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Advertisements & Notices

... J'fil TYD I:IR') P~rArK ,,ill l), sr,. ia~ t 10tb 6e;v ol Octobeien3ruc ?? tiite 1 er MilCjlc C{OIP . ?? sts 1.\, ii' lziis Graclicy- l.ows ?? 4 0 ?? eii unt, Isei-yell-,ld I eifuis ?? o .li,, A- ?? . ?? s l Z l Yes rI 10 t7 H ri fi * etsd .lhree-s'iiir-urld (sfIts t; ti , ori' . ?? To-yeer-soldt (ohs. . 41 ,lj d setl ?? Yearlhig ('silts . 2 tfncbticdgs31 i Mrsxil X ti i l t (reait dire wsill ...

Advertisements & Notices

... )IagdIaICfl Co11e?e, OxI'ord. ?? COURIS BARON. ? ii' Ilotvizi Coo ri a i3ttroit of the Pr?sde: C0Ilttte cf ?t. Macv ??lat?daIc't, Oxford, he h v: 0 the ? ,LZId at the tdacttS under- ?te*Itt otte!' white the '1encittS and such others who ItlV? bit ?t tess to tnt t ?,ct are tics red to tit tend. tat],, ;,:as 1(ydtc'?t-At the ? t5ti'?C HoUse, ti M tin- Ktir26thdttY of Ma', at TwcI?e o'iiuch. the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -AS GROOM,, or GRO vdVLET to a ~ASihigle Gentleman, a steady Young Man, who perfedfly iinoerstands hiqbusinesj; has no objedhion to ?? in tie honuse if required, nor to any part of the country: canl have qn liode- t aioahibe chiarafter,-Letters, post paid, to ?? P. 23, Great CA-Stle vil street, Cavendish-square., ab AS8 BUTLER, or BUTLE-R and V1_ALETr, ifl :7.a ?? reguilar servants are kept, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALES 1jY AUCTION.- ILsat India Madeira. China, Chess Men, Rc. rif Captain It- HaY. -By Mr. H. PHILLIPS, at his Great Rooms. New Bond- -acre'-t. T10- NO RlROW, at one fosr two precisely,I I H Y DOZEN of remarkably fine OLD E I~iTIND)IA MsADEIRIA, teporyofand i'S, ported by Captaisl R. B-ay, of the Astel, far his own private use, after remaining -in X-i0ia nearly is years under the care, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Ut LACY and Mre. BIANCHI LACY re .~ speaEf~lfY inform the Nobility. Gentry, ,an their th-t their ANNUAL. CONCERT will take pl ace at 1 Ar~ge oonm,, T-HIS EVENING when (being WVhitkun ,vill e offarnned a Grand Seleciftip of SACRED MU- Vocal l'erforer,, MNlad. Camporese, Mrs. Salmon, Mrs. v. s Williams, Sig. Crivelli, S.. m ogeti Sig Beg. Mgr TIawtesoad' Mr l~acy; Mlr. S. Buggin. Mr. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... This day is pdblished, anew Edition, price Bs. of S OLOMON's GUIDE to HEALrTH; whvich points out tbe cure of a gonorrhea and confirmed siphilis; contains au essay on becret Venery, au adsress to pareuts, guardiaun;, tutors, and those who have Ate care and education of youth: likewise advice to Bafhers at Margate, Sontblaliuton, Starlhorugh, Bathl, Briftol, &c, particularly the afflicted with ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LADY's N1MAIl1). ANTS.a PLACE as LADY's MAlD, a T t steady YOVUNG W9V-OAN', in every respect qua- lified for the situation, which qhe has filled in a highly respectable famrnily in Devon, for several years past, anti from which she can oitaiu an unexceptionable character. Application, ir by letter, pust-paid, is requiested to be addressed S. D. at the Priiters. Stone ffasoniar, Statuary, 4w. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... N oF Performing till the Bumnier Seato ,fbf L-4 1 I~oR ?? BENEFIT OF 'felj? J'OLES. MAay 7 1317, ;l~berevivedtbefayouite Wc~sFsnAVs Comedy oF JOLLY AS IT FLIES. lic .J C Clured bs terlide Called ?? ni1R I EE WEDDING; THF W IPEssS FLMS7 lAMSSO A h FreeltIVes by Mrts H. SinnotNs. ' ?? ~ppealafS in that Character. Patr ma tje$x by Mr SwA N and tvliss DYtE-. ?? thte popular Musical Eutertalti. The ...

Advertisements & Notices

... The hfce Coppered Sn*'l The H1 A*&M ON Y. WilL Captailk - -, : For Freill, sail in about Tomree We. Fr tr'tghit, or Passage, applt t - HULL, wI. & C. BOLTON; .Or-; May 20tth, 187. JOSHUA HAWOLTH, Jun.; For ELSINORE .8 St. PE TER SB RG, flE rKNE NEW BRI ' W, 0~0) D IA L L e07 Tbn$r Rcgsstcr, Captaia WILLGAM S-mi _m BCsidciable- part of her;. Cargo beig .engged t ill sail oit or about.he 2,5Si ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .'N-DER tbeirimmediate Patronage of'H. R. HI. the 3plriltesi CHlAR[.0'?r1 of WALES, and SAXE CO- ,UjR(;.NEW ROOM'S, HanOver-squalire -Mrs. QU ICK, *Pjfesor ?? Teacher of the Piano-forte, has -theI U~rm st respeiflly to acquaint the Nability, Gentry, and liyer teitds Iin gtsieral, that inl conisequense of fier having a ?? tstally blirnd, an ! Six Infant Children endelryvdependent on her ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DEVON. A FREE-lOLl) ESTATE FOR SALE, IXN A MINING COIINTOV, And wrell worthy the afrention of adventurer8, and others. | b N WEDNESDAY the l14th day of May Y next, by tbrce o'clock in the afternooo, a PU1ItIC Al C'TION % bl he lield at Ley, in the parish of Miar. Viy, for sale of all that Messutage and Teneennt. called IlI-JY: whih co[nsists of a good dwelling house. barn, ytalbe, and other ...

Advertisements & Notices

... C OSTING, at One Shilling per Mile, bi JOHN Pr HIN;ES, BwiL INmN, COLCHSESTER. 'iu LINEN anml WOOLLENi l)$APIS, II'AYLONS, &e. To be DISPOSlE) OF, N unexpired LEASE of 13 lears Of an Old Esta- Af buishled SHOP, situated in a sea port auill mai-ket town in Suftolk, about S0 mniles froul London, wh:ere a very exteisive trade has been carricd on. 15or partuinlars applyb) t ile Prinlter, Itters, ...