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'. e6k Igo 2 •

... '. Igo Prince Blucher Coach, Fur the !SEASON SCARSRO * . Pub% ere Tug the SINCE 1:1.1:CIILkt Light Four lee& I'OST COAC!I, (wisp Two Ceedraten) will rennin THIS I'ItEdENT NONDA LJf 17. from the Gultiett Lion. end the Mod. Leeds. (tor/ et Eleven Tama Nato, to Seil aed Bull lens. Smrtire'. The &wet CO ACII the pertinderly the Nutlet of the Palk. blasting it wit the of Leeds. soil its Littlest ...

Published: Monday 21 July 1817
Newspaper: Leeds Intelligencer
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1074 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: Classifieds 

TURNPIKE from SCOLE to BURY. IyjOTICE is hereby given, That the next Meeting of the Trustees wilt be held, by

... adjournment, on Thursday the \2tk of June next, at Eleven of the clock in tke forenoon (that being the second Thursday in June, the day appointedfor the General Year/)/ Meeting, agreeable to tke directions ofthe Act) at the Crown lun, im Botesdale ; at which it is requested that Five or more of tke Trustees will attend, on special business. By Order, THO. WA YTH. Eye, May 28, 1817. ~ BRIDGE ...

Published: Wednesday 11 June 1817
Newspaper: Bury and Norwich Post
County: Suffolk, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 9696 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3 | Tags: Classifieds 

BURNT FEN FIRST DISTRICT. SUPERINTENDENT WANTED. WANTED, a Person to Superintend the Works ofthe District ; he ..

... with the nature of Fen Drainage, and understand the formation of Banks, and the Mode of measuring up Work ; and it is necessary that he should have some knowledge of the con- struction of Water Kngines. Persons desirous of making ap- plication for the Office, are requested to attend the Commis- sioners of the District, at the Lamb Inn, in Ely, on Thursday the Ist day of May next, at Two ...

Published: Wednesday 30 April 1817
Newspaper: Bury and Norwich Post
County: Suffolk, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 13934 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3 | Tags: Classifieds 

IPSWICH, April 29th, 1817. /T*IHE OWNERS of the Old-established ; JL IPSWICH TRADE VESSELS, loading at Hay's ..

... Common Quay, Ipswich, impressed ewith gratitude, beg leave to offer to their numerous Eriends, and a generous Public, their acknowledgments for the un- bounded encouragement which they have for so many years past experienced, assuring them that every exertion shall be used to merit a continuance of their support, and from the .well-known superiority of their accommodations in loading, ...

Published: Wednesday 07 May 1817
Newspaper: Bury and Norwich Post
County: Suffolk, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 13774 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

REDEMPTION OF LAND-TAX, At Eighteen Years 1 Purchase. VTOTICE is hereby given. That the Provisions ' -L^ ..

... Act of the 53d Geo. 111. cap. 123 enabling Persons to Redeem Land-tax charged on HOUSES' or other BUILDINGS, with the Appurtenances, not exceed- i ing in^ the whole One-fourth part of a Statute Acre, at 18 Years' Purchase on the Amount of Land-tax, are continued bythe Act of last Session (57th Geo. 111. cap. 100) until the 24th June, 1818. By Order ofthe Commissioners for executing the Acts, ...

Published: Wednesday 06 August 1817
Newspaper: Bury and Norwich Post
County: Suffolk, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 11022 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

Jf-»- •#■ **-■ o'- _ . w .'■**. rs

... Jf-»- •#■ ?? ?? _ . w ?? rs. Fn«* 7cL FRIDAY, December 12, 1817. No. 14,631. I^jnr ?? huier'ainmenls being nightly honoured with P most disiiugnished approbation and applause, will be ?? every evening this week. rntANO THEATRE— The SANS PARF.JL.— Jl T HIS PRESENT EVENING, Dec. 12, nnd T«-mor- ■ ,11 be presented, an entire New Serio-Comic Irish Bur ?? ,v- M ?? selected from ibe mmt popular ...

