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Advertisements & Notices

... 47 For CALCUTTA, direct, The remarkably fine new Ship GANGES, Captain WHITE MATLOCIC. Burthen per ?? 430 tons; coppered and copper-fastened, and is in every respect a very superior vessel; her accommodations for passengers are spacious and elegant. For freight or passage, apply to CROPPER, BENSON and Co. For SAVANNAH, 4 The LORD WHITWORTH, JOS Youn, Master; .f ?? 300 tons. a good vessel, sails ...

Advertisements & Notices

... k a 'Nil 3J Pollic are tepect~.i Iy i l; ETIl ?? IBath is open ftr ttie pu pose o: pa j!- aui lay trom six in the morning till Usk. i n ?? to the Bath regularly ;tr nil at thle Stu Parade. Tickes for tlle Seirson to lie h- i Eookscllers', or on board the Bath. Ejleb , e; ?? scribe -l;l I *. , to p ?? . ?? ?? [;~eC e n - Si.JIIE Wl~n5 leat ace Oil er. ?? one urn on tlt v ay onl l't' red ilh ,a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... lIONE'S B~eformiSt' Bcqi~ter, PubllasIed Every SATURDAY, Price 2d, T HE Late EDWARD RUSHTON of Liver- L pooL-Mr. SOUTHEY, the Laureate, and Mr. 6WSMT'H, lI. ?? ain Anecdote-Mr Wright, and he and the Liverpool Informers-The Rev. Dan. Wil- nn son, of Bedfovd-row, ILondon, aid Political Priest- Icraft't-The Address of the Brunswick Knights, sf es,I Norwich, and their Proceseion, &c. &-c. will ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Att' sale' 0f~tral~U~e' g Roads, ofarbie st. wNS-- I E oyan d CROLE, By rltisat and following Lo pail ( ,,ilock .e.ach dIly, at tha:ir Large ot HOUSEHOLD FUR.- Upnp ; Valsoble and Gengs, ?? which is a ;evt ,CpOp Of dh ctl~ r ng CEijg~ht-da3 Clock, a Ne'. ?? te, and other EFects °f a Gentleman, the; ei btrou~ght lisal his residence in the country Ios is caenenvercetof of Four-post and leet. hc ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE SEACO0MB SMALT CNONIPANY. H:IS Compan' h'auing been'lissolved on the 16.h 13 Jl~ly istanypnrstrn having dernifls against tsbvm ore requested immediately to send parriculars thereof tti 3Milessrg. STofIrs''a1nd IoifTToOT, Harrirnjton- .Ftreet, that the same .may b efohtith' is id. And the Proprietors give n -tice, thai the*. w.ll ntwt be respnnri. h1l fdr aiydeibts thlat inawybe bntracted ...

Advertisements & Notices

... For NEW YORK, To sail on the Iot of .January, %; I2s The COURIER, WIL x WILLIAM Bow e, Master; Burthen, 80 tons. c To sa d anthe Iot of FeIruarey$ The PACIFIC, JOHN WIL-LIAM S, Master; Burthen 370 tons. In order to furnisM more certain Convey yace for G3oods and Passenigers, between Liverpool a nd New York, the owners of the American Ships, Cot RIER PACIFIC, JAMES. MUNROE, and AMITY, have un-f ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~~D1~grW!C ?? at i f Irshipfu the Mayor. dI U) EST NIGITT Of THE PRESENT tonqaint the Public, S 'ershas eded ineegsgting Messsrs. Davies s y'seslrllett Troinpe, w ith their Beautiful _ at SliDI OF HORSFS ! t, Ie T/seoTbeRli'ol, Cooent Garden. eseldu FRIDA Y Evening, Dec. 19. to *EertainMents to rotmmelice with the -iid Equestriaol Spectacle of the _ lD iED KNIGHT. ; I' ROPE, Iby Mr.% I)UCOW, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... %opal. acquaint their Friencs and tF- Public Gle3 to acquaint thiS fixed for This Day, ?? BENEFT vill be presented Shak- y) scNov,. wvhenf 1Aiebrated Play of 1 NKouaS of SItR Jo,, N TA'FF. or, tkl iosturO bf Mi . H. GASKELL,. &ndetr an of LIverpool, his firat appearance on any ltntra tage.) With the Interlude of LVEST'ER DAGGERWOOD. with Dimondhi admired Farce of the NG HUSSAR; O LOVE AtND ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Sof Preparation occupies sitsle space, and when T nl used as directed. forrns arnost desirable effer- e- abeing drati gbt. Sodin6xes of 2s. 0iP. each. iy Improved Carbonated GINGER BEER POW.: t DER&S. The beeeficial qualities of Jamaica Ginger to are in this preparation agreeably united, producing an es effervesceritdraught. To persons going abroad, fa S, tigued with exercise, or ...

Advertisements & Notices

... We Zo Co.; We think C.kLcutTot correct in ?? ?? he foundsllis estimaeef rhelef Of bled at the Public Meeting, Cla cj nrtcretib Friday last, but we differ ceith hi. as tOO tent of the ground which was OCcupied know thatit wvas the opinion on.r`ap`lye sent, that the square was one trie ?? JiOt; and as eact side of the squarU i3Q there would have bee h)sa vwred, which at aol ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rajE INDEX TO VOL. V. 111 uIVERPOOL MERCURY, IV ?? 1,ubliiaed oen Fr7iday Vext. who *ish to have their Sets completed. 13 S whca;ted to send them to the Mercury F 'r 2 verv efort will be made to provide tlae ^ hdert; and te Volunies bound on the BONAP RTE'S CAR~iiA&Ef &c. &C. r jitinaid 8g Ill4e severity of the hlreather ~g HIBITION OF IT WILL CONTINUE UNlI',L SATURDAY. 16, 1817. l' Nobilty, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... U~LUb~. CiU fI1 ~ f the - ofl Co CovvceponuentS. and We have to thank A YOUNG LAD, forwtwipna efit and to assure her that it shall be u0r54 ?? nomy and tffect. We feel also obsiged to Ii for the half--uina, won at a whist p3rty; it shall be paid to the Treasurer of the Sra o Friend Society. a- It only rem ains to state to CaVns, ta his atli' the sum has been expended i:, soup ticket[5 er- ...