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Leeds Mercury




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Leeds Mercury

LONDON GAZETTE, Saturday, Dec. 3

... LLviVDON GAZETTE, Satulrday, Dee. 3. J.1ST OF BANKRUPTS, with the Descripflons copied verbatim from the Gazette. Jamnec Smith. of CI'ow-Dent, in lhe county of Lancagtrj n acbine-makei, cotton-spnner, d. c. to cur. Dec. tg, i0, nnd Jan. 14~ at I1, nit bhe Bridgwnter Arins int, Munches. t.;r.-Att6. Duckwort, Clhippendall and Denison, Man. checter. Charlts Knowlitno, of the city of lieltol, ...

Published: Saturday 10 December 1814
Newspaper: Leeds Mercury
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 396 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 

LONDON GAZETTE, Tuesday, Dec. 20

... BANIIRUIJPTS. John Rowland, now or late of the parish of Bramshott, in the county of Sottitumpton, d. c. to sar. Jan. 18, at 2, ID, at to, and Sl. at 2, at the Anchor inn, Liphook.-Att. Greet- ham, Petersfield. T'lateus Wagstaff, of Sandy, in tieto ounty of Bedford, car- penter and joiner, d. c. to sur. Dec. 7, at s. es, at to. and Jaan'. sI at 1at the Crown inn, Bilgleswade.-Att. Chap- menan, ...

Published: Saturday 24 December 1814
Newspaper: Leeds Mercury
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 556 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 

LONDON GAZETTE, Saturday, Nov. [ill]

... LON.DO.V G.AZETTE, Saturday, Nov. 26. LIST OF BANKRULPTS, With the De iscrpians copied verbatim from the Gazette. John Fnncis C.iatt. late of the island of Saint Vincents, but .ow if Cthuallolte.stre t. Fitzron-square, itt the county nf Dliddltsex, , wrchituat, broker, d. c. to sur. Dec. s, to, Dat JSn. 7. at io-Alt. RliIkdrdsnn Clement's inn. - Ilichari tChild. late of % edon-fieck, in th ...

Published: Saturday 03 December 1814
Newspaper: Leeds Mercury
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 761 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... (by 9PREES)-LONDON, .Da c. 22. fOST 1MPORTANT N.ETVS FROM. AMERICA. This m oruing]ve ereceived-by way of Qu ebec, American paplrsl t the beginning of last mo nth, ?? Qebec papers of the 17th u lt. The for. moer are of the utmost impdrtance. They con. tain the Americnn Secretary at Wars letter to Congress, witli ex planiatory remarks, urging the neessity 6if rilgsig into the field, at the ...

Published: Saturday 24 December 1814
Newspaper: Leeds Mercury
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1065 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... (gt ExPRi13SS.) -L6NDON, DEC. 8. Tbe' enuriers between Glbent and London are constantly on the road;. One arrived here on Monday at eight o'clock in the monning, and another on Tuesday, to whose dispatches an an- swer was segt tbe same night,and a third reahll. ed town on Wednesday evening. 'TIhe sittings of the Cabinet are more frequeot than ever, auni the utmost anxiety is naturally excited ...

Published: Saturday 10 December 1814
Newspaper: Leeds Mercury
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 693 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: Commerce 

LONDON GAZETTE, Tuesday, Dec. 6

... LONDON GAZETTE, Tuesdaty, Dec. 6. AN T - IlC BANKRUPTS. Tiomnas Peale, of Little Smeat'n. in the parish of Womers. Icy, in the county of York, Weld.snerchat,,t naltrser, d. c. to sslc. Dec. eP, at 12, Qg, at 9, and Jan. 17. at 1Q, at the Wolpoick inn, Doncaster.-Ait. Heaton, Doncaster. John Rohinson,of Stockport. in thectnaty of Chester, eorn- factor, d. c. tosour. Dec. 17 42, and Jan. 1, at ...

Published: Saturday 10 December 1814
Newspaper: Leeds Mercury
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 616 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... (BV E:%PRESS.)-LONDON, DEC. 15. Wve announced yesterdlay upon authority to ,ihjth we gave credit, that it was the intention ?? t be Emiperor A 'exander to quit the Congress, jD consequence of' his viev6sbeing thwarted. It is ,(Io, stated that lie has actually quitted Vien- naI ia disust Report says, that the propovi. f noft' his surrentlering the part of Poland al- ltted to him in tile former ...

Published: Saturday 17 December 1814
Newspaper: Leeds Mercury
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 789 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 

LONDON GAZETTE, Tuesday, Nov. 29

... LONDON GAZETTE, Tuesday, Nov. 2Y. BANKRUPTS. John Adam, of the city of BLU,, in the county rif Somerset, baker, d. c. to snr. Dec 9, 10, and lan. in, at 1-2, the Fill Moon inn, llail.-Att. Wiugate, Bath. William Hetley, of Alwaftrn, in the county or HIlntingdon, miller, d. c. to sur. Dec. 16, at 4. 17, and Jan. tO. at 10, at the Angel inn, Feterborouh.-Att llaotel, Feterborututh. Ann laugher, ...

Published: Saturday 03 December 1814
Newspaper: Leeds Mercury
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 713 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 

LONDON GAZETTE, Saturday, Dec. 24

... LONi'Ol' sKZiTaT1 ttiordal, De . 24. _lIST s iF B0DANBJU TB, WVith tile De:vcrp;,!o conspled verbatim Irom Oile Gic::tt.' Vl ?? CC.tioI11, of t hicb.-61er. inr ?? ?? oc rilse;. It C C . hrl S ir'. Dec. C7, Jian. 0Io a N .II * t -o.. I . tr. 'Atirxe, i',d'llc's.haJll, it eallrlt Lot.ear. ?? h I airit, of tr'ovdon iil rice couri- cil SurreY. bitt ot-w' of Crtnltia rweli rr tire sai-e c-uny, ...

Published: Saturday 31 December 1814
Newspaper: Leeds Mercury
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 914 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 

LONDON GAZETTE, Saturday, Dec. 10

... LONDON GIZETTE, Saturday, Dec. 10. I T-T -lP TO -ItTrflf\n LIST OF BANKRUPTS, VW'ith t he Descriptlions copied verbatim from the Gazette. Jeseph iturce, of t'lifton Wood, near Bristol, prnfesaor of nusic. musncalcinstui nsernt niker. d c. tostir. Dec. 23. 24. and .1an., 21. at h, ..t the commeecial.Roomn, Bristol. -Att. Aiberfield. Miijol, Wiliatrt Wright. of Gppi ghrnm, in the cortnty of ...

Published: Saturday 17 December 1814
Newspaper: Leeds Mercury
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 690 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 

LONDON GAZETTE, Tuesday, Dec. 13

... LONDON GAZR7'7F, TItesday, Dec. IS. I BiANKRtiltTS. John Swallow. of Bix, I, tile county of Oxford, eetnmdealerI to utr. Joan. . S. Rnd 24. adrtoi, at th. Angel inn, Reading. lderklr.-AOtt. Vines. Reading. 9 Daniel Pnt, of Fentchunch street, in the city of Lnndon. hoiler, glover, e' c. (trading under thc firm of Dixon and Pitt,)'t ntc, . ODec. 17, 44, and Jan. 24, at I.--Att. Noy. Mincing ...

Published: Saturday 17 December 1814
Newspaper: Leeds Mercury
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 510 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce