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Caledonian Mercury


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Caledonian Mercury

Advertisements & Notices

... RIeoAS BT!hNTEPIT A sPU ~D'sy NEvening,iApril19.will be rS' t rflj~ the popular melodja5V5 of TIh WtANDEMING BOYS. and paul by Masters Chatlesaud IurFI MNason. 3ustLi a favotrite Song by Mr FINN. After 'l bh the potite Opera of ?? AND YARICO her Curry-- ?? MAsON. - Cit C o Mrs H. SIDONS. by SNVAN-A Song by Mr RUOSELL' A CrrnIC bonle b~cm clu.e IV ith first tirne this seabon, heW terotd omance ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rr7 PA7TPHEOM J ' THUfi 'Sly' 24th APRIL 1817. JIB NEW5 GRAND SPECTACLE of' hel tg \SEIGE OF ALGIEKS, BRIIISH VENGEANCE. NG. by a'l renp nf unrivalled Equestrians. Y- DsNtctorMr CLOVGII-Clown, Mr 3zitsrse. TlGHT ROPE, By MONSIEUR HtENGLER. Tou cotcltd with an entirely neW Comic Pantomirme, To condudr ' called the NECROMANCER, ~~TFIE GOLDEN kEY. t~low r. .Mr Cs~uoir. ATRLO SUBSCRIPTION OFFICE. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... cpre nnit'(1 1I ilsirits'sretpectlrig t'll marnero issr ellfL , It r IREAN'S perfornsatlce:, on rida it is rtespectfully stated, that the 1 stir 151 Ivllie openied at Elev-en ?? ton *ll pitsrri.g natat the Box Enrtraince, sender the 011~da~ O'N~3LS enagemntf and the lliilte ~ ~rd Itwl the snrme a thin at or ~ Fiari fr J UAF'S Beaynexit. ~,Co isis is hC ~ liatsp lut the thernega~rhiso ~.ii14Tl ...

Advertisements & Notices

... . - I'~EERS AS.RE1BLS~c THEztRE will be an ASSEMBLY on TumSi- s L A EVENING, the 17th instant, to commence at ten o'clock. Tickets, Five Shillings. r ?? Dancing Subscription Tickets will be received, L Asseriably Rooms. George Street, PC t9th April I817. |w tet FOR SIX DAYS LON3ER. G f I ~t POLITO respectfully informs the No- As hility, Gentry, and the Public, 'T'hat no part of his at ...

Advertisements & Notices

... his GkAAD SALE ter er CABINET AND tUPHQLSTEkY FURNITURE. WN, 6,TILLIAM MARTIN, No. 21, SOUTH FRE- r s Dsc;C STagesr, most respectfully Inforas his nu- t5q. merous Frietdi and the Public, that his ANNUAL SALE commences on Monday the 29th Inst. with a Choice Variety RMof DININGf-ZOOM, DRAWINC-ROOM, and BED na.- ROO VRNTUe.Failesfirnshngwill find it most advantageous, as the vhole will be soliir ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FAIRM. IN MONTIZATH., frM ar~tinnia~s 8P7i on a Grain or Money Rent,lA el and fost such a issmber of years a~mayibe agreed upon, rpH A.1W~of BANK of CE SSINT ULLY, ?? MACKEANSTOWN, eighbt miles vvest frsrn, Stir~ Iisgv the n~wturnpiki! eoad to Thornhfill, consistiog of ' nearly 120 aceali- e and subdivided b~tfedts Y new built, or to be left itS good rkpair, and hedges in a. thrive B 0 jo ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T1dE d51 are pubhiihd, ,,gq6 By OLIPHANT, WAUGH, and INNES, In one volume l2mo. price 4s. 6d. boards, PRACTICAL DISCOURSESs intended to promote the Improvement of the Young. BvHENRY BELFRAGE, Minister of the Gospel, Falkirk. Printed for OLIPHANT, WAUGtl, and INNrEss and DAv*1 BRowN, Edinburgh;. M. Ogle, Glasgow; J, Ran1kine and T. Johnston, Faliirk r and Mrs Randall, Stirling. tif whom may be ...

Advertisements & Notices

... . , p2I ';'TRIALS FOR SEDITION, &C. ] Ita tR RO13EITSON ?? initmlatesi . ll, that Mr DOW, W. S. vwho is already weil knownt to the Gentlemen of the Law for the accuracy of his ;ittR-r H I SD WasriNG, is to make a full and accurate REPOR i' of the STATE TRIALS now taking place belbre-the Higli Court of fustlciarj'v which Mr R. is allotted to publish. . The Trials will be neatlyi but not ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? , po, r the Beefit of MR KEAM 1 b'is last appearance here this season. AndPOS Yrening, MONDAY, April 14, 1Bi1, 'ispreaerit for the 2d and last time this seao'n, V-1be ?? 'f it, baving3 beet, received itucesn I ed ai Oon Friday evening last, the applause anad' Tragedy of iEnRTRAM , Or, rhe CASTL C Uf ST ALDODRAND. .IIT KEAN. Betram . ?? Mrs.rSH SIDDONS. mg il dded for the SSd Time, the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... dg.! 30 . . - HP2VEE2. . . M R CORRI begs leave- to infor those ?? ad - and Gentlemenwho have hapoured him with inquiz ries for Places for his Benefit, to be. on Wednesday the 16th instant, whosb wishes he had not at that time ini his power to afnd atcomplisbethat in order to accommodate trem, a part of the by Pit will be for that Night appropriated to Bbxes, the entrarlce t to t 'hich-tvll ...

Advertisements & Notices

... i2'7 FARM IN ROXBURGkIIiiKEilt. To be LET, for such number of years as cun be agreed:?pc, arid entered 'to. either npw., or at Martinmas nert f'3HE 1FARiX~ of' HAItESTANES, orĀ¶- I vla'rGROVE, lying in the parish of Ancnra,t33' talripg, about 2TO acres of excellent dry soD, all stable 3I well adapted for the turnip husbandry, at preselit n highest rstate of cultivations having been in the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... t: 5flONUAI, _ , ?? ?? lr, iZ PAINTINdS, PRINTS, S:rUFFED BIRDS, &C. XTO be SOLD by auction, by- Was- BKocs, on Wednesday- e the 9;h curt. in his Sale Room, No. 2. Register Place, VALUABLE PAINTINGS, in rich Frames, by eminent Masters; CAPITAL PRINTS; also a few STUFFED BIRDS, ac. in good preservation. EY Catalogues may be had of MrBruce. Sale to begin at 12 o'clock noon., Im /XiCKINA SALE AX ...