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Advertisements & Notices

... B E. Ics. !- 0 be SQL1D byPRIVATE CONTRACT,- d T A verydesirahle FREEROLD. ESTATE, con- tai;ning ahbout 26 ACBRES f2.ARtAlEL, MEADOW, tandl PASTUgLS~ LASD;!*tlie *vwiote'.if. whichl is Ti.he-free, andhthe Land Tax redeemed. - e For further particulars, and -the price, appily (if by letter, to be 'post paid),. to Mr. Joseph Mayow, Olic itr, 'Farinkgdon, Berksh ,, rf 0I1,O i) y PRIVAT1' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Mrs. HEURBERlAT, M Sillnzer anad Drests Alaker, STR AW and CHI{ P HAT MlANUJFAC~tURER, I (atharine-street, Oxfordl, DEGS leave mo~st respectfull1y to inform the Ladies o)f Oesfurd and its vicinlity, her Fricndls, aud the Pnblic in general, that shle is now in Lon- don, selectinlg ai variety of the tuoast fashionable A'rticles, which svill bc submzitted fozr inspectioli on Weduesday nvxt thle ...

Advertisements & Notices

... P0 L'1'S M OUT K, S247'EU],7,}I, ]E~BRUAYrS ' 1, lel7. NAVAL HALF PAY. T'IIE arran-gcmertt of .7ie vewnr 7manner of P1ryin Mhe HALF PAY of thr 2NAVY aiti).4 trikrai 0/) tilllC time 1/an uwas calculaterd uji, the Rdalerr ivill be pA a'red to o/iseeve, tint 1/ie Adve',rtise- mteutw'ichk ilq)l orrs iii tim preceding page, isthe'elibre hker'rb CAN CEI.I.ED.-Anlilier NOl ICE will sh-otly 7re SATU ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -- -- - St ?? CH I i`1EST'F'R, A7.!1' Jl jS EI hI BI1Y I? flLUS. ?? sthscr'iliiers, tadm thet lublic in gene- Last SUBS1CR3IPT1ION C .ONWEIIT mill ille in Frtiiav ethetl' 7th tif Feruatt~ry, 1:117. Priuciipol Pet 'on mes front I.,iiioo-shi'srs A lTSi,T1CI0;Asi, ci.,xctht, and Miss GOODALL (1P(it ofi (ii3 r 0. Sttitt I.) ACT I. - Or iln re (Pastio itldo), H-ianhI-Glee, five voices, ii'd 'Thu ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FIRE WOfl&c O.SL rf1JE~SF (ire tvs 4iv 'neaday the 2nd ofnx lat *tt' fise anouwl, will.h bexpadoa~~-o bt hi 1g ajoI it WOOD, ? . r i,&. iareu L in'- 1/Acm FTHE th ssrja'.haerj, wele~bq bxol 7 t 411 Co rpper, flead, Iron,, ori oflir ar vitist ae /ll inth aiddoiedl. ad e hc F/ar said Looin to be paid fey at the rm ehmae, 'anil to lie Velape'ltid firem ,)e 1 The ]inriesl ead lievwiat thlt ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PLANiT - 1 t hicb )ig b ft e ke a Soul - Uteikr tlie r ibs of dettab.- illi. L IFE PILLS, entizely Vegetable, disco- L erred by the e C. CARRI.SGiT'ON, Vicftr of B1.tkeley. ille of hic Majesty's Deputty Lividtenartts, &c. fertile C ornuty f Giotneester. BY tuea.1lingi te cilelf y ofthe brain, and ?? alew Vife a: d vig'wil. ' to tile coillfititutiot, ttey cnatble Natutre to Islatte incredilg. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... d Tu 'O TH E CLERGY ?? ARCHDEACON' begs to if d 7 t~he CLERGY within the, Avehdetacoiy af 11 Chester,' that lie has received t1,010 the Loid Bjhl,, thle Diocese at, ADDRESS to his Roeyal H'ightlit 51 PR'IINCE REGENT, oit i d late provideintial e ii rin) thle treasoonable and outateous~ii attacit tuaa his Royal Hlighiness tita his ruturti fromt (tltietigIi Is Sessiota of Parliiametit and that ...

Advertisements & Notices

... It Gennime TEA tinyl G; IrY WVA.RHKOUSE, f - (it ?? (CtlttEqr, e . A'I-OU1 IMEA.STREWi, SOUTHSEA. . AYLES & SONS respectfully beg to ir Ifoini thle Inbabilatos ?? tihe en- ; vironsi of I'mrtsniluth, &c. that thry have OPL:NnD tlhe alove LA. EE Ot1R, adjoinin their Soalp anill Candle MaNflnfactory where they have alid if) all extensrie and geinaiiie Stoch of velty Article in the Tea, Grocery, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AD)MIRtALTY OFFICE, 12I`A !)centlwr4 1817. g Lit AInIOWS' PENSIONS. fotr I lI e Rel ief oif Poti dosof Copmsin1n ar id ant Otfiels ,if t ire Royali N avy, mus11t send iir bring~ to 'ii thi'. Office, Ietsweero ?? l7thI ais 31at sof th is trooth, tire A ldsi ecijiried liv the Rules if t11w Charrity, it) n0 oitiert I their treitig inserted il on t P Iuision List, which S- !will be prepisrtd next ...

Advertisements & Notices

... St&on Chue'hC/ IWheatley, Begbtroke, and sl/ip TURNPIKE ItOADS. OTICE is ?? given, 'That a Meeting of' NL5 the Trustees of the above Tirnpilhe R-eoads will be holden at the Swan Irit, ill Tetsworth, Oxon, (otn Tlursday the 13th day ot Novemnher next, at Eleven o'clock in the forenzion, to settle the Stirve hr's ;c- counts pll to the Ist of that ltaritli oat wvhich Kvctint all persons having ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Dr. JAMIES's ?? Powder aind A tahlptic Pills. CAUTION TO THE PUBLIC. Ri.LR NEWBERIY,my late agent lor the sale .iYv.11 of these invaluable'medicines, having failed in an attempt he mnade in the Court of Chancery, founded upon an tintenible clain of joint proprietor- ship,to compel mewto continue supplying him, (not- withstanding my disinclination, originating in his conduct towards my family,) ...

Advertisements & Notices

... W ANTAGE ASSEMBLS' will be on Mon- !r W day the Seventh of April, at the Alfred's Head [nn. it elil~fILLUAM MARGETfS, MATT'ER and ;e VE HOSIER, Woodstock, imopressed with gra. atitude for the very great encouragement be has ex- perienced since he commenced business in the above line, begs leave to return his most gratefil thanks to the nobility, geritry, and public in general, for thc same, ...