... form, if bound, the works equally complete ju vol.. Octavo. 011 Saturda:„ Lext will be published, in 3 ‘ols. EMMA ; a Novel. By the AMbor of Pride and Prejudice. Printed fur Jobn Murray, Albemarle Street. LONGMAN AND CO.'s CATALOGUE, 01 BOOKS ...

Published: Sunday 10 December 1815
Newspaper: Champion (London)
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 2455 | Page: 8 | Tags: none

Advertisements & Notices

... (Yb. ~ud:r nal Cndedand its bir3 aente in th \V-lf'%re of Naijmnna, In a few days will be rublki'ildt, in . vir a itni. EMMA ;a Novel. By the Author of Paridt arid E~ ?? lortted fi'i John Murray, Alherenarle ,R. OEORGE's TREATISE on the OF. ?? 00w ...

t^f^mOA and WONDERFUL DOGS j , M- fi ?? _Sirnar GIRA_DELLI, Nafve of Venecia ■ •^JfVC^GEI) JUAN BAPTISTE. with his

... United Kiugdotn. TnE QUARTERLY K.ttVl__Ay, No. XXVt IS NOW PtfBLISHED. In a few days -will tie published, fn 3 vols. l*mo. EMMA, a Novel.— By the AUTHOR of tf Pride and Prejudice. _ -■ Printed for John Murray, Alberaarle-street. ?? -Bf__t'fflyt_C : - /- ...

Published: Wednesday 06 December 1815
Newspaper: Morning Post
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 13994 | Page: 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

fc^SEROYAL. HAYMAUKKT.-For i ■ 1 ?? I ri.A'l-IFIT of an OLD LADY, at ihe advanced ! H. t%r ur's. JIOMBEL

... 1515- Sec. G.M.C. rpilE QUARTERLY REVIEW, No. XXVI. ?? is just published. ln a few day* will be published, in S vols.lSmo. EMMA, 9 Novel,— . y the AUTHOR of ■• Pride and Prejudice. Printed for John Murray, Albemarle -street. This day is published, puce Ss ...

Published: Saturday 02 December 1815
Newspaper: Morning Post
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 15477 | Page: 4 | Tags: Classifieds 


... volume, which is the only one yet published, contains,. The Shipwreck, and is unusually replete with interest. A new novel entitled Emma by the author of Pride aiid Prejudice has just made its appear- ance ; the style in which it is written is easy ...

Published: Thursday 28 December 1815
Newspaper: Morning Post
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 116 | Page: 3 | Tags: review 

iieVer, No.” 2?.--“ 'All iot Love, all for Hoaftar.” 1?. W. - Ti'opbatlotir,'* 2s. 6«1.—“ The ileiu-tet furin ..

... L’lnvpcation, Grand Sonata for the Piaao-fortc, composed bytbe late I. LDussek, bp. 97. bt. . I /' J i __ '* 'j ' 'NOVELS 0 Tl>e Guerrilla ' By Emma Parker, Author of Virginia ; or, the Peace of Amiens, '* and Aretas.” 3, rols. II Is. ■ • *■ » • , Miseries and ...

Published: Thursday 02 February 1815
Newspaper: Globe
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 550 | Page: 4 | Tags: none

WartabOS ntdlo

... caddred upon him in every Tart of hk Duties since his is Lank. Slade( jam heat again solicits oho Alkalies that ban EMIR New and Novel AMPOMTIMIKT of LADIEW HEAD DitEMIES. GILMTLIIMEWe PERUQUER. and if Hair, on adopted as elegant A to Dream—The Ju. mane Appearance ...

Published: Monday 08 May 1815
Newspaper: Leeds Intelligencer
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 784 | Page: 1 | Tags: none


... the island, where materials and talents for novel writing have been supposed equally wanting—and yrt, the mere force and truth and vivacity of its colouring, already casting the whole tribe of ordinary novels into the shade, and taking its place rather ...


... Cowslade, Reading; Mr. Dedd, Bedford ; and also of the Booksellers of every principal Corn County the Kingdom. LOUIS UUON NOVEL. This day is published, ill 5 vots.dSmo. price 16'. 6J. boards, Maria, or the Hollanders.—By BUONAPARTE. This work will found ...

BALDWIN'S DAILY JOURNAL, forthe Year 1816, With various correct and useful Lists. This day is published, bound ..

... Rithirdson, Royal Exchange, London; and Brodie and Dowding, Salisbury. [657 a few days will published, in 3 vols. mo. EMMA, a Novel.—By the Author Pride and Pre j dice.—Printed for John Murray, Albemarle-street, London; and Sold by Brodie and Duwding ...

Published: Monday 11 December 1815
Newspaper: Salisbury and Winchester Journal
County: Wiltshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 1202 | Page: 1 | Tags: none