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London, England

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... . BRIGHTON RAM;, AUGUST' r4, ig!6, MatccI fir xoo4s. IaIs. Afile.I MIr. !lrnw1n'. C`l'eV. 4 yrs ol .* Mr. Wt ?? A1,xil Itrs 5 yrn OHd. 8`t. 71. . i A Gold ('up valute 1cogs. !iy a Subicription of iot.'. ealt, Nvith ogs.; ilddi. Savent S-'scrihtrq, or no race. The will- tier to he 40o; (or *4Agi. if demanded, &c. Mr. Itco ' b. g Salania-ica, 6 yrs o41l Ssr. T31\ t Mr.'s I. It A'exandtr, ...


... POI ; I NL V ' SPORTIN6t IN'TPLUCENCE. - B.fRInHTl'ON, FRIDAV. O6. A Handicap.Sweepstakes of- five gs.. each, with. 15 gs. added I ?? the Towvn. lr. Ilaxse's l. Ih. Cshow rs. . * I t Mr. Goald's h. s Csvrw, aged . * 'I 7 to i agst Cwrw SMr. Dayvsoil'i b. si. s ,e ' Ge6yre. bsat Mr. Pearce's Mr ris ?? She Goes8, bc.-C;'lo11, 75t. 411,. IoOgs.. T'hel' .vilion Mile. Mr .axt s -Cashew; st. 71b. ...


... ?? The m-atch between Scroggins and Church, and sl others of inferior note came off yesterday at Molesey. houl st, in the presence of about fifteen thousand speecatorq. c Church first appeared and threw his hat into the ring, t, followed shortly after by Scroggine. Belcherand Gib. bons seconded Church, and Cribb and Clark officiated for Scroggins. Betting two to one on Scroggins. n Round a. ...


... SPOil TJNG INTELLIGEJ'hCE. ?? YORK AUGUST MEETING, i&i6, sATvteOAV BEFORE ?? MeETrNG. The ComMenocement Stakes of 2Sgs. each, h. Ft. for three-year old ealts, got. 31b. fillies, 8St. 'T'he produce of a mare having. bred a winner, to carry.31b. extra. Two miles IA. Srarborough's c. by Whitelock, out of Mqs- i~rker S Mr. Walker's b. c. by Whitelock, out. of Olivia - . Four paid fdrfeit.' AwrI-t4 ...


... YORK AUGUST mIEFrlNG, AUG. -z. Sweepstaskes of 2%g5 each, for two Year old colts, SM. Sib; fillies, .st :lIh.- rwd year ?? Course. Mr. Kirby's h. c. by Whitelock, dam by Coriander I Duke of Hamilton's h f by Patronius . . 0c Mlr. Lonsdale's h. c. by Sorcerer, aut 'of Dowager . 0 Ld Fitzwillfarn'; ch. f. Angelica, by ftubens . . 0 Mr. It. Rlidadle's br. c. by I-iAmbletonian, dam by Drone o Sir ...


... SPOIN 'IA'G f'N.TELLIGz,,FiAEq YORX AUGUSI' AIEETINQ, jr 6, - FRIDAY, AUtiU5T 3.. ~Sweepstakes of Sogs each, 2oga st, for Miilies,- sr. 21h each.-i l1.ast nwille anid rlsree.qusrters. t. SuSbscribers.) lr.W. Wil.,on's ha, Dluchess'ot Leven,' by Cardinal York V 31r. Petre's b. f. by Young- 1,p;i, out of ''tqiaboy' dq% 4 to 1 on Duchesi of Leven. The third year of ?? A of sogs each, divided into ...


... O G, EQHAMi RACES, WFrJDbstlAv, AGustT 28. a The Magna Charta Stakes of 5ogs. each, h. It. fnr three-yr. oldg. a -ctlts. 84t. Sib.;^ fillies, 8Si% 21b. 'lhc Nvw Alflke. ! Lor l'5twvltt, hr. c. Brush, hy ItRbens, . , tL ,Gen. UorVer's ltiivuler, by liobens e MJr, Mlake's; J'ohnr of I'aris, .9- . -. , ,, Even betting, and 6 to oon John of PHrIs-6 to4 agst hrush -4 to I at Itivulet. ., The ...