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London, England

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... L, - ? , , , i,. 31-11,p ivl:*? The Sir .rdward Pelfew, Kelly, from Q,-!lec to Grectinck. was takcn.tthe rth insr. a(out 2jdegrees tw rh.- WVvtr i Tory, b1the Peacoci An~erican sloop of var,vlhicl plund. rd yr arl I suf'erad her to proceei* she arrived in tIm Clyde the loits inslant. .lhe Peicoekeatured and suik, the dy bef re, td* William, White ay, frozn Sr. Andrew's, t;. B. to Green ck, ...

Published: Wednesday 24 August 1814
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1472 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... SEITP VEIVS. FALMou1 N, AuG. a--Yesterday arrived the Swedish ship Matrunon, from Mo Jatniero, and waits for orders. Sailed the Pigmy cu:ter for Plymouth. -YLYMOUTII, Aur; 13.-The Mary and 'Matilda, of this port, Quilion, Master, took in a cargo of wine at Teneriffe, for Lon- don, on the 29th June. She was captured by the Sabine Ame- rican privateer, who atterwards captured the Avon, of ...

Published: Tuesday 16 August 1814
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 2117 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... SHIP NEWMS. ed en POsTSM.orr-is, Aue;. 2P.-No arrivals to-dly.-Caame into harbour Wis Majesty's ship Bone.-Sailed his Aibesty's ships Cemtaur, Alceite. Growler, and Nistletoe, for Plymousth. T!:e outwtrd-bouni still remaist in St. Helen's Roads. DEASL, AuiC. 2g.-Sailed the Redpole sloop of war, Nvitht1'I t Duke of Pichniond and fadily for )stend.-Also sailed a di- o vision of transports f6ir ...

Published: Wednesday 31 August 1814
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1184 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... The IndeFatigable, Birookirin, has arriied at Lilernonl, from Dantzic: was bmirdedl 5h instant, off St. Kila, bj the Pes- cock American sioop of war, who put en board her some prl. sonors belonging to six vessels she had taken. PoR-Ms-nsourn, AuG. 16.-Arrived the Eolus trnop-ship. Captain Creighton. from Qunhec; salled. on the Zad ult. and from the 1irardy 'octn three werIks since in companIy ...

Published: Thursday 18 August 1814
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 877 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... 5 HIIP NEoVS PLY MOUTrLI, Au G. t7.-Airrivcd the I' et, Cotton, from C.)rkc. bri Sailed the Bacehens sloe? of war with a fleet for Corik. Opossonsi ha( in sloop of war witit a fleet fsot loUrdutaux. Eridantus, Eurotles and 1 Hlyperion frigate, on separ.3te cruises. MIT P'oiL'rseou Pts , Atin. z?,.-Arrived Ilki Maje~ty's sbitig Nel- dJc 'd son andl Bristol front the Ezutwvar I ; Pickle schooner ...

Published: Tuesday 30 August 1814
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 928 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... .EMS.4 YF'S LONDONY G4ZT'rE., - _ I At the Colnt at Caritnn41;use, tie 13th of Augr~t, 1814 Plebent, tlis Royali ihibicss the. P-ince teniw ti COuncil Aw is nfdered by his Rayal Highness t:e P inle Regent in Con-nciI, in the namne and on the bethaf it his MaiiJcS! tint the Piathiamrt3Pl vhich vtands 1ttofogued to Sara, day ?? 27iii dau trfhis irarnai Augnsti, b ful~her prorogurd to Tae,,day ...

Published: Sunday 21 August 1814
Newspaper: The Examiner
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 411 | Page: Page 7, 8 | Tags: Commerce 


... SNIP 'Pie ~n~O twter, rtri.h Irowflti ro'hiiic'ii t-' I~v~i 1w'.c an xA neirican sshcotwsr privateer em the lat±h inst. O 'p, letilit' it. AI. r-f 2taltilnore. and set 'lirt: to;_Ahq WV0 If i soefishing bsoats ariui towold into a cre~el near ,LhITS 'noltj 'hit burtled down lb the waftr'a edge, Itis statedl titl ly 1' privateer hles taliit and 'befed seveial vessels Vea55 q1~'111T'OL. Alumn ...

Published: Saturday 20 August 1814
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1718 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... SHIP NEWVS PoRTSaMoUrT, A t:r. lt.-Art ir wemr'l vesqrli frrm tli 1)oerls tilC in l srl l- ' ..f sv:r t'rom hI- West Indie.--l:it fronm the Brri tol (2hanial; iii-letou scitooner from N. Y:.r- mnto,,t Sallet the Sprig1t lycutter for Weymtouth; anl Batnttrer sloep nf viar ol a cruiv. A fiect is coming in from the Wtestward, presui.iel to lie front Qitchec. I'l.vM it Vt!T. A nn. n -S 49led the ...

Published: Tuesday 23 August 1814
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 813 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... S/lIP N'LJVS .LivatioaL, AiG. 24.'e-Arrved the Argus, Purchasg. an:? Dragon, 11 irvey, frona B1 rmrnda; the v saik led 0 tLe 24'5 July, in company with fiveor six other v2siels for l.sndclo, &c. asd parted fr.ns them on the tgth instant, in lat. 46, long. T6.. 'Tle fleet from Botrmeaux, under convoy or the Royal Oal won of war,irrivei it alerauda th -day t'ey sailed, and were tosail 'or their ...

Published: Saturday 27 August 1814
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 838 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... B' .B.4UPT SYSTE-5L., MRn EXAnTtveFni-YOu wi'i be pleased to acept rmy ae.-, knowledg-nents for yourvbliging insertion of mly Petition. tip the House sf tornuiros. iln yvapor PF1uer. Breingsow! pretty fully aware (if, I PreFsIume LynU WiilI ealily; conceive that it:ulst affird c(rnsoling reliefto mny nind-ititr have the public acquainted wsilh ray exertions, in a per-. fect ...

Published: Sunday 28 August 1814
Newspaper: The Examiner
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 609 | Page: Page 14 | Tags: Commerce 


... I SHIP NEIVS. I rlteLt,rr NelIoln, of 13lfast, from 11 jTieiro, to the Ila- vanlilh, Vw.a tikpn and burnt, 6th 1l2ay, by (lic Ul;tr, A nivri- carl privateer. whiclh arrivtsd at Flairhaven isi July Irons a cru.tQ af several titoeths Tlhe Crowvn l'rtnce~ sider Snwe1i-h colourc, fronl Berrnud. the Alert, front CLuruUnl the lFrictl 'klii, iro St. I hotn .; the ;Marj Atin, from l roiauda; tle M ...

Published: Monday 15 August 1814
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1287 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce