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Advertisements & Notices

... . WANT PLACJS. A S- CtOOk.nd:hHOUSEKEEPE.R or COOk, A-w where :the I1ady is heir -own 1inusekeeper, a steady Middle-aged Woman; sh e` is perfeft'stress of her business, and- none need apply but where a ?? maid is keprti her re. ference is undenisable where she has .udst, left.-Letters. post pald,.to S. Ci at'Mr. Duggins, ?? street, Oxfdrd-road. A S COOK and -HOUSEKEEPBR' to a Single X ...

Advertisements & Notices

... on, icy Nas . lMORTGAGES. eras 0 be lent on good Secourity of Freebold Lands tfse TIN sing ill the counl.t of Derby; any Sulu ion. exceeding [lot Apply perqunally to 11[Esans. JoIINSON raid WVIlrs, Ashborrne. vas tlzlerr CAV EN 1DISH IBRIUDGE. rint N-TOTICE is hereby Giveii, that a Special !lat i Y Gcnerall Akl ting of tie 'Trustees for this li[idge is ap- At pointed to he held at tihe George ...

Advertisements & Notices

... In7 WeDNESDAT, 3Oh APRIL, tUPERB STA-E LoTTERy The STAWfl II l L oll )E VI, Begar Draoin aln ql to 0-; Bo t.ANat. , ICkEgjiS & SHARES inthe Cratel t5 wLr; ty of h niteri, wing, a till . .FORIIEST's - 'st the 1 ron Chutrch, Edlnlburgh1 TILE RDAY NP3H ' nets of he Drawing ale expected tG artive tin Where Al f StVFT MpkiNING Tkilet, Ighteen Guineas. }P.ct59 1 0 i gcb ?? :92 31 6 gaIf. ~l OI^- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALES BY AUCTION. Antique CGems, C-ameos, &c. &c.-By Mr.SOTHEDY, Book-1 seller, at.-hisHouse, -45,gStrand, oppositceCatheririesreeI THllS D1AY, at z-2, - - tl headof.clpss frianus th scr ?? obsei~ed-in 19 his bust, is n thisexquislte fragment reresited 'lv a nat~ural t0 vein in -the scoe head ~of ISc-xtus Qirue I-he Triumph of 'C Eits, 26 bagtsellef of; X4 figures-, Cereq ' Coiiolanris; Ajax; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... foy 1Uxumatisin, lains i4 thie Limbs, ,c. Dr..BATENIAN's PECTORAL DROil. IN Rlreoulatic asd Chronic Colnaint5is, ilt rileent Nirs iUl the .intrbs, atid hr must C.ases %here Colds ale lie urigin, rio Medicie has ew r been used rwilh greawer rtu(cr, or hild ii higher estienaticoarI hrt tile Gentuine i;AiEwi's )aors ; it is riecesiasv however to observe that tileie are various Imidtatiuns of this ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WXTANTED, tO PURCHASE or RENT, In a market town. il pevon, a SMALL HOUS1 or COTTAGE, with a garden, and spitable out-bnildloge, fit for the residence of a srqail Family. Apply, by letter. post paid, to W. T. 87, Moffat-slreet, City Road, London. RAMS. 1J[ Ii. HOLE's ANNUAL SHEW of RAMS wL.E will be LET by AUCTION, on WEDNESDAY the Seventh of May, in the Sheep Fair,' at CULLOMPTON, between the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TR AYED, from TE[GNNIOUTH, on1 Monday SI last, a LIGHT CHESNS 1' 'ELD[iNG, nearly 15 hands high, with fonr white feet, and white spot on the futr head, 5 years old. Whoever brings him to the llO'En, at Teignmonth, -ill be liberally rewarded. 1' HUXHA.I, DEVON. Q7j1 be LET, for a Tertu of Seven Years, from T. l ady-day next, a very good Estate called HOP- 1; INS's and lIilWIS's, sitivite in the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CHURCHSTAUNTON. DEVON. TO be SOLD by Auction, by order of the IL Com.mulssioueps timued, in and by a Comanission of Baukrupt, awarded and issued against Edward 'Vraod, nfC urchstaunton, in the county of Devon, coal-mer- chant, dealer and chapmtan, at the Old Inn, in Church- isuford, within the parish of Churclistatin ton aforesaid, ou Friday the 'd day of M.ay next, by four o'clock in the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -|or BOARD AND LODGINGS. D A Getitlernati and Jndy with one or two young A ~L adies may be accommasodated with cotifbrtable Apart- sh nients siu a small respectable Family ii tile Country. th A.4pply at the Printer's; if by letter, post paid. of A FARnM TO LET, or Land Taox and 'Iithe Free. D ; T Oakenclough IHall, in the county of Stafford, t A1 late in the occupation of Mr. Josiah Gould, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... f8 W ?? P~HYSICIANS couadm to JLLrecomimend DALEk idouble,,.stroog JAMA1CA 601- OBR WIN-E'.for sm msediate rellefandi sure preventisse 1193W5t I a raur ci the ?? to her Majelity, Ao Coven d 22WRY ang ST. MARY MAGDALEN, M~ilk-litimlias Lan- dal 'akemable in Vestry, oha Tuesday thse 2* ?? f April, S4 fo the epeeM purpos of takig aifto Cosdron .505 ,-_Iu - Slow 4dadtax In Plarhament, earitlld. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... C' ?? l r . T -l ?? t L-X ETER1 TIIEAT R~,, posziet/cd ile Lao Yightl but One. Mr. I IUGHi S's Night. H IS I.'FE S E N I' EVE N.J:IN G, (TI- 1LRRS DA1Y) ta 1i 1817, will he prcsenfld the Meti D. .Ma of TI | e M- G A ?! On. The MA 11) 01 PA iI A I Si, A U. With thF fhO e SPOiLED CHLD. Th I whvlole o e(.iirelude, I'tl tlic ?? .Slelo Dramaz, c~alled 'h FOREWST of' BON DY: Or, The DOG of AT ONT ...

Advertisements & Notices

... This daY ix pullhhd4 a. 9 ly OlIPHANT, WAUGH, 8 INNES, a In octavo, price ls. 6d. stitched. A LETTER to JOHN H. FORBEtS, Psq and Advocate, colatainiog an Answer to some Remarkis yanl Statements in his ObservatIonrs on Banks for Savings, and ?? to the Editor of rhe Quarterly.Rtview.-1.1o which are added, some Cursory Rematks relative to a pro- e posed Aet of Parliament fat the Protectiou ...