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Caledonian Mercury



Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotland

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Caledonian Mercury

Advertisements & Notices

... FARMS IN TWEEDOAL1?. ab. To be LZT, fcr such a term of years; s may be agreed o, at- . and entered to at Vihi t. xt, ity rfflEFA1?MS of EAST'IR and %VEST'Q yb- T ` i MfAU1K1,1Wviflh the LANDS of NEWI-ik ; by H.0PE, lyirng in th e waise vl' iitbo. llrumoaelzerr, aud ii^- the tror, conuty olf Peebles. ar These farms are extensive, and will. Io let together rursqp to rately, as offerers ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 2 z~ HIGHLAND SOCIETY CHAMBERS, the A Pi I ?? January 31. 181.7. M---4 HiiGHLAND SOCIETY of' SCOT- LANDI does hereby advertise, that thse. tinder-mess- Tu5 dotined PREMIUMhS are to bijtveri by the' Sbclety, in the rE year 1817, &C. ?? . -I, ESSAYS AND COMMU~NIC TIONS. who i st, A Piece of Plate, of. Fifty Guineas value, will be shall awarded for the beist and a~proved experirnental Essay ...


... ELINBUR Cr r'11-I ~bii ae rop~i ~ nFormed, that I3eaS'' m ?? lt u I'tiIJt, 'he rIMlR SrA- I( lteatrr-t val, C4tvh i z!t ar ?? ave I Ile Pro t ,i. ?? ab seiice pre\ itlsa to the ter- Vel, ?? g,,esa, he will, in ?? e, appatr du ns ?? his ItosI cier(Itbral@ ?? tracters.| I ?? , seas ?? lit wil,,rl~go od h or~ (I. ?? p,, J(;it,,lI j ngS. ieti RAt CJehrt,- J11g sEE,,- ' b0~iq ?? kofncr Mondy thet ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A' ~ ~~ ~c hanve t!1,e 11onour (If ' ll- * - t1, &,i getr atof tleir NEW Ii It prcaedtl~ ill Entgland~ by W.~ G* oil or ?? r ~Vm Itilfjeriyi new F 'ai %ili he ari eC ORI LA _N lA' SARSNETS. a ~~~I 1 CI URDS.ITNS. S-i WII IxCE VEILS S& SCARFo. 111IISAND) CHIN'lIR)1S t~() ~ I~ ' a uiriety yf ne w 6e i .r - - Woo ~&SI1 II, I,, UERCllS. \s ~ I.E& cl-Ill0 HATS. * 1 (NDO MIlll~Y flVI 7L(S .(Idt-b & ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? II ?? Mnda1y thle Septensfer, 1 In ucvn (dottlble columns), and contain.- tjint llvedityn ive 'hets 1.etter press, ?? Niuce Shilling-, ?? 1,01.II'IE. jIRS ?? PARr Ftias, Hri' EvDISB~1(n3H GAZETTEERj DiCT'IONARY; ( 1,jIp.Qte 13Osdy FOf GEOGItAPHv, Physical, Poll- ; IStatistical. and CoMmmercial. A I compan' d by co55trictcl by A. ARROWSMITH, Al xTL. hr to the Prince Regent. r r nr~d for ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DENIENSE FALL / THE PRICE OF WLLRN DRAPERE. r THE following VEflY GREAT 1tEDUCTl~Ton s e T WOOLLEN Goons was made by AL.EX ALLAN ~ and CONIPAN~Y in Novemnber last, and, notwithstanding the Pe late rise of wool, they still cotatinuse to sell at the under-noted OF prices, viz. W~est of England Superfine Coloured Cloths, 1 7s. formerly ZS&. Ditto ditto V,5ry Best ditto, t9s. 6d formerly j3s. W ...

Advertisements & Notices

... This day is pub6ihed, THE ST OFFICE ANNUAL DIRECTORY, Price 4s. in extra boards, l To be bad, aq usual, of the Letter Carriers in Edinburgh ard Leith. ?? ~FOR SALE, sAFREEHOLDP QU.ALIFIlCATION in .ALl AYRSHIRE, with an open-charter. Apply to J. Kermack, W. S. Edinburgh. 7 'a HOUSEHOLD FURNIIURE. To be SOLD by auction, on Friday 8th Auguit, Id No. 65, Prince's Street, . 4USEFUL Assprttnent of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... t 71, UNIVkRSAL HiSTORY CLASS LIT71LL be'opened by Mr FR ASER TYTLBI? on THIURSDAY, i3th November, at tbree o'clock. Ist October i817. ASSEMBLV ROOMSj GEORI;E SI REEi'. ,On SATURDAY EVENING, OctObhr 18, MIR PUTNAM will present a Scleclion of I LY.L READINGS & RECITATIONS. The doors will be opened at half-p at seven, and the Read- ingr commence at.eight o'clock precisely.. Admission, TIiree ...

Advertisements & Notices

... x( PREMIUMS ON FLAX AND HEMP. ?? Trustees Offi ce ElInburgh, 1st March, 817. FrX DE CO%1AMISS NERS an rTRUSTEES ii for MANUFAC I'URES, &c. in Scotland, do hereby gi-e notice. 'Ihat for tie year 1817, they will distribute througbhot Scotland, equally, according to the claims that shall'l he nmade, i,, terms of the fdllowitig regulations, a suns not to i excel d l`\V it I HOtSAND POUNDS STERLING ...

Advertisements & Notices

... aGRAt-D WHEEL! a ° 2 , Ontaining zoor Great Prines of a TWENTY 1TH3tU`AD PO(JNDS EACH t Advice of which will arrive To-morron Morning at' ANDREW SIEVWRIGHT'S, .02, SOUTH BRI DGE, EDINBURC1, o Where a tfe'v QUA rERS, EIGHTHS, and SIX. TEENTH ISARES will edntinue on sale till S1BNOCLOC rctms EVZN1NG, as being th'e last opj 7iIunity of obtaining tha above Grand Capital: Ig I2- NTIMATlON TO THE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 9/ MUSICAL EDUCATION IN CL.ASSES. M R 19 CORRtI hsavingff receiver' intimnatio n fro, M many ofihis friends,-of rheir wishes that le shoull npen (3acses for the 7Inistriction oF -Young .La,;irs i rhe prin- ciples and practice of Musi he re1peclfully h'egc leave to in- I form the Public. that he wsill, on the tt Iay ,,f October next, open a CLASS for sueh YOUNG lADIES as my prefer that mnade of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BlLACK\I.'oJ00, No. 17, Prince's Street, y~lL~INo. ?? (tu 2s. (Xd.) cf ~~p~BUI~~~GH MONiTNLY MAGAZINE. StI'I'EI1-R i5:7. CONS EN f E. inson Anitnal M ?? ron tiir St Oh1 1liity~t~it of a Li erary Ru,~cni 'ice- NpirtS f t Si-ity;f~ p~swit ~rV Grologicl Olbaerv-ationg ion Ii rathearli- No ' csv H- omer. No. ii .-Re osarks on rq~~d N., ((~~Jantas Girahenac, ahr ic ria:' !uiror, a M-or-cl l'ale-. ...