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Advertisements & Notices

... to~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ %I c li l0t tN1~ P~ T I.L 7 c c:c't rct''rn his cfcijc~ll c' c c ' Alhcrz':,'t ro:''l n~ lia izo to iuclicrc I -A ! !vCARAVttAN ivill, icc1;lcct svt o ironi hcc' *.'c strc. C'-c ~c, ccvecc Tukstccy, T'Ii,,, ccv, ccu '' 1 ~ Oe, th'e -c~.cctung- andc revtrti~ . fcorc uiu itecO e O 5 -,,;I d'i ard Fr1v- cr . It* c acnod Pw zceis 4rar-Cfilcy cat-Qodt cc to. TRU'c BLUE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... COURTS.4 _.H ZGeetefal Courts Baron of CHARLES D'(N'LTNY Esq. fir his Malo of Overbilry Ha11, and ll et,`r jey, Hall wil be )tld oil Tuesdav tile 6tlh dlay of tl 4*1141 July, at the places and tiimes following *for s *tt'ry, HtHll,'at tbq Cleyrree mU, Lay ham, at - -leven o'clock. !tbea~rbulyvHcallt uthe Qten's Head Ian, Layham, OfwIlichl all petSQIis coiscerset are desired to take notice. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IIARCUL'RT ARM0S INN, NINE.HAM COUR'T'NEY, Oxe,~. WEB WlI B313 respectfiuly inforins bis filieinids and A 'a tite Vublic t hat le IIns fitted IIP t11e said lna wit ever Vecent and comtnfortalb Ic ammlt tIOdatiOI fo)r their receitiotn and has 1;id in a Stock of tiet test WVitlHC aln Liqe or,; and further infornm tsbheat, that tile StAictest attention will be pail to their ?? u- dtitoll, aid t ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Couintie.r q/. Orfnrd and Burics. VALUTABLIE arid IMPROVABILE HSTATS. rR0 OUSOLp BYPIVATE CON lRA CT,- JIL THRltEE verycompact ES'TIATES, crirtaiiniig i ?? %iholre near 600 Acres of excecdirg good Araule, Meadow, aitld Palste cc Lanld, w t h c,,nverrient'iixorii stmnds and orit-buildirugs, ini good-repair and an extelsie , Right of Coroaon nond Fisher y alnlpendartIt. Two vof thc Estates arle ...

Advertisements & Notices

... STOLEN OR STRAYED, . .4 From LEITIS WALK. on Monday the 11th current,'T A{ WtF ITE POIN I'ER BITCH, with two circulardark A wbrown spots on her back, brown ears, aud iylarge brown spot on her off shoulder. Whoever will return her, or give such information that she may be recovered, will be handsomely regarded; and if found in any person's possession after this notice, they will be pro % outed. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -: 'nql~l lV-inilv. or l~i. 'IT ~) i'~ a Ilarige FaitlY, pA h dc o KrC E A T b - g~¶iin ia veil!. lise verio n'jAi i~o tmAwn or coltintry. und c; vemlei tinotl rhlvara~i~tr eriom her 4as -Thee *l'cTi she 1tac justleft.c-Ali el~~~ nit in '-dto .1 'C. \o. IS~ St. iN-_stree't,,S Sho-sqtiare i.t\i illyo tlutnis~ 'to. - 10,r)c~-.Kor JUNIOR l rRX in a~cfo 4L 1-it l r'3I'r' ei'-i', a o'unti'4, i !Tou ...

Advertisements & Notices

... July; 9, 1814i CHELSEA` IIOS'PITAL Thetie are, b~y Ordcr \.~o theiti'latVieso~aa~e he ord ndOthers, Cormnl-cs sioucerfoir man kco, elhe Aff sir,'if hI st siy's Royal HosRivital at Chelqea, t is' gie Ntyi all Oubesinr elongsne, to the taid lb Jfet m4 n zl~ntn, ,or. within hEli .!iiti2~l Of the 13iiil 4 o 'tols . atec~ iArcd to appcar, perzsonall1Y and re-~ Aimetall vet~s h.'ffsaii lioia ...

Advertisements & Notices

... COMP-TITION OF PIPER, &C. EANNUAl. COMPETITION for PRIZFS, to be give -by the HIGHI.AND SOCIE'l'Y of LONDON, t ;e ?? on the GREAT HIGHLAND piPE, is to be held at Edinburgh. or Wedntesday the i ra of Augusr next, (being the second day of Leiti. Races) presence of 3 Comomittee of Judges and Directors appointed th1e P.IG5LAND SOCiETY cf'ScoorLAND. J tie Itors ?? be in Edinburgh on or before ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC THAN1KSG1VING. a Al/ Tbngdeterinjted there shall be no ?? 11lhnminitir'n I ~thehapy vet of Peace,'the LORD PROVOST' R beg t6 suggest to~their Fellow Citizens theprprltfof e~rfy.gtheir Igratitude upon this.Git EAT ~rattby ettslig ecba sum~ in a Subscription, for Cha.- ritblepursss a eahwioild hiivt' gladly laid out in deco. ~w'tssi dwlligs y, asn Illumnitation. sahsc~P~~w1 bereceived by ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EDINRURCi'si RAcES. 4'71 p;. crafT cf ~/t Liord Pr--vaif, li'Ds~ratat, end ctivlt of the Vativ eF Ldie:/:,asrk. 0l e run for over tihe SANDS of 1,EITH, on TITFS. ~ DA th 2ddayof ugut 14, he CIIY of FDIN. ?? s PUIRSE ci FIFT1YE POUNhS, by any horse,n are, oreldirg, that has never won a putse or piate of that value (iheaterts purses cr plates excepted), carrying 3 I stone, the best sf rhree four ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ItS. FIELI) respectf u lv intiforis her iiL friends, tier SCHOOL vill re-open. on the 25th instant. llfu!y ell House Boarding Scsool, July 8,1814. _ IJ RS, BULLUY iegs leave to infoirin Jen -1I friends, that ber SCHOOL will re-comuience, after the present vacatioti, on Moniday the 25th inst. COMMERCIAL and LITERARY ACADEMY, fi tsc Flinevard, IBA.INGD ON, Berks. I it. CUtIiS r espectfilly ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NWPHILO0SOPHICAL JOURNAL. j/ fly, TILLlAA BIEACKWOOD-PrtcCs (a d- INo. XIX. fli h , 'rt Nuimber of ?? Fourth Volssnr-, of ANN ' 1- P4ILOSOPHNy; ji~f C- 'is~V Ninsrulogy Mechanics, Natural His-' slAordi't'rJrt' eecd tbe Arts. J1D.FIZq . tt't, the F.rat 'I breh ?? G.dl ei Dy WK LLIAME BLACK WOOD. South rde Price 7e. r2, lit boards, AN ESA~YnnGENiUS ; or. the PT-L - AN' SOPHY of LI'TERA'EURE. t ...