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Morning Chronicle



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Morning Chronicle


... i .; sllqip A~lr.ll~ Nuo~nc'i .9g -lis 417hltv't uhiii Pickle,' l't:I salu1I1S1 J~ t~eiv It St. 113,-kii'. 161. e viiw'l' ter eniwaly. is oundl to GuteilbsI Ctilli'lInto tarbour hi, itt' ship biLurel I'~~weVt lN¶..~2 Soied'the. Clt-.0eth. packet, tar ~'Lisboan malt tlV Privict3, sI.hrlotttu puc-litt-, har tile Wi ct 14i-.5 r- oth with miNa.,' ~ le Y r1i'ai Atituk~iud lacleel- with ...

Published: Thursday 01 December 1814
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1458 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... I' -I I Mo AIbTi Wt~c m Cvo . ' rvI i.i2 Sxi~ i ilc, li o a o l i Izri is e';lij., ft xri oy'ii% ;t thci. 1:.'-StIu~iy 1Qnlittir ix ~'L', :.tx eg:0.1.. ,c 0. 'it' ( llvo: .21 -os iOr, ul iIi ;i , , 't ttt 'I C.' oit onCtn i N wich 'C, xi tv It ci~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'pok iii' hirii,j AI i ri i i tht tOz oiep' Iyor IO-tI III L itstkl.'x' . IxI ii' 13t, l.p211r o v.x iii ,It .4 i tO % cIl ...

Published: Saturday 03 December 1814
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 501 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... S-IH A'EIVS. P hFx ff~siruflee, a.-Arrlived tir- Cyru9 and Ticicon sloops of wir, frnrn a cruise. ihe Tyne brig of war ssilcd frnt- hence on 'liuesday for thel fast S odies, whit lispatches, FALinu i, H Nov. ,a.-Lnie last evening arrived the Speedy packet, Ihlasull (arhliest), with nmails from the lirazils; left Illio jafliro i)n the 4th th6bher ; 14t at the latter place his Ma- jestyi ...

Published: Monday 05 December 1814
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1539 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... SHIP NEIV.?. Dr A, U. ]-c 4.-`ir'ieed the 11,rrsos, Fevvgnon, from flie i ng:1alItillI e Iif 1'rire 3nthlatte.onchj rowt Batavia thit~ Ca2', I.,lt ,-.ini Port-nouth t Cy'gnut .Issn of ivir, fromn PoI i siitIt'iidlh cexi or hoe f itps, pueticularsi Onti koiwnl. 'il, Riasm11'5 S riii, Dr e.4a-A rrivu~d the hior e. Quitotrnt, frotiT Qi etc ; th''-te Cmiiewd, avJfie .i Neptutne eolieen M\j -z* `Ij ...

Published: Tuesday 06 December 1814
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1614 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... i I' ANEIt'S. To, AY, z e i I -lit. :flr pnat, arrived bIver, aid aIt 0;:-.ta r.,;iaitl, e1:r7 ;-½ o !n1,, tr iw'the Wi-it Ii: ija ;,I : I n I con~e: ull' !.; -.;' . l,, ..r~; 'Ma ;1jt ply, h !it, ii S 'iz 'a r ; r vil o .'i f l i v e .r- t :l -. l ib i i . 3 1i jV t e u n s v i t, the 't v r i nf [I-I- S.out, !ti lt : iLv. . r re- 1g ti-ic iiu:ti, .-t, wv; r;, ,1 : e X) tlr rt \. -v*I ll ...

Published: Wednesday 07 December 1814
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 689 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... Sh'IP NEWS. - ls~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- PL.Y'MOUTH, DFC. .-Arrive l the Oahrs, P1s`%ltore, fronm t Petershurgh, lor rist; lAIlert, Francis, front Dublin ; Freach r rloop 1.a falset, flmn Itoscutt; Tkree Sikterc, Walton '-'ortola, Youig- RIosiiaw, lJlMckston * and lilalvon, Linsly, all Irom Sun'- I derlanad; Edward, Bnild, anaL Laard Nelson, Litton, both from jL London. Snil:.l tbe Orpheui sloop ...

Published: Thursday 08 December 1814
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 581 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... SHIP NEWM'S. The country Aisp Hannah arierved -at P'ortsmouitth tiwe Sth fl- cembeivr, saliett fronm Bombay the t9th July, attit In cotnst'luence oIf ha d weather %Vs nis aliged to pitt [techa, an.1 talleit agaein 11 .,I Auguit, in roltpany with the Willinkt,in cowitry Ship; at - rived at S~t. Helena on the uath Wallber, left thtat Iithild *n ehh MIit, and live duyi aft er partedi conmpany ...

Published: Saturday 10 December 1814
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1420 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... VORN hXICHANGP,, ','NxbAv, DEc. li, I -?r?. We had a very dtill sale this day for WVhteat, which wvas in Yreat penty., both 1nglish and Vorcirn, and there wvero very few huyIrr.' Nn orei dould be olithined for thOiferior kin-s, aind 11ie heut rre from 1s. to4s. per qnarter ceiiper.-Pease (if ench in d, anl Nk tw Be ns are alhoIIt ss. pertniar tet cheap er, and bifI d lt inIsal e.-'NIilt of ...

Published: Tuesday 13 December 1814
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 298 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... DEAL,, DEC. IS--rhe ship On the Goodwin is the Hope, of £'l~iyrotoutl, t~stteas xvisl stores; ~ls is o'sw bitiyed rn t foll of wa- ! ter; crewv saved by onze of ourblxoats. Arrivd 1 his Majesty's ship Penelope, from Ialifa-, w~ith too> Anmerican piisonra and several passengers: *;riledt eiid November wi~th the Loire frigate .aid tosail of merthotmen, atnd parsed fromn thern off Cape . Cause. ...

Published: Tuesday 13 December 1814
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1024 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... SHfP NVEWVS. PL NMoU rin, DC tT -Arrivea the Recrpit brig of war fromn tI ltrfax, 16 (I tys paqsage, with 'dispatches. I ei Rr SMOue run D.c. c i-Arrived the Ocean transport, from( 1 laci [:t fi pm wnhich port she sailcd in emilprity with nIine other transpout;, on tih 2zd 4ov. cinder charge of the loire frigate, of ,6 gun, ('apt; Brown, on hoard of which ship as Goneral I )(enpt ?charre'd ...

Published: Wednesday 14 December 1814
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 808 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... - SHI-P NWVS. PL'SICUTrI, 17rc. zz.-Arrived the T~oire frigate, from Ha lifax, having broright over General Kemirt ; Recruit, also from alAifax in sixtetn dyvs' tassne, with dfipatches - the Brins- lery, Rogers, trm Rio laniero for Londu, ;andi the Spauslb ship Joacquin from -Londoll felf flavalinall. PoH xsD5ujul, Dec. x3.-Arrived his lMajesty's shin Per- seus from Newfoundland, last from ...

Published: Thursday 15 December 1814
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1652 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... SHIP NEVWS. PLYMOuTir, DLtct. r,.-lDurillg the whole of lest nilht and t i this morning it blew a tremendous gale fromn the S. S. an.d mn S.. which occasioned the ititward ltound fleets in this har- bonir to rile very hard. About tiur thi morning the brig i'ro. in videntia, of London, Craig, master, with a valuable cargo for Cadiz, paiteti her cable ia the month of Catwater, anid went on shore ...

Published: Friday 16 December 1814
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1488 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce