... Nov 29.-Canc down from the RLivvr and sailed. the Coe>alh 'IThew, for Charleston; the Warrior, Pesche. fir tihe Cape of Clood Hope, still rernamls, was prevented sailing thiis mornitig by clntrary winds. Sailed the Unity, iminh, train.- iport, for O3sttlnd ...


... 50 of it, arid visi was selected to make a trial case. The ship loaded, sailed, and called at Castle fee C raig for orders - lay it anchor there about twen- wh ity-one hours; sailed again, but in an hour a heavy ,fgale came on, when she sprung a leak, and ...


... despicable looking men st i came with a horse and cart, before the wvharf was open- hi i ed, and inquired if the Leitha smack sailed from there? 0ol r On being told it did, they said they had.a hamper to I send to Edinburgh; and they went- into a public-house ...


... *romn cruizes. Sailed the Hy ira, and Alcest- store ship to the Eastward , roumiitit Auo, 3P.-Arrived the Fox trantsport from Os. teid. %vich Frreh ?? .r POirTsmo1Ha, 'Sm-r. I.- Arrived yesterday thes }lora, lia- msy, from Archangel. Sailed his Mi~ajesty's ...


... American privateer, ard sailel for the River. h PLYMouTit, FEB. 4--An American privateer, cafled. the id Sutprise, which - sailed last from Brestt, has- been hovering off t- the Start for soame days pact, where she attwnipte-i to cptusre Dt the Briton ...


... brig Fame, White, sailed for Greenock on the loth ult. Arrived, on Thursday last, the John Easdale, Stewart, from St Andrew's, New Brunswick ; sailed thence 2d ult. The Hawker was to sail for Liverpool next day. On the 5th instant, saw'two brigs in the ...


... of the otherboats 'who sailed ini the' match on Monday last, and all of them attended on tile occasion. On'Monday next there will be a grand display of the Cumberland' Fleet in Chelsea Reach, afrter which the Cumberland Sailing Society will dine -together ...


... day. Ths A-It. IAbiahiaii~ rfused-. iitai-as-io ;late to correc'tthe notiteifl-the ?? nervilg Asfries;, . os ?? Miliier hadi sailed, an We.,Ahfaharns brqu6ghts C his action-for ss~itf ipt Skrfionaplea or~ ?? appeared i in evidejic~ llsic hplitfwiespy& eeby ...


... :SHhI' NIVS. LtVenrsOoL, Dtec. %r.-Tlie Neptune, Leslie, fromn Jamaica for this po'rm, ut into the Ijavannah 'on die nit tilt. sailed again i the jth, and was passedcfear of the akle by lie Apollo on the '~th 'or s6th, 'lhve Authoo, l) yl&,: fr'o; 'thhi port ...

YORK ASSIZES, concluded

... s.- BARTON FERRY BOATS as Sail front *berce to-morro n ritig (Tuesday) ag 'er half past sii)oscock, arid from Barton t HIll at Lalf I- pl s nose end three qsartera of an hour later eveq in succeeding day A es. GRfMSBY hu Sail from henrce *It -morrow m ...


... months ressue had uxpiatedthe offenice conm- nitted in-the former nine, during which he had vwasted his Mr. Serearit PAtLMCR sai,l that the appeal was made to him umderthe nmrriful provision of a neoat wise an i nwerciful Adt, which gave bins an oppnrtunihty ...


... months, - Mr. PEEL ad Sir CbrARLES SAXTON, ncconmpanied . by their respeftive seconds, Colonel f3now.t\ and Mr. D.ickINsotN, sailed from Dover for Calais on Thursday, and arrived there in the course of the dav. DUBLINm, SEPT. 12.-Mr. Lidwill saiied on Mon ...