _ . 1 .met; per lb. - - 81 8l 1Lt:iv ...


... M A R4 1t gf S. XDINiURGU-MARCt 3. ed. rd. d.d. s.d. Beef, perlib. 0 7 a 0 9 Potatoes ?? 10 a O o Mutton ?? 0 9. a 0 lo Bntter, per lhb i, 6 a o V Veal .. 0 12 a 0 14 Eggs, per riozo 10 a o 0 Porit.; .. 0 8 a 0' 9 Tallawprst.i4 6 a 16 '0 I.;amib,' prqr.J2 0 a 15 0 Hides perst. S 0 a 19' 0 Quartern Loaf ?? ; ()11 Calfekinsprlb.o lo a i O . ?? . Meal-marlet, TuesIday. . Oatreal,400.bolls,atL. d. ...

Published: Thursday 03 March 1814
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 631 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... LoNDORN MAR ETS-W'eb. ft ?? whole sale iof the wee's amoun he 0toTdR.-The -whole sales -of the wee's amount to 57SO bags to opeculators.-Pernambucco659Q, at 9s. Od. to S6. Id.- Maranham 570, at 2s. 1,04. to 2s. 11d.-hia, 30o, at 2s. lod. SUrAR-British Plantation continues very languid. In Foreign a sale took place of of 250 ?? Clayed at 156s. ad. to z59s. Sd.-ln Refined little doing, at a ...

Published: Monday 07 March 1814
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 522 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... UIBTI ZMP4O AND EXPORTS. ?? ._ , ; , . oXPORTS. Ie Atsterdam-ISS tierces 229 barrels, contaiining 150. L. 6. W ?? J. Tbonnso{;tibson, and C6._.121 ais128Bbundles, contabnin$ 8000 pairi. Woollen stockings, by Corbett,' Borth wick, and Co -5 chests, containing 1706 bs indigo, by A. and J. U'Dowal antd Co.-1 crate, containing 3 cwt. earthell- ware, by G. Davidsoni per the Jonge Fredelick. ...

Published: Monday 07 March 1814
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 947 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... A) Vl 'V .T Quartern loaf Oatmeal, pec peckk BIlvkv (C1tto - - I'otatoes, - - Oats, per itslt- - Bfear - - - Ie pr lb. - - iMwuttouk _ - - Oatm cal . is irele ditto( l .1olatotu 0 ;;:!r . i.. O Veal a0 Oatmel ..s Barlev dhitto I Potatoes,.. I Bc~el' ir ?''Ib-O, M.aI ,,) ., .. o Veal,fid .a 0 f S C i a 8 C .5ll r I o Il) a ! a 8 a 9 a ABE1 ...


... &C. . -- -A . Clover, Red, per 'Pp 4, a 16s ?? .trr -- I'd' 18s a '4S Clover, White ?? 95s a 1l6s s r>reen, d o14 a ;os Dt. Foreign, Red.. 66s a ?? i~irJ J1Dite* 1, a 13; Do. Do. White 92s a ISOs 'is a 112S Itrefoil ?? , °4s a 3,5 -s Carraway ?? 5Os a 60 ?? I °- _ba -s Coriander .. . 2Os a 24s ...

Published: Thursday 10 March 1814
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 77 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... zE~mTH IMPruATS ANDv- -EXPO-S. EI7ry, from Oporto, with S pipes red wine, for William and Thomasi Hunter.-SO ditto ditto, far William and Yames Ainlhe.-44 pipe, and 6 hogsheads ditto ditto, for William Hall snd Co.-3 pipca ditto, for Alexsanider Napier.-2 ditto ditto, for Daniel MIEwan-2 pipes ditto, for C. Robertson.- 2p pi`es ditto, for l)onald M5laine.-4 pipes ditto, for H. and R. Evans.-2 ...

Published: Thursday 10 March 1814
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 1034 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... IBtH IVPOBTB: XND IXPOR2S. * RXIORthoi , Ca 3hitmxts.-S seroons 4 chests, containing 02 lbs. indigoj-bes '44 boxes, contanlog '51.3S; 1. ciajed sugar, 99 bars, cntaina t injg 7. 10. 0. 7. lead1 46 t4eres, containiog ,20. p. 19. erifee 4, by Melvillc Balfour.-153 bar, contining 10. 1.0.S. lead, by > ch Spence, Brodie, & Co.-19 pun tops, 'cehtaining 2119 gal- the Ions rum,.by A. and J. M'DowaI ...

Published: Monday 14 March 1814
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 550 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... STOCK EXCffINGE. - Monday afterinoon, agreeable tp ihe. adiournment tV Saturday, there was a very fp 1, attend nce of the t~4nbers, to take into consideration what' steps should be pulsued on the settling of Omniurp; which takes| uliice to-day. '5Xr Hancock, who had been appointed Chairman, bpktned the btsiness, anod pointed out OlFe necessity the3e was for giving the subject a fur, 44did, and ...

Published: Saturday 19 March 1814
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 1070 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... £-ZTR IFPORAs AND scPOnT.5 . NonsuchIM PORTS. 7 Nonsuc's, from Dublin, with 0o tiercrs beef,' 60 c's b ter, or Adani White ait;I Co -41 tiarces leef, f,)r John Fgggo. -30 tierces 'beef. fiJ casks butter, for Robert More-20 hapgi rags, I jauntint cr. rind I box higzare, for Arcbd. Young.- 240 bags rags, for C. Pi iven.-4 H.les hides, for Robe: t Ioy. -1 box cork qerewa, tar Frsiicis Marshall ...

Published: Monday 21 March 1814
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 907 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... - IEitH MARK TS-MARCU I9. OF FLAt or HirMPathere haire been norsales, and pfce3 re- main, nomiinally, as last week.-.Sowing Linseed is still in da-r mand. English at l..7 IOs.f per quatter. Some hundred har relt Riga ve betiisold at 1,6per bas~el and small, lots of E Dutch at LWl i sa. tO Lii- per hhd.; TALi ?? Candle isiselling at }6lfs. and Siberian at I lSs. , , , - , Asttis.-No'business ...

Published: Monday 21 March 1814
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 432 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... L212LITHMPORtS AND EXPORTS. e .- _IlMPORTS. d Joseph and Son, from. Londonderry, with 23 bags flax, for -rn Jaes Wisiiart.-16 bags' flax, for Robert Mre.-82 bales flax, and I bale 4 trusses lifien yarn, to order. , ?? n Rotterdsm.-151 barrels, containing ro. o. 3. 4. lead, by il Spence, Brodie, and Co.-S0 hhds. containing 234. 0. 5. re. finedtsugar, 38 tierces, S barrels, 2 bags, containing ...

Published: Thursday 24 March 1814
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 1007 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce