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Caledonian Mercury

Advertisements & Notices

... 1&4 MASONRY. , THE CALEDONIAN LODGE holds its f IRSST Mzesnm for the Season in the FsREEMSON'S / HALL, on Wednestdav the 17th instant, at eight o'clock. A full attendance of the requested; and the R. W. F Master requests the honour of Deputations from the Sister Lodges. A. S. Sec. Freemason's Hall, 12th Dec, 1tg7. a ir /67- PUBlIC SALE OF FOREIGN WHEAT. ti To be SOLO-by Public Sale ...

Advertisements & Notices

... /[ L.ANDS I ?? I Ft vi ?? FOR S.1 F } tere Avill le )xposod to S. LE by puolo ro ep, avi'hi1 t Roval x schangte Cojhtouse, Edh',;r *h, - Si ti' day tie ;sr dcy of Octobter 1,, as ote o cic; oh Ll and Whole the 1.tNDS of' 'IDStX A of FO)UtS'lislDS :s tV' of 1iq acre, 3 tth and 3 talls, Scots tneasur,. ,r ah rcbv *h thn. rt'od Pa- sonage, and Vicarjge thereof, tint rtitl i rs than a Olt of ...


... IN9UR(6H FOR SALE. To Ik SoLD by roup, within the Royal Exchangel Coeffehose, Edinbutgh, upon Wednesday the 5th day of March nektt ait two o'lock afternoon, if not previously ditposte! of by pri- vat bargain, GDOD FLAT of a HOUSE, N%. 41, `A SOUTff BRIDGE STREET, second door up stairs, presentyI oc iopitd by Misbet LoW, atithe rest otL.45, consisting of fbur Sood rooms, ?? light bed clsets, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... , ' -brthartre L7.~ltQI ?? M KEMB S THIRD NIG'HT. tg jc i dthe5 Ve paU' e wh, ich still aftends the revival r rlrsflattic Romance of TIMOUR the Grafl wilie repeated this Evening. Ar t' , it'VtitIM MaONDAY, Arch 17. 1817, I h P~~lIhepefutiletI the Trogett Of o ?? KING OF SCOT'LAND. n '\lcheth, hy Mr KrMilni. Lad5 Altchetlt, li Mrs M-NAMAe.&. oib ever) splendtur, the Grand Melo-Dramatic .rWgbovI ...

Advertisements & Notices

... dI OC/2 ; price 7s. 6d. ? ANy INQUIRY conceining t1se' NAR'Tt e A.L and USE of MONEY.-Containing an Elposition oY nthe present State of the Circulating Medium, &c. &c. By SAMUEl. READ. In this publication is distinctly and fully developed one prin. cipal cause of the prqseqt distresses of the country. There isf e , Section on the State of Agricul'ure, and of Money Rents. it Sold by JlouN ...

Advertisements & Notices

... nt J ESTATES IN S IIRLINGSHIR P FOR SALE 55 1_'7 VUpset prhee redased.. To be SOLD by public safe, within the Lycennm Sale Rom ed Glasgow, upoti, Wednesday ehc 9th day of April s1tT, at of two o'clotk, d- 'HE LANDS of EASTER and WESTEU st H BALLOCHNECK, WOODEND, and D)EEP5 TON, consisting of 560 acres Scotch, or thereby, lying in fit le vicinity of Buchlyvie, distant from Stirling i5, and fro ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I) X * - - - t1jesrrrui0.Onli. ' Thb rublic are respectfully informed, that T R KEAN ' ae his ?? Appearance here but one this setson, gwlmaell ,seening, SATOURDAY, April 12, 1817, frhis tre Pated. for the 2d and last time this season,t benwll be repeited, havinf beedn received with unceasing *n of itino 'Tuesday eve-ying last, the Ill ?? adrira on on ll a ce'oq dy of a E TO PAY OLD DEBTS. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .Ni'ERSARY FOR TH IE L:ND. 9^ I The ANNIVERSARY SERMON, for aid of the 1X - DUSRI101US 3LIND in the EDIN3URGII ASYLUtdo Or is to be preached ott Sabbath next, the 2Zd, li ST AN DjRrKWt id Cuvrcu,-atSij in the evening, by the Rev. Dr MUIRHEtD to of Crancond, when a. Collection wiil be nade fur that hunane te Instititilon , khich, it is hoped, wvill br liberal. ofj- at SERMON BY BiSHOP SANDFORD, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ., Ct, )r LFN' C LE I URFS- S COIPSI,,can ANATOMY and Sui't. t -hRY s~il r~rnlii' a-e nit \'reii.ollit~V~w te ΒΆ.9. Inct.r I 1 IONxS sjt PI. INE, clnlnpre. , ipindltiiihth Nicohe r. ''d6th ji t hrl cio~s~lir it 1l-.} NIzw ISIANO FOR 1ES AM)0 MiUSC. CO!I' El ltl to inform his Friends aind tite pui ?? th-:t hle lha jost retnrot I front I ot'inol wiv Is e s6 t rt0l t (GR \Ni), HOP'IZONIAI, K ete a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... |-.'0 LANDS IN LINLITHGOWSHIRE FOR SALE. g There will he exposed to SALE by public roup, within the r Royal Exchange Coffeehouse, Edinburgh, upon Wednes-t day the Ist day of October 1817, at one o'clock afternoon, I A LL and Whole the LANDS of MIDSEAT t A of FOULSHIELDS, consisting of 148 acres S 7ouds and 3 falls, Scots measure, or thereby, with the Teinds, Par- nonage, and Vicarage thereof, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PROPERTY IN EDINBIURGH AND PORTOPELLO 1FOR SALE. To be SoLD by public roup, within the Royal Exchange Cof- r feehouse, Edinburgh, upon Wednesday the ISt4 of June 1817, at two o'clock afternoit, rTHE following SUBJECTS belonging to the .L Sequestrated Estate of HnNity URQUHART, Per. V fumer ?9 I.-The UPPER or ATTIC FLAT of the TEN9E- MENT, situare upon the north-east corner of NORTH ST s DAVID ...

Advertisements & Notices

... >. / PANTHEON. present Evening, April 5, and every ' ng !until further notice, a New Romance, en- T ?? titled -Tl ROBBER'S SILVER MASI! ,EM9UESTRIssAIIS-112- BiyT velve Professors. various new Fears, Dances on the S I`IGHT ROPE, Si by Monsieur HENGLER. I MR CLARKE, srod aring and unrival'ed Act on the V.illSo tb , /GLEffUSb Viii gLE HORSE. ?? -th for the first time, a latghable Etrava-y ...