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Caledonian Mercury


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Caledonian Mercury

Advertisements & Notices

... x( PREMIUMS ON FLAX AND HEMP. ?? Trustees Offi ce ElInburgh, 1st March, 817. FrX DE CO%1AMISS NERS an rTRUSTEES ii for MANUFAC I'URES, &c. in Scotland, do hereby gi-e notice. 'Ihat for tie year 1817, they will distribute througbhot Scotland, equally, according to the claims that shall'l he nmade, i,, terms of the fdllowitig regulations, a suns not to i excel d l`\V it I HOtSAND POUNDS STERLING ...

Advertisements & Notices

... !~ % PATHEO1N. ?? IIRDAY EVENING, Mlarcli 15. G ?? Graod spectacle Of a rt-I HF Bl 00D RED lr.NIGHT! whc 1 h ORSES will appear. LAC1,K & TIGHTI ROPE. HORSEXMANSHIIP, ?13 she whole pI' estrian Comlrnsft. di the COlmic Pan1ternaime of t ?? ' IN HA RV ?? . E 'ING, a New Comic Pantomime will go;NIODA, N be proChiced, called tt I9 T.HE TIHREE STIAUES! Is ?? 6a Tariey of other Entertainments. 6 05 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? S . AND THE ARiSo J7ipwd at the RQ at. I N5sTi ?? s, .1e No. V. WI/ z p. :hkF-di ito Lonr'na on the It s fAil. i _ -;!Ib ?? lt; Cniii EN rs. hevvncmlt 1 ctor' View of ?? S 15j CIiitiiC ( ted with the Rise and Progress of ; qcjer ci An Iiquiry into the Origin (if aur , f' up Irom Iotes left by rfte lite s1,0t¶ n , IsI-111 On Pendulums vibratibg bc- 'l 10irk b ye° B. Gqtip;o crtz. rz -sq-l.q ...

Advertisements & Notices

... i 2 7 L PAV2HFONsr,. ! 2nK aC- o~nt 61 the ?? f ?? tit wlaich the first representasldn of the NW BuritaC. l Spectacle was received on SatItnhiy night, the Public are most I respectfuly informed, th ir on this dnd every fwure.E.4eningj unthlfurther ntice, fil'i be presenred TIrOUR, KHAN OF THt TARTARS, with fart of the, S rUD of beautirul HORSES, and the same SPitENDID DECORATiONS, -s origirlal ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, In Dewar's Inn, KincArdine, on Friday the 11th of April 1810, at'12 o'clock noon, | rfHE Following SUBJECTS, Part of the Se. .A- questrated Estate of DAVaD GRAY, Ship-builder in Kincardine, viz.- I.-That TENEMENT of two storeyl, and small SPACE hehind, six or' seven feet broad, with COAL-HOUSE, at the west end of KINCARDINE, possessed by John Ktrr and Euphernia-Duncan, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... r d/ t J FARM IN FiFEST-11tV. A y To ;ae LET for nlneterl y ears, entry-at Mariitnma. 1ev r 1H ElARM df BALSILLIE, on the Estate' v ,g IL of Slrathendry, lying if trie parish bF Leslie, and' a vD shire of rifei a rposseised by the h1eir of the deceased David Id Cri6 to |Tfghe farrn consists of 1G5 Scqtch acres, or therehy, mostly n rt| of excetllent turnip soil, and h-ing eitua'e withil hali a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Y 7ELIGIBLE HOUSE IN GEOR E SI REET I b rP To be SOLD or Lr.'r Furnisled, for such may S,, afagreed upon a p HAT ?? and elegant HOUSE, T No. 121, GEORGE STREEI, north sjdebelonging j a to the late Ca-tain Atlxander rod, being one of the lagest in ; the street, antd containing every accomme dation fir a noble. j man or gentleman's family. The public rooms are uncom. st monly spacious, double ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - = M = GEORGE STREET. FIFTSr sUBSCOIPTION DANCING ~[ASS ' WI11 beheld thisi lveni 3' hu;suday at ,tine o'clock. 45 ?? Shil~liaga. Sit'k5o~sciptOI(thle last Assembly (Ifllethe t>, 0f~O l for w~hursday the 20th, at the usual j 0R p ORG ?? ASSEMBLY POSMS. 7' eR 1P,50,', NIALCONCGERT. itt )7 f jR SONllrA most respectfull]y intimates |a .ilii S-~e Ntbiiity, Gentry, and his Vritnds, that hiI ?? ovi ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MR KEMBIE'S SECOND NiGHT. . Tis present Eventit, SATURDAY, March15. 1817, Will be peifoined. the Corrmedyof. for T.mE WHEEL' OF FORTUNE. O Sir David Daw, by Mr WA M ?? Mr I empest, ?? MASON Penruddock, by Mr KtsivL.. /2. A|ter tmily Tempest, by Mrs H. SIDDONne * ?? .. , After which, with every splendeur, the Grand Melo-Dramatic j Romance of -IT T'IMOUR 'IH1E TARTAR. no The Scenery, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Th/i: day teairpuV.Arid, tS .XX Price 2!s. 10d: N APPEAL td Niie BRITISH RATION id A on the lTRI:AlMENT experienced by NAPOLEON b, BUNAPARI 1 it) the ISLANjOf Sr HurLEe. By M. SANTINE, Halisvier du Cabinet de I'Enpereur. i- With an Authentic Copy of the OFFICIAL. MtMOIR die- ar ,nte4 by NAPOL.EOJN, and deliveted to . ?? HuIns)N' l.OWE. Ioilott: 'Printed for Rildways, Iliccadilly; an'-l d by i ...

Advertisements & Notices

... / ~IL WEEDSIDE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. / THE Soci ety are to give the following PRE- T MIUMS at their next Shew, which is to be held at CorkNUIcLLs , Apon Monday the 7th day of April 1817. 1.-A Prurrn'lln ot Twenty-Five Guineas for the BEST BU I.L of the Short HEIrned Breed, not under two years old. Il-A 'isjeoitrm of Fifteen Guineas for the SECOND BEST BULL of the Short Horned Breed, not under ...

Advertisements & Notices

... / ! .-IilIr LAS INI'C ?? BUT FOUR . ?? p re) ji.,Jg, iflo'ODAY, March '24. 1817, Will e pertotnred, thle Tr igel'y of JULIUS C. ESA ?? , ?? N11 KFEbBLE It ?? . MrS S uI)DDN S. , s :ll he represt'(l. with every spleridour, the f Tel- In- filrtic Rofts I e ot IfIS t 1o ' T HE nwTARTAR. ; ?? s I r , se6. ir)ecoratioris of which e rotM r te crirat ...