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... I| COU1RT OF KING'S BENCH. Ii'ltTe Rigs'g Re aoils.l This was an action againstthe Printer of the Day, for ingert. ing un advertlensent offering £100 for a plce under govern. rnect. It seemed, from the evidence, that the advertisement had been sent by one Lake, for the purpose of entrapping theI Printer into the illegal publication; but the adver tient > haviogheen published ?? was obliged to ...

Law Intelligence

... Law 3[ntEcllgcnc. . ..-IM s FR-UDULENT BANKE UPTC2. t tc . - V In the Law Chronicle of Sept. 28, we observe a v; trial, which, although too important to pass unno- tt ticed, is too long to be admitted at full ihtoour co- d lnmins-we present our readers with an abstract coei- tl d taiiihig the principal points, brought to light in ithe i course ot the examination. On the 22nd of Sept. tl ...

Law Intelligence

... LAlwyl it In the nteresting add on; erill vr. Barber, the Lor ?? its rd ?? Cr ihanded down theminutes of his final PI be tause, of the saddler's Eon of the Str5 de Id ysuddenly about 20 yes annh peL Adelphi, on, his return from India, v; te pe. fortune of X200,XiO, part Of wvbsic being 16 or IS in number, will at e, t oe sed of their distraibutive shares of the er Importitnt Dectsron-h a ?? la ...


... N ovFLK ASSI4ES. ?%isonikg a Fscszily.--Eiiabeth Wollertr.o was | of tried on a capital indictnent chargingg her with i e ; having mixed a certain quantity of arsenic'ina cake, s ue wh~ch cake she sent asa present to her uncle, Tifford r he Clarke, esq. o'ri th'e 2d day of Jury inst. thereby in- t id' tending to kill him;* and liait of the said cake being t eaten by Robert Spdrkes, son of ...

Law Intelligence

... Lab )teiti e* . CE RANCE, PLETCHER, YATES & CO. ?? NICHOL it SON & UO5SMAN.o' n This was an action of Trover tried at the last 'Court of Passage id this borough before the Record- e er snd a Special Jury of Merchants, to-recover the- SY value of a Cask of Coffee, and was a, cause- whieh' Usexcited a considerable degree of interest. The case as stated by Mr; Venables, the leading Coun-. sel ...

Law Intelligence

... Lab 3lnte,1igeire. SINGULAIL TRIALS'. tc ti HATTON GARDEN. All ford Lovee.A few days ago, a lady of very y respectable connections was examined at Hatton Garden Office, on a charge exhibited against her by a gentleman in the law, It appeared that the corm- plainant was under, promise of -marriage to the pri-f soner, which, for reasons best known to himself, be thought lit not to fulfil, in ...

Law Intelligence

... -Lev StUltgenw. tREWERS AND RULICk.N6. if At the last Cheser Assizes -a cause Aiva *ited of' the '/reatest mutmnnteto-the ptblieans~btt the initerest 5 of which is diminished by tle probability of the -sainet cause-be-- iyai-i b-ought firardlat -Cester. The :Plaintiffs Ftojggs aiid 'aidfher 'broug~iht tbis action tfbr the recovery of £§6 balance of a debt, owing for Ale, and of wlich £650'had ...


... LIVERPOOL MIDSUMMVER SESSIONS 1 f -- . I In a short address to the Grand Jury, the Recor- der made some important observations upon the conduct of the proprietors and drivers of public coaches- whatever credit was due to the foruser for their great exertions, by which individuals were conveyed through all parts of the country, and corn mercial and political intelligence circulated with un- ...


... [From the Lancaster Gazette of 4pril 1.] On Saturday last, Le Gendre Starkie, Esq. High Sheriff of this county, arrived in this town, attended by the usual retinue, and a number of gentleman in their carriages, and proceeded to meet the Judges, on their way from York. Sir A. Thorpson, how- ever, baring. been detained in. that city, on Mr. Stock's trial, only Sir S. Le Blanc arrived here on ...

Law Intelligence

... Labs 31f-meuIgence. YORK ASSIZES. f Joseph Blackburn, of Leeds, attorney at law,v charged upon oath wit') suspicion, that-he-did, since a the 23d July, 1812, at Ieeds aforesaid, feloniously cause and procure to be forged and counterfeited certain marks, statopsdies, and plates, and that the said Joseph. Blackburn did afterwardsfeloniously b stamp and mark, and cause to be stamped and f marked, ...

Law Intelligence

... ?? 31ntelligence. COURT OF KING'S BENCH, S Friday, Des& i a SMALL POX,-THE KING V. JOHN TAUNTON- ti This was an indictment sgainst the' defendant, a h surgeon, for innoculating children with the small-rs pox, and causing them to be carried to and from his o. house through the public streets, while labourifgs mnder that disease. h The Attoriney-General said, ,Youtr Lordship Will, I am sure, ...


... LIVERPOOL EASTER SESSION& t Te GenerOl ra't Ssions of the Peace for I this Borough, Ce'ritnenced on Tuesday the 14th Iinstant, before the Worshipful Taimas Leyland, . e Esq. Mayor, and others, his Majesity's justices ot' I tthe Peace for the borough of Liverpool, assisted by A Jae Clake As ) lamnes Clarke, Esc. Deputy Recordeir.Tbe fol- .,lowing is a list of the prisoners, with their eettances ...