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... I1;K IAJI2I. ZIG.EIT. CW;L`.i OF CHlAMrPfiT, SATURDAwY, N i.:e, Fltn 1.04D CHArt i I [,OR ;aul this %v:; a F£ fi C by) V'.riintill rgpti'rt tht KKVCUfCsr9 (If the Inre Mr. C . I rtin--r anCCn,It (if ithe prrrflI' of the 1( TiCe of Dctst' Il7lt it! it ralt 0or gt-t Rt'itd tirhat '1 ic t~tlefi t Ue Iliirtiff an'l Mr. (Cichett. tie Ill 'mit ,I 'II ir t nC lII, it yv~ari, hevio enitil ed toa ni ...


... OLD BdILEY. W'ILlIAM .JDNIS Was indklcted for burglariously breaking and entering the dwelliag-110nse of Frederkck l7hbler, and steal- in-, therein a desk, vwriou& articles of weraring apparel, &cc. It appeired that Illr. ifisher lived In Nelsoonplace, ljtywroad. On the 9th of Julie he went to bed about twelve o'clock at night, and on the enisuing morning, at seven, he was informed by hit ...


... L.1W I'LlLGEATCE. COLURT OtF CtIA.NCitiYtY, N ve!as'u. 4n - r 7LonttecxI Vr. tiOtA.F. Si' S t Rt. O MOatILLY moved, co the part of tide PJdntiiiTfs il this'caae, who are the 'trustees for the lei',sL- liders of the. houses situafed near Teniple Bar and at !, Snow.%.hill, which formed'thc subjeftrof the three City P Lotteries, that the Defendants, who were the proprie- tors of those honscs, ...


... LA IViitIAI Tihe ATTOII HrT-V0% taL . ised for the jusdgmnent of the Courtn tsph 9efilaye s U )M i or~ L~Xelse s. Who hsad l'E~s tried h~rfnse Mr.tnsi!Zstti N)alas, at the late. Ansizes Ifii' the rnuntv of Staffnid, issl found gtui y undter an nipdi~tiachtl tihargilig him with teeelvinq fromt Sarz~ t~ianimond, a VIIthuafler und brewer, residing witinsu the dlgriel; vIsii~eby the Dlefend. no ...


... L A 1 IN TELL IG 2VCE. 1f101ZDA, Nov9AZ 1. 1ttS1B4. Tis being tde first day of Michaelmas Term, trie JTudges waited upon the LOrd Chiancellor, as usul, and from his Lordship's house proceeded in state to their respedive Courts. . cotllrr tlF CIl.ANCFRY., THrE ATTOxRtNE GUNEflAL Ok TIE PRINCZ 0t WALLS V. STEVEN.S Sir AnTutIn PIGOTT stated, that in this case a bill had been filed for ...


... --: = - 1 -: - - . : : - LITVZ[ AYllll;'':. CoUI'r oF KIN;'S l;E.'F' N'ov 19, 28-14. C:AI.L22a V . I2', .lU ; I'. Lord Vi..r.N I rv lO hit III 0 ik c1,1e e ; icr,'I th, r!d, tro Ie fe- fuel, ,. M 1i;I.Ir-l lu 1 ):{ w~lrve !, 0. uat I.: itl .U I. Lit(ti Ih !. i NCL ha ,ecul nttenIl[lcd t') hii C0 by rbe I;.l; i:t :oI t; at.rned 202,2 !*2 'ly'..J.Ie tlIrtl 2,lr, Jr i : ; it ItAll ...


... LA. 1,V INTEL!1, IGEiNCE. COVUIII' OF CHANCERY, MoM 22. ArAM 1'. 'r'ti. RRGii r'.W s CAiAT. COMPiANY. :I'lli f'l.,odint jo thin educe mo-lve fccr ani iojutccfioc to -prevent the lleqefit's C'anal Company carrying- their csorlcs thllcigh blin c'ricccccc iccar PIancrin. uporr the gcinmnl that they were du- 'vinctg, fricm thet line deneribvid in tIn e VA iof Parliamecnt. iti'cr . ,tcit and ...


... P 0 L r (, . QVFeex-snQUAae.-l'nWARD JACXSGvIY ard JORN' HANK-e1- 5rt o , twio ito g, see~r' yVtrd.iy Csisnsirttred oni elhit- If livi stolen front Robert Cox, a else plvied potle aol I' vfi' in sg,, th' onle IM-tri't'i lg, to Inquire in the shop for ain etrasid tpy's isituation, whli t the other contrived tis purloin the vcii h. IlSvroi, G,% aumvft.-Yesterdaiy a genteel io.,iitii mats, of r. ...


... TL.4lYV INTELLrRA'AICTi C(UIAT' 01 k( INI'S BEl*NCI-l, Nov. , i~t4. M; r. lie jclrint lf.rN s pihit!al .h C j 'it' M Vt of Itite Cntoma I tan ipefendalat illtha cre v.1' hll rait co j .fa nt ti~e l. 14-vonthii-o Aasi ir.,of tlhacrfinLt of wilful a ad earratt P'-rjaa'. %v'th the view of cWI 'itlii ('rell' aare,,ara by Itita o tt IIllailL Tnol'isubue Conmraiy. Ia pidaa t m'rt lthe ! ,hlda~ &tt ...


... POL I CE. PUsLeIC Orr reci. BO WSTE-e T.-Caprtnin CowAiN, the Corn. inarrrdsr of the Inkle West. Indiamana, huis undergore- teVeral ten- sminstionsq, ott suspicion or' the wilfusl murder of John rilufrrly, the cook of tire said ship. A fttrr ithe death 'of the decensedi, thsc Cause of iris delah was investigateil before iLorr l'orriivtrn, the Cootmandler of the steratio, when, Ofter a verv ...


... PO L ICE. (!UEn2-snIAIt.--YesterdayJZIN WALLIS, I NRT P. 7WARI, andl J.AcOB NIC VTLI' three young noen, eachi bhlIg nulder the ivre if twenty, Nerr charged on suspicion of having cnomitt-t djvcrq fel inivs. Gjillmoro an.! a'ace, officers, statol that, in co-ttieqience of in. foranuiion. they aipt-rehetded the priialirrs at :i hoitus of ill lflne, in B3-ar-street, Venstoiiuter, azn tfutndl in ...


... OLD BAILEY, On Monday, , lh Etverard waS indicted for bigamy. lie bald forterly lived i the family nf M-r. Tinson, town elerk, of Vark. After ssrae years he returned to York, andi tated thuir lhe was a gentleman by birth; that at the time he lived in the family,. he had quarrelled with his father; but that afnr. wards he resume- -his rank in life, and had h-een abroad- in aht army far many ...

Published: Sunday 06 November 1814
Newspaper: The Examiner
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 802 | Page: Page 14, 15 | Tags: Crime and Punishment