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London, London, England

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... REPORT O.VN 71 !r-I COL/NU zy' e __ The Lords Committeens anijuirited to inqtire into it 1sube)t of the CoIn Laws and the La,, refrtivef ltiver hi4 (it is already known) agreed to a Relport, 1 ., cloughnot final, shlows the aliity and inchi ltion 0e the Committee to investigute in thle fillluet m arlr.l. tid ! important subjedf. The evidence annexed t Lr,, ], port, contains a body of the most ...

Published: Monday 15 August 1814
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Commerce | Words: 3363 | Page: Page 2, 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... SAP URDAY''S liON GLONDO'N E BNKi- RTUPTS. . H. Bradley, Bury-courf, S!. Ala!y-Axe, merckant, AtforA frey, Afir. PrlasIfore, XVWarfoIrd-coart, Thrf gtuirtton-streer. J. irvett, New Kznt-roadd, buildnr. Attortey; Mr. Hautton, Ueannstieet,iSa: linnrh -k. W. Aliron, 7ieybridge HalI) sself; farmer. Attorney, Mr. Stevern, Hfatontr-guIrdert.- W a:tn T, 7. iu rsr, P otsea, crtnr!actorq. Attorney, Mr. ...

Published: Sunday 07 August 1814
Newspaper: The Examiner
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 199 | Page: Page 5, 6 | Tags: Commerce 


... *li2LP NEWS. 'The l'eac.hack, Amoricafi sloop of w~r, wast cr~xsiaqon the~. Ithe 30th llt. ahcout 6oven lealcueg S. S. W. of WVaterrord TOwer. 'oRT31MOU-T-t, A cr 4-Arrived his 'Majenty's islitlp 1 Dac c frooi, the .).,% ni: canie into harh'oer his Majesr V'% shj~ip Pem-r bm'k- en.! Ci..' .-cie Sailed tile Stirlfing Casit, S-n f)oliintift, itl& .frol i1 t5 or O'vinouth. TVhe following rlapl ...

Published: Saturday 06 August 1814
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Commerce | Words: 1844 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... SHIiP viJrs. Tile LTr. u.AND Fr.ztT. se Lancaster, i~enhibft, | i sie of the ahrrVe flel, parted fro-m them by aigffal frOn the t Contmnodore, sr late as Saturday lat, and hae aince arrfeid at Liverpinol ; by this it would appear that the odv 0 ot tbr ft. t were with the King's ships, and cdeffft now he Iar from the t Channel. The Madeira, Roberts, was Captured on the 7th Jte. hv the t ...

Published: Saturday 13 August 1814
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Commerce | Words: 723 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... SHIP NE, IFS. We had yesterday an account of sirc ail mn-e of the rsewvrA !sland hee' havieg a)rived at the outports; l tit the convoy ha I noc tet been heard of, though they must he very near, ni ti(e St. Vincenti and the Severn, two of the fleet arrived at Bristol, parted company on the 4thl instant. 'T'he convoy, it is known, experienced tremendous weather. 'T'he Charles, frcm Gutda- loupe, ...

Published: Friday 12 August 1814
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Commerce | Words: 608 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... sATLsrDA1FFLONDON G rZ~TDE. -a-- This Gazette r tese a letter from ibe Atd ?? of the Force. in BerngI, detailinI the successfiat result of apgllant :od well-planised atttais'r on Oe Ghtrree of wtosouree. It was taken by storming the breach add, the gateway. The troops otnbd forward qdtridaniedl', and, after as severe -conflict, crn,,sed the. deep 3dic,. wh;ich was stockaded by' hahool iries. ...

Published: Sunday 14 August 1814
Newspaper: The Examiner
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 389 | Page: Page 6 | Tags: Commerce 


... ~)xVM1ENIDs. - - - Sept. 21. J. l3eswick, of Stockport, grocer-Sept. a; I). toileou. of Kingston-upon Hfll, werchart-SePt. Z7. J WI- nIhms. of Oxford-street, draper-Sept. 19. S. Temple, of .. - rovw, .lhtrhlni, ship-huilderSer t. 20. J. Neal, of Worcester, itt-.holder-Nov. sa. 1'T. Strafford, of Holborn hill, hiller- &dsher-Oe a. .R. Sourhall, S. Southall and B. Snuol III, of 11idley, nail ...

Published: Tuesday 30 August 1814
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Commerce | Words: 791 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... SfHIP A'EWVS. CATILURKS BY I'IIE A-MXRlJlWA SLOOP OF WAR * Pt~~~~~IiiIcOcK. Livritrvoo,-, Almt. Z.--T'he Vent's, liennely, from Hour- dleal, !iund to the Ci'y.le, was taken on Thiirsidy last, at 1i *at nighit. let-vven irkl and WVaterford, about ten leagees from the aoihy the l'eacock American slooyp of war, of io glins, xg-pniiilera, anti two long sS puilltders. and: i4 men. She had alto t ...

Published: Friday 05 August 1814
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Commerce | Words: 750 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... SlzP NEW'S. PtEa I, Amc. p-Lalit evening the Duke of Weilington ar- rivel lfhcre rom Dover, where tile Griffoia sloop of :: t . C.p- t.-hl I lewsn, was waiting tn receive him oil boarL. I liis Gracc was received by all ranks %with every dcimionstratiell (Sf joy and rsres dt. 'Ihe wind blowing very fresh fronm the W. S. WV. pre- VeWi I. him from emnbtarking at Dover, or!lieqn tsI the (,ri- f ...

Published: Thursday 11 August 1814
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Commerce | Words: 1093 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... SHItP NEV1W,s The folloving is an ettradl of a lesttr fro.m Crookhaven, b .xceive' ol nS-tur.'av, d red Au lnt 13, 1t14:- p A V 'v 'N, A uet I t3- lill C'pr Iin Crron -nrt I CrnOf tbie s' tO CLororncl.l. with Captain Steuart, of the Mairait e irriy landed here I to lest niglt, out of a pilot-a -it, o b hare! t' f w.hii Il they xvere mit y.sterdly bY the Yorsk scltn'er nrivA e teet of flostoll, ...

Published: Monday 22 August 1814
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Commerce | Words: 1066 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... TUESD.Y'S LWsVPViV GAZETTE. | This Gazette contains Dispatches from Sir G. Prevoet, dated Monltieal, .July 1). Sir Ge(lrge enrlales a Reptort fromn Mu- jor. Gen. Riall, which gices an account of the landing of the enemy between Chippawas and Fort Erie, on the 3d of July, and of an unsuccessful atiack made upon hia on rhe 5th. It was made with the greatest gallantry, uunder a most de structive ...

Published: Sunday 14 August 1814
Newspaper: The Examiner
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 427 | Page: Page 5, 6 | Tags: Commerce 


... SY17-P mhmli?, '*,td8'laXr.'eCilix* th fti't4ilir nit ~ l'r Xi-c-~er. froe .e 'Ai' veavd. . 'tens'Up l'upirbnn, 'tin ' *i'hfr tie 1 I' 1 Pa 3' :-l' 8loyatl4aivereitgn, rof7 lb Fmq tld rie iMO'Viave, 0. MO 'inS. Xrori'vedt 't, >.i. ria 'rmi'-ait',e ' ' 'tain H cmti, trnir ' llo n rkalxrr. -i tlrg f'rir(t 11! | flte er )'fwaird APakerbharr w~ir fT01-ert '!'Tllffrav.' l1ar *h11 i glz part ...

Published: Thursday 04 August 1814
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Commerce | Words: 1127 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce