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Advertisements & Notices

... ?? by FOREST OF NVHICHWVOOD.. xvill : HEREAS ntt a Conit hxeldts r the Ralnger's' aa-B V-I~Ldge, in tbe Forerst oif Wliicliwoiid, befire. ofthb Right Hon. Lord Charles Slietiet', onec of the Verderors ,of the Foerest of Whlicitwood, iropeor per- - snis wvere appointed and swvornl Markisnseri for thet l n:scrotal Parishles anid H loarlets er~iitled .to clainm Right pro- ' of Conmonittl thl e ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MR ?? - [d 4t1e SALE ofrhe Celebrated, GUN-POVItD13B WORKS, . at Bajtte a1dvrctised td tale place ln the kdth bist.-at Lte Auc- t W:albrook,.2.% ; i87. ?e . i - 7 - h -b -SALTSP BY A JUCTION. st ?? Collediton of Boon nd.Pri.Ot9 so superb Bindings, the property-of Aletznder Daviison Ere -By Mr. FAREBRtOTOHE'R, ot the Premises, THISI3 and.Monday next, at tZ. HE magniiicent Coileaion 'of BOOKS,. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... jTHURROLD respectfully informs the Ladies of Yarmouith, anti its environs, that hlir Sprilnig Fasbions will be xealdy for .inspeciion on Thursday, MIay 15th. O 4) viL; and 3O00 . to be advanced upon approved 5VOWC- Mortgages of Land. Apply to Hr. Ed- wards, solicitor, Framlhnglian. rI 4 , and several sunisfrom 300. to be 5) cl'. advanced on Mortgage; good bulildings vill not be objected ...

Advertisements & Notices

... C OSTING, at One Shilling per Mile, bi JOHN Pr HIN;ES, BwiL INmN, COLCHSESTER. 'iu LINEN anml WOOLLENi l)$APIS, II'AYLONS, &e. To be DISPOSlE) OF, N unexpired LEASE of 13 lears Of an Old Esta- Af buishled SHOP, situated in a sea port auill mai-ket town in Suftolk, about S0 mniles froul London, wh:ere a very exteisive trade has been carricd on. 15or partuinlars applyb) t ile Prinlter, Itters, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OyAL. ACADEM, ?? Nt is jy treiay given, Tha.,h ?? P W THdIS, DAY4.tWoe ~OCocGAnio~ x ?? a i~hibitfrs -111IaStudents may receiv~e their tkes4d aTa.1 Sj~gesb applyinig-at the Am'demy Thlis Dyarrwlv ?? ~.wEST'S PicvTIRE -f H ~T RE. sic ,h~codswh hvesen thisA Pidture., having epes. lab ..;a s 0heinfrt~d henitwas Mir. IVest's inritetlonro.p biie's -t fo ,I'ia auhoriied ep lyod stt the -of eciv I, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... U ST litnded,-A primne P2arCe1 Of &P LENIONS ilm Bc)xtes, ro na;i);lV firm) 2d0 II) :3(0, ill filiv C11111fifiall oihich) will tbc S111 m)) tlhe Ilmrst llisolal)-, able I ?? Of 'iALt'ER and Cu. MAlvichants, Coleb'e-stremt, I. rtsea. May 3,- 117. iT1-1K WELLBANK, autd 'TlH1OMAS and IL EL}AZABlE!1-,Ncichti, BECS a HUrcilHNS. MIits- tel s, sri I rec il lI) Ill tran P,;rtriauot II to, Havre dt! ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SAtZS BY .AUC'rIO'. ; : By Mr. SOTHEEY, Booktseller, at his Fouse, 145, Strand, opposite Catherine-atreet, TO.iCdORROWV and two follow- irg Days, at 1i 'cloci, ' A PORTION of the LIBRARY oFrAVILLIAM A ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOilCE. L, DICAL GENTLEMAN, Jn genteel ani exteniive Crruiitry Practice, intending to re ie, ?? be glad to treat with any Surgeon of respectability as hfi siacctisir. Application for particulars may be made at No. loo, -Sout'e Bridge. E&inr. 5th Ivlay, is1'7? 4 5f SATURDAY NrX , Advice of the Second. Day's Drawiag of the STATE LtJl lEAY -will arrive at SIEV WRI i-T'S, 102, SorNT BRIDGE, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WYANT PLACES. S SERVANT to a Single Gentleman, or in a A Family, vlwhere there is but one, or a lad kepr, A Young Man, 25 years of age; he thoroughly understands his business, and can have an undeniable charadler from the situatiori he has just left; noobjecdtion to town or country, or to go a'broad; -Direct, post paid, to A. C. at Mr. Carse's, baker, sar, Mount- street, Berkeley-square. AS ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ISLE 0OF WIGfIr :'~HEESROBERT ~ii tile. TO Wly 11. V .LYDAl', ine. oif she ~ tile Ctllvettors ot the several Duties payable to, his Majesty 11 'tin tite Profits. on Property, Professions, Trades, and Ide OtLes, ani~f also, of the several Duties of Assessed ~ ia- Taxes, hlat neglected! anid refused, to pay div-ca Sumsn ex- of Money hichil have been by ?? received, as sudsl w tit Cull eclor, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WILLIAM pCK WOO. ;No. 17, Prince's Street,. `In )ctaV , Price 1i. 6 Td. ?? SCIIINCF.S, ANI)THEART;Y i :Oiledgthe at ' l IiNsrlrtsloti. I\l. V. ?? Of tlse Atonrcement l* A l ½ n OS C~lnelt(, wvith thti Rise and Progreos lf II. Al Ilitqiry into the Origin tif trnI :ilVOY61 drawt: trom Sotes left by the late the rch W lc5 ,i t bt; I ti 5pso ts lahoratory at_ f n ,4n c f lle Cd enhati Waters, by ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MEDICAL GUIDE. r TH Sday ws ptsblislfed, i-new Edition, ,l MEDICAL GUIDE~ftmr the Use of the Clergy, I-eads ci mof Families and Semiteariell, and Youting Practitioners inl ANS Medicine and Surgery. InI the first part of this Wor, ItIme Propeirties, Dojses,` aind best, metbnds of eurployilig of Ithle Medicines necessary to ble kept by Families residing Ser in thle C:ountry, are folly detailed, ...