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Yorkshire and the Humber, England


Leeds, Yorkshire, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... Methodist Missions KN EVERY QUARITJWER.-OF TIE GLOBE. T HE1 ANNUAL )MHEUTING of ?? ME- L 'I D l-LIS'l' M`lSSIONARY St.CTETYfor ?? K-NREn'(o' Clriciie'r, 'Kill be held in the New \k-thotvist Chapel, Gratious Street, 4naresbeo', on Iriday. ?? ithl of JAIY. The Chair to be tak-en precisely at Two o'Clock. The l'cligious Scrvices conneleud with this Meeting will be its fcdlow :_tjn TIUJSDnAY ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TtEEDS GENERAL INFIRMARY.i ZXE I' SUBSCRIPTIONS. *Wilm Alest. .. ..22 0 James Wood, ?? . .. 1 II0t James Fatter, Esq. Clapham-Lodge, .4 4,0 Charles Weddall, Esq. Ousegate, Selbyi 22 0 Thomas llramloy,. . ?? hicha-d Oassler, ju.. Richaid. York, Esq. Wigginthorp, ?? 220 Joseph Wood, Dyer, . .220 Joseph Scott, Wakefield, ?? 20 Ai'rs. John Hil, .: ?? .. .2 2 0 SUBscRIPTION ADVAN'CED. Benjamin ...


... N O 'lit'ro 'S CoiMixssiolq- .rL3 'A ?? er.,, N~o. 23, ?? the Hotel, lrigga?tc, L.eeis.-B. t. respectfully informlrs his lrinde, anlo t01 Public in genonal, that hoe has talken I and entered upon the Shop lately ocetfpipd 1)y VWil. Gee, whichl he intends opening on Monday, the 9th Inst. with a large Assortment of Hosiery, Gloves, Knitting and Netting Yarns and Cottons, Knitting v-istuds, Rug ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SA'IUEL TINER WOILKI G ~ GOLDSAITTH, .c. .1IETURNS s rael Thank-s to hlis Friends and tbe Public. for a'l past Favos and hopes, by his utnremittted Attentintor rtaino thart Conricleuce which they huve an 1on~ reposed -inhi And he begs to infurm~ themn,'that, in Addlition to Iiis Largeand Valuable Stock, hei RCHAStl great Variety oif beautifttl FANCY ARTICLpEs, which hie trusts will be found ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ftAWDEN OllAT()R.;V ~N MONDAY, the EleVe11th o0A1 !iil 0' lIM7. will be performed in Pawder1 Chapel. Grand' Selection of' SACRED M-USIC, from the Works of Handel, Havdnl, t.* Pr-hic pal 1 oced PVocal vnerr. Aliss Smith, Mars. Cawthorn, Mr. Ilargreaves, Mr. Sliaw, Mr. Wctherilfl, and Mr. Dennihon. Pr-ianipal Is/1 1(11 nta ! Pr formernj Leader of the Band, Mr. WHIT2E. Second Violin. Mr. Wilson; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NE1V IXlEDR. DITRECTOftY. In I £ ie ,'th of August will be Published, P-rJice to Su','crihbess 3s. 6d. -to iAon-Sieb- st'r ibes's 4s. bil. CLpsios D!RE(CTORY, General ain j A IeSinnitel, Of tl'e BOROUGH of LEEDS P t ?? lUlDING S The Adtilrcs of all Persons in Business, and respectable llouseholdsr;, it, that pnpulons District, arranged in N stuch a Yinnner as to ainbrd the greatest l aci!ty ...

Advertisements & Notices

... YORKSHIRE SOCIETY. ru8HE Sixth Annual MEETING of this Je Society will be held at the London Tavern, Bis:sopsiate-Street, London, on WEDNESDAY, the LORD LASCELLES, M.P. in the Chair. STEWARDSa. 'ir M. Sykes, Bart. M.P. John Smith, Esq. M. P. Geo. Brydges, Req. Sheriff John Hall, Esq. High and Alderman, Sheriff of Essex. amuelsWrkight, Req. l. RV. Stephenson, Esq. -tvm. W alker, Esq. I. R. ...


... - M rikl'.LN 1' Ms.A1EINUL.E. F, VLDART' & SE IIVANT especlf.lly J inflorm tte Nobility, Gentry, ard the Public in gcneral. that they have ihvented a iNlANGlE, or CALENDER (for iahicb they have obtained his Ma- jitv's Poydi Letters P'atent,) superior for simplicity and ?? to ary yet ofiered to the Publie. T'his asingle, which stands in the s37all compass rf a Chest of Drawers. sntors ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FtA'r1'L5;L O W AT ERLll0 &e. A F.ill, Aui U entic. and Ci r i is ititial Ac' A countoif the MemorabIc 'A'r.TLEof WATER- LOt), u,, compit kted, in Seven Parts, Price ss. each; or, iln 13ords, Price Only 246. ele-antly pritted ilS Quarto, aud embellished with Twentyiorna beautiful Etngravings, part frorn Drawings by tile ingenious b Captain Jones, who was engaged in the. Action, and a executed ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FOREIGN PUBLIC FUNDS. TF the nmaiiy Advantages which at present a result from making Purchases in Toreign Funds, were generally known, three could be no question that they would oier sufficient inducement for the investing of Moncy in those Securities. It is not possible to iring within the customary limits of an Advertisement a full detail of those. Advantages; and it may there- fore be ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LON-DON SOC IETY .Foi, Pr'o-sotiuig Ch)ik.iieenitysliatfl .jh' Jh'n-S. Ttile The Rlight Revereaidche LendI Bishop o-fSt. Dwat ?? 'rhu- Tie Ilunourable toid Right ie~ erenld ?? Bship. !rs at- -if Wlucester. th T -S-1,1li1dIN niil be PREd.s'ITh:) pad ?? .- I De-. LECTI'INS nande on liehilt' of this-Society.: Inns By the 'Rev. IV. MARISH, A. Al. iviga- ~~Retctr of' St. Peterfa, Colehiesitc. ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... VALVABLE I'itI)ING GROUND t Asj'intuig Onse Bridqe. TO BE %SOLi) BY AUCTION, In Six Lots, ont Th7rs~he, the ,lJth Dlog of Septern- e- ber, inst. at ER veu ?? ile the Fs'omoll,0'. ill f t the Bridae-Ysrd. Nolrth-Street, setbjqct to such A Conditi(ls as shsn I be produced; A Very Desirable PLOT of'-ROUND, ai . constituting the scites of several Buildings latey tl taken down, fronting Briggate to ...