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... UCOii 'OF U'NC,;],N1'ER E' PAlRTE ST311LiE, I. Nt'. TH .1NIiCPUPTCY OF 131l.iiS.M. Thig 11a1 s Dan ?? 'for blavinn the ?? superseded, or the Ba h lihilt's certiicate sttayedI alitd the A.ssignees renmoed, on tile ground thiat a. iqliiber tof debts had beei allowed to bc'proved IJ'y friend.ii and reiatives of the Bankrnpt, tsylo were not in realisf Cie- ditowrs, but who bad prvovl lnvrely fir ...


... ILA!V INTELLIGENCE. COURT' OF CHIANCERY,., MA' 23. ex-Palute F.Dr urr, IN TUS LUNACC OF EDR0DG2nm . I1n this ease, wilich1 wvas a Petition on the part of -Mrs. Lloyd Frleridge, formerly Misi Laughiortt, to have the Mlaster's lNe- port, approving (tt her as o00 lof the Committe- of the pers. n of the lunatic confirmned ; that Mr. Thorilas i-Iluaes Edridge should, out of the baiance of tie rents ...


... OLD BA-]I is Y. Yesterday TUtIaTa S JUN , aSia.C oat, 'Yas ticit on an i ,i- diitaoleat VII'rrgIgIg hi tlli it! 'thlilg a qualltity of 1ni l o coil - taied in a box fronm the C01-tor MTiii, anId thereby d Iofrautitg I Mc;srs. I ardinig alI ( o. ent a t uvoeth Thc llowi lliri is a brriel' hitu ry of thle transa.tioll, PS stated by the Counsel for tite protoecrition :-The Il t es lot w vere ueri ...


... LA . .lC . COUiRT F' IING'S nFNC1-I, GUUAI-IALLS, MAv 20.. . . 'rie lN0 V. KlNG AND OPWrltRstd . wans arl indlitment charging the Defendam's, Mr. JAhn Kiing, i lhi. Sfeanor Alurphy, anid lour othefs, *ith a miliscle- memna-soir, in breaking ani- er)terhig tihe d-velling-house of John Aske~w, an thc zath cay of July, irni; but, when tbe case wias called On, there hleinrg n appearance onl the ...


... :L AW= i s -OURTIOr ?? ?? Ow't mr CHRISTIAN RELIGON. 0in Tbuiday, Duiesl Ifaac Eton havinfg ered4 , ?? 1jri Ayfles~iulL. a~ledre'd in Clt to, receive sfeterce for ha nz jot> t eaa i'ih3abi ok'6,tlte3 ce %Iirmr, ,r the L~ife~of 'Cf/ist9- 4iich was d&seribed in at fbfiirltioo us beinJ n ?? priffane libel obhtk Ih ristinn frl affidavit wstt o4es#> oi 11Th 1Ji~Ceispnit deploratle. serte ...

Law Intelligence

... ,tr Av BEclignCe. ?? BENHMAY 12. WRITINGS, N 5p;Tl InR' v pznaiel Jseac Eatot. L *llC Gc~eeral prayed the Judgment of C fito~rO0Y this Defendant, on an infornma- A eoiCS~ ibel itmel, a pulalication cd Srt j~us :ibe banto be a life of Our ed f:~lr. at as about to he read, when P k, dicttlteat rfered it tbe hope of supersed- I e redint in Court any ac- pr .c$its; e apublicaition. Thue Defend- ...


... . LA'w IVI'¢LL GBNCE;. coTult'1 OF lUNGNS BF.NCi'I, M.av 'aR..' POWER V. 'A iLtER. . . CoryintIuT,-2r. H-oracie Twis stotti, thit this weas an ac'c tion to recover tlqnxes for piritir n sev ns, the o0e eallied ' Ply not yet,' an4 thle tithii callod I 3leso B5vvr. 'Ihe songs were written and .asdalitud to 'lI Irish meides' 'hy 'I bomes itlMore, Esq. .fhs', ieere 'rliginollsy prnblisht't anitrg ...


... COURT OF CiX(ANCEI'Y, 2llAY . EXPAaTrr WArSoN IN TisE kAi'rersa OF WAViTSON,', A.ND CO. . This was an application mi the Dart of the children of tlie deceased Thomnas W\'right Watson, for liberty to prove a debt of 17,o0o'utadur a *' ommission awardd againit rh,-ir rnrihcr, and two Gentlemen of the na nie of Nelson, the qswwci~isit part-. -ners of their father, with whom the mother ...


... THZE TRIAL Of M,1CAJOR GO-RIhOY, of tie Secrmnd Dr.goon Guards, on a chirge'of murer. e Fxtrearetaro;ng time Jortizsh i r f ( 1a e Ieh of. fih, i. 1 On ?? tile 4tlh instant, at the General Sessions of a IIle Peace, ?? for the town and Port of S oidwicn, and it h liberties, before Richard lEmoerson, jun. ?? or Wil h liam Ftdler Boteler, Esq. Recorder, and a Dl nch of Magi- srates, a hill of ...


... COIT rf, COJIMONPLrFS1, M(ay 14. The lo1fi depending arid ihuporit Qitorc InIedit cause, resj.ecting the Advrows6n of Dradwecl, iii Essex, came of] to lie argtud o a il Deainrr, it) which tble lev. Sir 1i. 11. ndilev is the actual P'laintilfl ao ?? lev, Ge&argv ?? b)efendant. Alr Serjeant Best reatl the pleadings, which were of grelit length, and from which it appeared that tlhe late si i ,op ...


... FROfIUCIAL ITELLIGEACE. CHESTER LENT ASSIZES. pETR:1 ATHUE, V). BAILEY AND OTEtERS. Tbia was an action for false ?? and natlicinus pre. iecUtion, in chairging kii1l with a ?? felony, for whiik lie was senittn Chester Castle, and confined there four months Ml. CROss stated the eare. The plaintiff, withJamlesGdi- hon, both nephewilto thle defendant (Bailey), were at the la,t Aeizes fur the ...


... .:s - -A LAW ISS COURT OFI KING i'S BIn LI :Monday,)jay 2.a . - - R Ex V. E It s WA a NNQ. - Ti'e A~tonni &2N~ltlx15 pnt:ed thel judgment of he ,Coach t aitntliiTs. A TfDN pat nil'ered It by. drivfat, foa nu jisalti ji01l4 hit R t- v. -ep h Frr uhen Ti It ;,eaTeih ht ire pirfies Wcre 1trexlt rs lif the Ginii Yrniti tky liar bimur Ciimpanyit. tuid that thie salit .asIs cjljuctitdi at osiC of ...