... $1 CCIDENTS, OFFENL'ES, &fe. .. _ Ai iiqtest. was held on Tuesday, at Clerkenwell Workhouse, osethe body oF ifmnakh H*we, Wsifeof Mr. Hdmer, ofTuramill- street. The~tuabalid staled, that on Sunday mnorning she awoel hint andeprplaine of the- cramp, and laid down again, She wai in the ant of gatting oun ofr ed, whets she exclaimed, 11 Oh, ty stomielsi and f1l1 dowa.and expired, Mr, Anstin. a ...

Published: Sunday 31 August 1817
Newspaper: The Examiner
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1654 | Page: Page 15, 16 | Tags: Crime and Punishment 


... Oil Saturday, Theonuas Scott, the person in custody, who stands charged with being a party to the outrage committed upon the Prince Begrent, oti Tues- clay week; underwent another examlination at Bow- Street. The office was crowded. -Mr. Adolphus at- tended as Counsel for the prisoner. The first witness caled, was Lord James Murray, who again minutely detailed all that came under his ...


... TIHF LATE ?? AT GODALMXNG.. ie Firrsrl SErerbakla eati andB c.;o;eistl of Chizulese, jull. at earl Chaeletjfi,-for thc Mlirrdr' of Ckctitell, seYn. . end. B/jzrabetui, Wilson. 4 'rThc feelimis of hlorror whieb thle late deeds of : upld had excited irs tire neigthborurhosd rf (jodal- - nig, ir;le tlrst beert permitted to subside onl the part of' tie' Magistracy without the roost active ?? for d ...


... f George Barber, a w-eaver, of York-street, Bethnal- green, was charged with a series of cruelties to his apprentice, Mary Elder, a cbild apparently II years of ?? olject of perisecution stated that her .master tookl a pleasure in bcating her with a cane, a shuttle, and a treiuvrldous irstruuneut called a dreat, with swrich be freqjuently struck beor rin the bead and legs. The pretence ...


... ROBRERIII'S, ACCIDENV7S, ic. On Thursday night, the 27th tilt. between the hours of twelve t and one o'clock. an armed banditti, atoaaunting to upwards of lp fifty men. attacked a carnman's stage at Kill. tear the ten mile sctone, ,n the Naas road, front Dublin. and pirlnrlered all che drays arid cars, to the number of z8, which had st-pped there for the night, and carried offproperty to a ...


... COURT OF CHANCERY, Nov. _1. SIR NVAT5CIe LEIVES V`- MtORGtANq ie This was an application respecting the payrment of the interest ?? some money, respecting which anr order had been made its this- Court in 1793, and a subsequent order in 1794. A variety Y, of documents were produced, with which his Lordship stated ~dhe liad formerly been acquainted, in conseq Oence of his having at that time ...


... LASW '7I.NTT&LIGENVCE. 5- ~ ~~~R(L5COURT, DcuinCh 'L THE STAGL.--WHITTINCHABt ANT) Assyiss v. Woo0L5:ie It Mr. HAsRT Stated,. that this Bill was filed, by the plaintiffs SI against r['osnas Jonathan Wooler, for restraining him from ?? publishing a work, their pi~operty; anid for en account 'ofI the sd profits la~ las made by the piracy of- that work; and thiat he pay the costs of the presonit ...


... PIsniC OFFICE BOoW-STr T.-For some inonthls a number ot hotels, coffee-houses and private houses have been robbed of silver spoons and various articles of plate by persons gaining ad- uittance by false pretences, among the houses that have been robbed is the Verulam Club-house in Lincoln's-inti-fields, the house occupied by the late Lord Kenyon. The Club is com- posed of 450 Mlembers, ...


... LATP INTELLIGENCE. COURT OF KING?$S BENCH, FIEB. 3. Tilt KING V. TIlE MAYOR Or GRAMPOUND. t The A-r-ebs I)LEr-OGtsNRAL n-ovpd for a houle to shew cause i why a writ of Nltiidamus should noi issue to the Mayor of tic (rampound. commanding him to admuit a gentleman, whose o iamne was not mentioned, to be a capital burgess of that hto- of rough, upon an affidavit which stated that the Corporation ...


... . COURT OF CHANCERY, AVUSTx 7. PRIVATE HEARING. WESTiSSOOkEV V. SHElA.5Y. The Lori Chancellor on coming i hito Court, gave judgment p in a case of no importance toothe public. He then mentioned to d Mr. Home, that hc had been requested by Mr. Shadwell to t hear that case of Shellcy again, which' was some time ago be- k fore the Court. (I t will be recollected that we formerly gave ti this case ...


... THE BISHOP OF NORfVICH. The Bishop of Ossory having, in the House Of iLords, ani the 3d ultimno, charged tile Ilishop of Norwich, ill his absenice, with making In urnchristia i, as well as an unconscitutiionl as- sertion, in the course of his speech on the Roman C;,thrilid s~nstifl th faret as well as the least offensive way of repel- Img the imputation, will be to publish a coirected occasino ...


... BANKRUPS, LA TS. the Select Committee of the House of Commons appointed to consider of the Bankrupt Laws, and of the operation thereof; and to report their opinion thereupon, together with the Mii-i nutes of the Evidence taken before them, to the House; and to vhom the several Petitions which have been presented td the Mouse in this Session of Pariaament, regarding the Bank- rupt Law:s, were ...