Published: Friday 12 December 1817
Newspaper: Morning Post
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 14553 | Page: Page 1, 2, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

LANCASTER CANAL. 'r,* o*v the fourth day of February, 18 IT, at 00 »>J ock in the forenoon ;

... at which place Tt'-e Se -am Proctor, are ruhja-tod to • J j B y themselves or proxies, pursuant to a ffjajhe said Canal Act. TURNPIKE TOLLS TO LET. Notice is hereby gi***i T a V T the TOLLS arising at the Toll Gate up- „n the Turnpike Road leading from the t nvrst a KG to and through the town of kendal,*c ; .J? Je LET by AUCTION to the Best Bidder, at £ ?TowVs hlll, in Lancaster, on ...

Published: Saturday 18 January 1817
Newspaper: Lancaster Gazette
County: Lancashire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 12772 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

Security combined wi

... th Profit. SUFFOLK and GENERAL COUNTRY amicable insurance Office, AGAINST LOSS FROM FIRE, PATRONIZFJD BY His Grace the DUKE of NORFOLK, His Grace the DUKE of GRAETON, The Right Hon. the EARL of BRISTOL, And numerous other distinguished Personals. 24 .DIRECTORS CHOSEN TRIENNIALLY, From amongst the most opulent Proprietors of 1000 Shares. ?? NET PROFITS of .1- this Office are, at the expiration ...

Published: Wednesday 26 March 1817
Newspaper: Bury and Norwich Post
County: Suffolk, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 20511 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3 | Tags: Classifieds 

To be LET, teltMtn bo may, A Pre NOUS& IWOA re Lades( MANE sot- Welk inns Es iY at the

... Nitro*, /A Taws. in,. May dos Maas. TO- LET. XTOTlCSialmaiq give% That die TOLLS IN war die mitt idled ties alas, ea the lay{ ea Diesel aim Es Gook wilt be Las Aaron% team Yes asst. at dear et fir bibs WM* Omni is Hobbs son. on the out. Muriel tM Hewn if lb* Ado Clint Is do s Martini la do Yea kip of Ss =log Osage its 91rarl, Ls sin will bit at sash AIM Es Tomiseses. fie boat bees Vila ea* ...

Published: Monday 10 March 1817
Newspaper: Leeds Intelligencer
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 450 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: Classifieds 

GAME. F.NTLF.IZF.N. and ilkd Peron% are de. ll sot to tilt over the Meows of Kirkburtoe. Data% North Croatia sod

... Drab, Gnaw. *Woo* hoot Vie Juba Lifter Kaye. Bart. i• the of rirstrrittle. sad Thurn-611, without loses or Na lard. of out mill Manor% M Writioo. mot Pouliot% win be dash *hi 'mottling to Low. ()robe-Gam,. Sep. lg. 11117. To be LET, awl Entered to end bley-I)e7 eel; ACapital MESSIJA Ii E. situate *ore Four Mike frogs Wad/aid witha good and imitable *ad with walleye Sawa Acres of land. Apply Mr ...

Published: Monday 06 October 1817
Newspaper: Leeds Intelligencer
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 147 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: Classifieds 

• ;. .t 4111 autrni-Nr. A-. ' 7 4 lira •

... 111 A-. 4 lira General Coach Office, Ilnttc, LE►n.. TIl Public are most respectfully informed, that the folluvrinz M., and uthcr COACIIES, art wit from this 1116 re. via :— The LI/NIM/N ROYAL M %IL COACH, by W a y of Wakefield. Barnsley. Sheffield. Nottingham, Melton, Mowbray, Kettering, Bedford, &c. to the Nun sad Month, London. Leery Evening, at Haltpast Ten o'clock. The DKKBY. HIRMINCITASI, ...

Published: Monday 15 September 1817
Newspaper: Leeds Intelligencer
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 357 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: Classifieds