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Caledonian Mercury


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Caledonian Mercury

Advertisements & Notices

... It eki~ IhMRS C. KEMBLE'S Engagement drawing towards a conclusion; and the attraction t of the New Melo lrama called the BROKEN SWORD, ai s or, The VALLEY of the PYRENEES, remaining undi- b raniikhedi the Theatre will continue open To-Mdorrow J Evening. This presnt Evening, TliURSDAT, January 9. 1817, Will be performed the favrurite C0,medy of THE INCONSTANT. Old Mirabel, Mr MASON-Young ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .,i~Bcvzcf t ef Ms C. KEM1IBLE, ,,d I ant .ight of her Esgagement. Aent rVeU;Ug, SATURDAY, Jal1tlarY IS. 1817, s' f .trmed, a New Comedy, in five acts, called e L' SMIIES & TEARS; 0 1, ut Wi~o'Y S STRATAGCM. Sir 1enr~ichbfleu iv.. Mr TRILEMIAN. Colofn- (lonlati l JOINES. hlr NIASON,-Mr Deleval.. Nlr CROOK. r5ftl1 ?? (;erald .. Mr. C. .EMBL.E. jadly Fl ire.. Mrs M'NANAMARA. Mr.. NICOl.. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .ibt of the BROKEN SWORD, and of Mrs C. , KEMBLE's Engagement. t s p t Evening, TtiURSD.Y, January °S. 1817, ?? Pre ed fifth time here, a New Comedy, in rive t g be perfoll acts, called SMILES & TEARS; :R, THIE WIDOW'S STRATCGEM. SirHinry ?? Mr TRUEMAN. Air ?? MEGGETT. ColonelO'Donolan ?? Mr JONES. Mt MASON.-Mr Deleval.. .Mr CROOK. Mr Sta51eY Enuily Gerald.. Mrs C. KEMBLE. yrrs Belmore. Mr ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Ircl), T'I'O-MORROW MORNING t2 0 ' Advice of the First Day's Drawing of thi 'and STATE i0 TTERY, will arrive at the OfFice of the ANDREW SIEVWRIGHIIT, own, 1-02, SOUTH BRIDGe, Edinburgh, from Where WHOLE TICKlEI'S, HALVES, QUARTERS, EIGHTH, and SIXIEENI'H SHARES will continue on Sale for BISH, ecNtrRACTOR, till 'T'EN O'CLOCK THIS ega- EVENING. As the two Grand Capitals of Twenty Thou- f tile ...

Advertisements & Notices

... V1NIGI-IT BUT FOUR OF THE BROKNFI rr II.or, -1Hr VALLEY OF THlE PYRENEES. Tj setE jfiig, SA'TURD5All, January 11. 1817, ,,f I ~~ ~8tt performed, the celebrated Comledy of C.ff f ~l~h JIELE'S ST RATA G E ik. ol rg ,incliwood, TMr N1 1Ef(EGTT' eita Hrey~, MNrs C. KENtBE yieddd, for ?? at theIliatre, 7 i-jjli ISAOKEHN SIiJORD) OR, THE V7ALjLEY OF 'IHE PYRENEES. tl sen nesirscenry, niachinery, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I- ({1 ',brarre~l eye!. s[7 S T NIGHTr F A NEW FARCE! FIR Eening, SATURDA^Y, Jal1UarY 25 1817, I, Thi ,reselt Fr Sheridan's celebrated Comedy of Will be I THE RtIVALS; Ac ?? ,Or, A TRIP 1O BA'TH. the * hsohIt', by Mr IMASON-Sir I.icius O'Trig- inth Ao'nr ?? Absolute, by Mr ,r, f . rF jkland, by Mr MEGGETTi-Acrts, B IoNlr RJUsSEl.L-Itilia Faulkland, by bY~ Mrs I-I. sIDDONS. pril vI ll be ...

Advertisements & Notices

... the representatinn of the Dramatic Sketch per. Pl TIr t time on Saturday evening last, intitled, ineitr I l st ,n or I I11I.osorHICAL FArcizs, mich of TI ' IIF qr~ri& \usic rectivedI the warrmest approbation of Du i> e ?? some failed in its efforts to asouse. lie rfe 01itl15 oirequeniee been compressed, and will this even. 1mred in One Act. 1gbircp gi pAR~lICU1.AR DESIRE. re7ent Evening, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I 2 3 I FARM !N FIFE. po be lre for rinel Ceol years, alid entered to Immedistoly, H r'F. LANDS of WESTER BALBEADIE, ! yirg in the patish od lBalhingry, and colisililg o~ V08 *ai acres of CScutli mea~ure. | liw Lanlds are ali aralble, of a good quality, and well adapt- rt edto the mlodern system of husbitndrf. lhey are tavourably situated for (be disposal of prafluce, beinig about seven ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ASSEMBLY ROOMS, GEORGE STREET. -0N SATU~DAY AFTeiNOOc, JANMUARY 11. 1S17, - R PUTNAM iUl], for l/efirst time, present a seletiflfl of .1. REA~DiNGS AND RECITATIONS, ReA esemplify the various Modes of Delivery Defiisned tadapted to S 5.LISSE-The BIAtUi 1FUL-T he PATSIOTIC-Tile ?? SocU 5_1he dnrbcesous- Ihle SATLRlCAL- ItoS and Tbe MORALs. ILord William.-Sothry. lextract from the Book ot Job. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... F - Ellearrt seoal. X he ~~ SwoaDor, thie VALLEY of the PysisNFES. r will~nx s 51,insished attraCtiOrl, the Mianaget oft ?? nt'fli~ng, Onl, N e11a1ti, has very kindly granted theS ire. sipenrrswitt remain four nights longer in everl 'Ti ' reVioUS te, the cornmencemwent other engage- on I jjlilitir gh Pi leatre Itt ?? of this arrangement, Ge nerni in leh*rated Mel&praiia-tiOillberepeated this ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FISHER'S PREPARED STRAMONIUM AND OXY MEL. 11itSE, Remedies are well known for tlilir ~i & T eficacy in cases ?? Wheezirng,, ?? C.ouerg. itmftn f h rtnedhr nae during smok- Ing tifv osaily allays the rnitb, iirritation arvd feverish action wo the lungs; while the oxynrici promotes gentle expectoration. The-q orrshitied ohierati-ins have restored asithmatic ?? !WlFVCt health, whose -cases hail ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1gT IGHT B3U' TIHRFE OF THE BPO1iEN BY PARTICULAR DESIRE, - 1,4lpresent Evening, MotNDAY, January13. 18t', I T wil e performed, the celehrated Comedy of 1 'fkE SCHOOL FOR SCANDAL. edit, Sir Peter 'leazle, Mr IMIASON. clec 5ir Benjan lo Backbite, Mr W. 'MVRRAY. ; Joseph Surfice, Mr M3.EGGE ?? the Lady Teazle, Mrs C. KEMBLB. vir viev , ch will lee ,dded, for the Eleventh Time at this h; e tice ...