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Advertisements & Notices

... S-AsLES 'BY AMMTON. J31 Xr. S(OTW~UIVYboDlisellcr, atflli~ House, 145, St~rand, op- posite Ciihbnfle- tr~ftm THIS andzeight following Mays (Stin- days ercccpted), 4at twelve o'clock, T H ?? pnthlec hnd extensive LIBRARY oif an TAniatiiu AOpth1ictntion, comprisilig a grand Assemblage of ?? -bo1t, rare and curious; collected from the distin- gasjihed` Lllhraries of tlst Duc de la Valliere, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - UTBJflCT.-.PANORAMA, ILeiceser 'In7I addlition to tite mo~gnificent Rlepre'enitatiio o * Ill of WIATEAUOO, Rn intrerestfiiR View ofth cyi or ST. IPETERSBUIRG f i' juit orpened.Ad toechlainting, as. O-pen fr,-m ten till du'k. HrNRY ASTON BA RKU(ER, Proorietor T- a HIRTEENTH AN\'rUAL EXHIB-1 ?? ot the ~qOClF:UY fif PAINTERtS in Off1, ata- I:.'LlS, ~ NOW OPEN,1 at the Great Roomn, raa-~ A ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BOOKS PUBLISHED THIS DAY. In 4 volu nes tino. price 11. ds. boards. a Third Edition of TI1ALES OF _MY LANDLORD.-Printed for 1. John Murriy, Albemarle-street, London, and William Blackwood, 17, Prilice's-street, EdiOburgh. In 8vo.g.1ri:e 4s N iDDRESS f~totfle LE PLE ofthe'UNITED JA' T;NGD)(l:U but particul;rjy, to thle I;,6,wring Cla95e!) of Society, exhibiting the salutary and beneficial ...

Advertisements & Notices

... qjgi X E ST'S rXitIB lT ION-The great ofD ATII ON THEf PAL J r'-Ioflsl;, | tizture of DPAI A) -F -\ I~~ i ?? ,JEcTED, ST. P1 FrhrP FvesIRST SERNMON, I Pictcures and ?? fromn other Scriptural Sub-' ilcj~c are ;NOW EXT1XITTING, under the himmediateo Pa- t( his Royal Highness the PRINCE REVl NTiN, at ,,O ?? Pall-mal1, near Carlton ?? every day from ten ?? order, CITA LB 1 IS SMARI, Secretary. -Y) ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ;SALES 9Y AUCTION. ICom amll Graiing Farm, 'Ken t-Capital F reehold Natate and Farm, 'near Rhsagi e Iinh Isle of Tlhanaet.-By 1406m. GART'and PfuctionMart, o Frtha next., at 12, in i'o, uto at nFia 'A.Vey vlubleFREHOD ESTATE, Land- AL ta'x revd'-e'emed, an eal tith-ree ; consisting of Seven .96are'Farm, well knowna oeothmost productive estittes iii the xotnty, situate in the paris ofMinister, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WVANT PLACES. A S IIOUSEKEEPER,orCO0 anal HOUSE- AsEE!-PE It, a respectable Person, who has hved in tlat fopacity, since vhich tinme has kept a house Of her own. Wages no object, so that the place be comfortable, as the Person has got a small salary of her owvn. Most respectable references will be given..Letters addressed (pust paid) to A. NV. No. 65, Hay- market, St. James's, will be duly ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ROM1~ 1`UI3LtSTED THIS DAY. In two voll. poet Bes. price 2!. 125. 6&d board,, IXTIT'S RECR EATIONS, stelectcd from the TV IF fineit -Plarncies of modir, Mdsiaq. Wrh a Trhoueand Outlandish Proverbs. Printed f-1-sm F~ditinn i4w, with all thle M.oad Tingravings, and Tdpirov&~Xents of sub~ecenz etltOO A-id Wrt Rzsv r,`, In severall Selevt Poems rsct fornme~iy publ- llhb't, oneon. 1656. Atan, Nsm ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AVANI'S A SFrUA'l'oN, ASSERVAN T, or to take the Management of a A~.Sing!le Gentlrneana's House, vrhere a man or boy, is kept, a' s teady Young WVocnnn.-ILetters, post paid, and clireeled to A. B. Mr. Mlattlhews, grocer, I27, 3ca-myll-streeti St. jamies's'. SALES BY AUiCTION. A coniignpnent of Pre-erved FrUits, in high perfediotio, lotted to suit private Families-Bly Itle,,ra., ROI)[NS, at ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALE, BY AUCTION. By i~lr. 11EVANS, at his h -ouse, THIS and foillowing Day, HEI celbrate LIBRARY of the late Coubt 01OP112I0, containing the most rare aiad-cutious as- sembl0age of Italia n Novels'of thle a5th and i6tls centorles, both printed and manuscript, which has ever beets submitted to puiblic sale, including, antong other rarities, Borcaclo, if De-, camecrosie, first edition, an ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BOOKS PUBLISHED THIS DAY. In a neat pocket volume, price Ss. in boards, THE LONDON DISSECTOR; or, System of l Dissedlion, pradtised in the Hospitals and Ledture Roons5 of the !iletropolis * explained by the clearest Rules, for the use of Students: comprising a Description of the. Muscles, Vessels, Nerves, and Viscera of the Human liodv, as they appear an Dissedltin; with Diredhions for their ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rASHTN1rGHTr.--0RATO1 10QS.-TH1-A- * rl'j~- EflVAlkf DlttlRY-l.ANE-THIS9 EVENINGq I ~~)Sri 3ICT1ION, in whichil will bhe iatrnduced by Aria, 'I'eero agjertn.' (Pucitta), and Air, T'he ft ?? 1; liss Goodall, Iiab ha a .'tlaal;the~ D miisellrs Dle i.liu, Dtaotto, (MSI)a , lurn Iet (Zhirgarelli); lia-lemoiaelle De bihu Po. (AlShi);) v Che ni ICO i conartnto,' (Fealerici) ; MIr. ilella. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... F D 1 NE or TWO FAMILIES' I'NGIN G -haia good drying ground, and can be :, ? ihtl, . ould Ihave no 0ljeclion to a Chiid to - st paid, Lo W. P. No. i6, Uniou-place, . - srs KING. at their Great Room. No. 38, .i *-ro- - vent-garden,THIS DAY,pjn.Sluallyathalf cl . . criir,;eons COLLECTION of BOOKS, are. Rees's 'yclopadia, 53 parts; Acier- 11:ii i X,.izroinster Abhey, sulscriptien copy; Bayle's ...