Advertisements & Notices

... NEW L.ACR V11;[VE R 1~0i~1s(T, AN ) iz o B iTS r s o, I Vi( illth', that, Tihey have'i~ re''it'eid in (hia T/c~in fi rmear/i oui'C ii/ed ll ?? inl DI MO N! SMELTiu, witl aI ?? ?? Chiiie, eli'- gatoand tb'diitahiiibe A'sortililizt ut' LACE 1(5 o' evc'ay tiesciip_ lio-n, SQUARiES,, SCARFIS, TIP lPETS. CAPS. SLEENES,- B0O i~ttN N Ni''S and BEfONI) LA C: , C AP C 1O0WN-s, oathl every ohi ~ice ...

Advertisements & Notices

... K 5 f';AL;S BY AUCTION. at fe I 7,,ZR. SAUNDERS respceiffufy informs the Pub- fe : 12L lie. thet this is the s6th dayof the great SALE of valu- se .alile l0()0 S, at the Poets' Gallery, NY) 39, Fleet-street, and ) that the SalI to !s n is Friday next, when, amongst many costly cl ant_' rarc Articles yet to he sall, are The Palrce of Pleasure, dc beautifully adorned, by William Painter, in 2 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... V F1 'VA f.UAli T.Y F iT l ES Me U NTI ESf pf Al'iFlII)IKEN? oni ldIN('1XtMlNE. Ex r n I-I I'eatlr of tile Eistate ofI S C lIVI A l; iO. in K icardine- -- bire, mind lie 3.ikuein Lot of DAllIAI 1 N I. in Abher- a ,,Yire, allil of the Salrplos Relt', ?? tihe FoarIn '1'oLI,1. i!- 11' AC(., is ATJOlT: RNI-D to S1u10W tbe ,titl bday o it April, 181 , : will be more particularly ?? ill future cb. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T IN ttonscqttence iff1/ic deal/h of the Pa,'Iiirs eJ' Wll/i/ti l, JTaicits w-~ Allant, 1lon A1aleegi'o', .,1lerdeen, I 'ir/ )P xeciititi' b~.~lsrt ei~ijot'in the Pa/ibliv, /that thet, have c nii'eed thch alto/'Soki' co,o's to Met' _EIISA L Y 'A.ECN)E Sold' .S'/M'PS0Ar; oiid toki'te tbt9vroteiuit /ento sa so-e X ?? pubtlic support, at/i/c/ the late /Eiata cc llberal/i, a'peirit iteed. A As ...

Advertisements & Notices

... (Idnh0'ta'ly meeting of ifiv Ylemlus or thl ABFl~. -T3DEEN GOLF CLUB iis to hr thell in the Sat ratary'sJ (trice, hiariselhal Stret-t, onl Sltrtirdavy ftil 401 lay of .1 must-avy ,zurt. ar one o'clock afternoont, for brilloting i m mvlby~ aznd ?? busil)ess. f ?? Melroit,ml Str~eet, Ist Jan. 1817il. Atlsirt/t,.O l ?? w~ia, Dee 331, 181-l . W I DOW ?? 'P E NS IO0N S. N Oil (CE is hrerehy geiven ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ;'kNORltAMAt, Leiqeiter.srquare.-Now Open, *a t maguijficent VliVWof the BAT TLE of WATERLOO at Se inlo ent of Victiory, painted on the largest scale; also the s 'vI 'f'TlE of PA RIS-Admittance to each Painting, one p t3Sbilirsg. Opea frant ten till dul;k. If HENRY ASF'ON BARKER, Proprietor. t ?? ARM[OUR.TheGrand EXHIBI s gTI(oN otf N'r[ENr ARIOU It, now open at No. zo, d roltstreet, ilond ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .- -- --____ -- - e. ;x !IIEUNMAITSMS, PALSIES, aid GOUI'Y AFFIEC- nt IIONS, with iheir usutil c;Iicoiniiiniti, Spasims or flyrlo p hiis, llatiletc~v, I digest l.n, andl generaL t. iiliyr (euigioatiig hi wlatever seurc ), an- relieved id Iqeeith c red by MVIiTE1l1F.Xi)'a ESSVNCE OF MUSIAltD ull VILLS, tifier rvery otler means has s&dle t 1tI 'I h- Flu id Fsseiwe of Mluslard (uised wiih the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -XTREME DISTRESS IN SPITALFIELD6' AND IrS VICINITY. Several a-plications having been received by the Committee Inquiring where Clothes should be sent, the Public are remne-t- to fully informzedl that any atticles of .Clothing sen to r. te .Solp- ni House, No 53, Brick-lane, Spitalflelds, will be carefully die.- ar trtbuted. i by The Committee feel it incnmbent npon them to explain tp c the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... COLEBROOKE, DEVON. MDr be SOLD Vy- Au~tion, at the Ship Inn, M Coleford, in the parish of Colebrooke, on Monday the 13th day of Jannary next, precisely at Ilve o'clock in the afternoon, for the residue of a term of 99 years, de- terminable on the deaths of two persons, aged 42 and 31, all those capital Corn and Grist Mills and Premises, called Colebrooke Maitor Mills, situate in the parish of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DEt'3 YS11i1iR, COURS1NG AflEET1\NG XT Ill, -be held on Tuesday and Wednesday, *e V tbie 4ii id i5ih of Januar-t 1817. l It is reittestel that the Gentleoitet who inlendl '1o run Dogs le for the Cup, Still at.iled by thlleiseives or servalts at thle It Vernon Arnis oin, Sbirir%-, run Moiday 1he 1i5lt of Janutiry y next, as tit) Dog ,ill be alloAud te elvizr after 6 o'clock in thl! r evening ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MEADOWS, near EXETER. To be LET, for a Term of Years, from the npresent 45t1i day of December, all those THREFl ~raTILE MlEAD)OWS, couiprising aboot 13 acres, PAfRT of LOWER DURYARD, silnale one mile from Exeter, on the road leading to Cowley Bridge; and late ia the occupation of Copplestone Cross, Fsq. For particulars, apply to Mr. Hugo, Crediton. December 251h, 18113. 1'441 Sold by M. TR EW ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DUFFIEJLD FAMfl rec kOTICII is hereby Gie, that the above nt, FA1i %'nill be hel d onl Thursday the i311i of Januarty rst instant. lil; daay aafter I lighanit ty. all Imuficld, jainsrvq y!st, 1817. tile [UT lIF 3SOLD BY AUCTION, o )'ee 13 Mr. ill. WILSON, .At tAic IIouse of mrs.. Istian, tbe Sign of the Leopard, io rr ext Chesterfivld, on Saturday Janelary 1 f, 1817b , betw.een tor rthe hours ...