... it 'IR, 1 IIIP. Co-tw Eacgatfotl Monday. Jan. 1, 1616. tih' 1oy nteire* Wvheats at Marliet this day was mode- ra ,b6ut tI~ tbekaraid ctuminlue% ssf'r hIt'.uld ; t)e pite5 ae . 'ii. 1)Ct qtiatier chelipe' thaii out Ilss quotatujt;, nsod but few buytr seeittied disp(edl It take olfliot Ifiall stualt qt,^tities. etet. alt hia r dielitiu- ifley is pogrkstvily decliali and isqfuimed ¶dt per ...

Published: Thursday 04 January 1816
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1294 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... Au adjourned General Meeting of the Subscri'iers to this Institution vwas held oll Tuesday last, at the Castle of Exeter, for the purpose of electinig an Actuary. The Right Hon. Lord Rolle, patron, was unanimously called to tbe chair; on taking which his Lotrdship briefly stated the object of the Meeting. The Rev. Chancellor Barnes proposed Mr. Jonathan Furlong; and Mr. Francis Turner seconded ...

Published: Thursday 04 January 1816
Newspaper: Exeter Flying Post
County: Devon, England
Type: Article | Words: 887 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... EXTIR.AOiRID1NARY EXPINSM IWar Contribrtkous i4e ooofen i , lillielliarce of 15,0,l00 Foreign Troops TwoiOob ? Thn ruler to the Housv.s of $CJ1llei11 tiZrinfurfnh 00O.0O Lv ' utuiul Expeaceu . 4,006A t . ~~~~~~~~~~~275,S00.OOQ * ' tthl Supply sooo),oo0 . This statemetit wris followed by a high abh4ong e j.u gi im hn the clemency and virtues of the krni, tiluc'i Whu put an end to all ...

Published: Thursday 04 January 1816
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 857 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: Commerce 


... BANK IOIC S'AXNGS.. Tire follolwing ve II-writte',i Ottie'rv-ltioasoireeitr~ctedI iii frtito The Nrpifine `-isfdayV N ewA-,Iijriul fo Warr has ccrisedffiird we uwav srAVw 4.OOrsdeir iouselves r as entitled to indtirlge iii quiet u1,un.duratioia, at lenst m so warns 1re are irs Ie fflctrij kycwrtineirtalhorstility. 66 4tiren ets Imar-y fie inl prospvct. Itot thej r~ilr Setircr'V sti ilter the ...

Published: Thursday 04 January 1816
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 3883 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... SHlV-t 'NVE. XlS. PontrsMoOwr)l, JAN. 3-Arrived his Blajestv's ships Di- prtctl fromt a cruize and ?? iront Cork Sailed the APhi- on, Fisher, for lierig 1; Ma ilan4, Kinsay, for London; George Linraac, for Miarseilles; Adarn, Coleman, for South Seas ; Kill- dnranr, for the WVept Indies ; Prevoyant for rhe Westwar, Ridley, Riddle, for- Buenos Ayres; Lady Harwood, *ourng, for Grenada; and ...

Published: Friday 05 January 1816
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 860 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 

LONDON GAZETTE, Saturday, Dec. 30

... LONDON GAZET7E, Eaturday, Dc. 50. a r or fu n - r D I 7fl'Q LIST OF BANKRUPTS,- With the Deicsriplions copied veestiim fromb ?? Gazette. Benjamin fartitrop, of Rlaxiaht., in the coanty of Stifolir, melchtiltlt to sur. Jan. , 9, and Feb. io. at It, at the Crolm inn. Wondbiige.-Att. Wood, Woatoldridre. Robert Harding and John Harding, both if 'Trowbridgc, irW the county of Vs It-, cloultiers, ...

Published: Saturday 06 January 1816
Newspaper: Leeds Mercury
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1327 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... O N M ARK E T SI . I ,,LO NDN OY MsAItk &E~TS.. 'CORAN EXJ N'7E, Jaar' y 1. . The iijply ?? Wherits at Market t thisday was Moderate, but the demand continues very languidi; the prices are 2s.' per quarter cheaper than uour last quotation, and but fewvbayers seemed'dispoed to' take oif 'more'thang sniall quantitics es , at tisi rethlsction. Barley is 'pogressively declining, and is quoted 2s. ...

Published: Saturday 06 January 1816
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 672 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... Sfl1' NEIYS. 'S1T5EMOUTII, JAN,. 5-.Arrived the Mlars, from Bermuda, I IHary Anti frons Bre n er; Easqex, Limerick Trader, ('arthsam Swallowv, Nitron, Shannon, Earl St. V;incent, Royalty, Cot- ti stantitle, 8a1isbtury, James, Lord 1lutigertord, Merlin, and Al- d fred, from tse UOwnisi Fortutia, from Uig2i; and Mlalta, froun I Hanhourghl. RIAMSUATC, JAN. S.-2The %ve.rttlerthavin; moderated, a h ...

Published: Monday 08 January 1816
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 678 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... In order to complete oui* series of remarks on the Commercial Treaty lately sevociated with the United States, we have thought proper to publish an article fouad in the original American edition 6f Clark and Lewis's Travels in the Interior of North America, bist tsupprersed, for reasons unexplained to tile British pub- lic, in the English edition of the same work k This do. cuument, coosiderd ...

Published: Wednesday 10 January 1816
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 2880 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: Commerce 


... AI'i RNiE'T' PRtICESi. A 1' It{1)E RVN. . Qiiatrtetn I.lltf O)d to ?? .- 4d It ;rx ,i.1N. 1)itto * t(I to 9d I-g'gg pecr tct li, tl 1l I ?? - lod to l Clwet.. t' 1). sor 6s Nd to 7s 04 :a'lt1 to 01 'loliw - - It. to I S I: Jet. rl. - *id to Id i iS - fl l in J ; d 5I td to sd :IJ C a ide,, tb. ?? l II. \a1 - - 5ti tol ;.1 CotI|.; ;,hi 5:, 0.1 to3 C);0 rS/ ?? . a,, .l soli' ?? .lfrir .t., JCx ...


... MARKET aREPALd el, - Coaiu ExcouRou, Mtondav, Jan. 8. 1816 eil ,l1ete %%,as a liberal sitppiv of %Vlcat tjsls morninig fron) giIsei. and Keill and but low buyers apiwartbill qastied theI . finiesaaptestOxtopewidite a;dol sale at )ast Noiidi'1 piccs [q tile Ilidit5 and inietior iiiris go lvf slawh, oioaili aund ji rS Grey Pease weie both.cleaper.-Batleyautd Malt a,del lrie. to l here was a ...

Published: Thursday 11 January 1816
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1218 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... SHIP' NH'WS. DEAL, JAN. 10Came down from the h'iver the F-lussarIn, IV* G.all for St. HIelela. and remailts in thle Ilzowts with the out- n wardI bound as beforle. I DoveR, JAN. ?? early this morning fronm Calati Es x4 passage vestels anid three transports, with about sooo trplis ofthe 16th, 44th, 59tth, and 69th reginients o froot, and' some a hiorse3 of tile tot, l1usiars. T1he-y were all ...

Published: Friday 12 January 1816
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1711 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce