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Caledonian Mercury



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Caledonian Mercury

Advertisements & Notices

... A' ~ ~~ ~c hanve t!1,e 11onour (If ' ll- * - t1, &,i getr atof tleir NEW Ii It prcaedtl~ ill Entgland~ by W.~ G* oil or ?? r ~Vm Itilfjeriyi new F 'ai %ili he ari eC ORI LA _N lA' SARSNETS. a ~~~I 1 CI URDS.ITNS. S-i WII IxCE VEILS S& SCARFo. 111IISAND) CHIN'lIR)1S t~() ~ I~ ' a uiriety yf ne w 6e i .r - - Woo ~&SI1 II, I,, UERCllS. \s ~ I.E& cl-Ill0 HATS. * 1 (NDO MIlll~Y flVI 7L(S .(Idt-b & ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 9/ MUSICAL EDUCATION IN CL.ASSES. M R 19 CORRtI hsavingff receiver' intimnatio n fro, M many ofihis friends,-of rheir wishes that le shoull npen (3acses for the 7Inistriction oF -Young .La,;irs i rhe prin- ciples and practice of Musi he re1peclfully h'egc leave to in- I form the Public. that he wsill, on the tt Iay ,,f October next, open a CLASS for sueh YOUNG lADIES as my prefer that mnade of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... * SaypJo i?1,1 a Ongaik theY >te~ ~ ~ ~ ?? t apt ,tore ' An yird yardtarm ou B' veesse lashei *d Ou ati''ertb s ?? fromn its curren; dashed. hsr ?? we2ta poin = wied the b avrmoyes O f t l lo nean : Aa I silently gazed, in their bright glos d. MyMthougt I a toe could liseover e ?? above, I could see him his carbine One moniet and al liad hern over! ?? Igrasped nT charg'd piece'-aid- sta ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A COMPLETE DISTILLERY FOR S.-ILE OR TO BE LET. ao be SoLo by private bargain, at FLEMINGTO5SN, it the parish of-Petty, and county of Inverness, PCCUPLTE Set of DISTILLERY UJTE.N. ALcSIlS, and DISTILLING APPARATUS ca. sisting ofa WASH STILL, of '217 gallons; a LOWr bl\ ST'ILL, of 80 gallons contents, with Worms complete- a COPPER and MASH TUN, with 15 Wash Batches, ar, all other necessary ...

Advertisements & Notices

... it PRINCIPAL 'tilROS PORi RAIT, Diedceted, 63 , ermi.sdznt '16Jfs Grace, Me Duke 9f Atholl. e ?? Publilct re respectfdlly inforrned, t0j; . the PORt RAIl'-ol o IIRieLP tLBtL' DAI'.iazr't in by Mai GeODEj, iS tt presehtengrjsinh hy WtaLIAMt WABbR el A. R A. ,E. and wiill he ready 'for delivery to Subacri srs .{t about the-end of June h^ Subscriptions villbe'received- bj' MteSi4s CON ?? ind CO.; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - ?? il te Bhllb1 LNE C) itst 1 SE I ER- _ - C hiYAL ( ?? give RS'liil .e Yehd c' \I ?? , ;T tl O I - E.,Vtl aS til be Caq RI~' IllT PaRl ?? &iy Julie ljxt at : X ?? i' !c\rtsoild'y theIJ 11haik ol'c- I ?? ,,I '1lllv I tv -37 ~ ~ ~ la ac ~ GENER ?? ?? o, ANVr 0 -3G.. secretary. 0 GENIjIT, MEETING 0fllr n~o be a Gl~E N l' VH h ' ia . I . I -l -4iX ttl5 ;day of Julie, at elerivl !t~tt g ...

Advertisements & Notices

... POIN lERS STRA YID, a gentleman's servant, on Thursday last,. .T~ Wtr O LARGE DOGS in Couples. One oF 5- them a brown spaniei, the other a black spotted spaniel. Whoever will restore them to No. 15. Abercromby Place, or give such information as may lead to their recovery, will be bandsomelv rewarded. WI.3 V~lNES FOR S \I.E T1o be' 2t0eDby auction,,within~ Fst-i U'NEit's Tavern, Prince's Street ...

Advertisements & Notices

... !CR w_ E E, I'lOP llfE AUT1HOR. t 2 To r or reirwed vith rlngravwngs ~ rstdin Quarto, rambe ,, b t5 Dn°Jr>ESiO vS l' ?? AR 0STS, Au pgojE QUEEN'S E NI E, A LE',EWpa\ ene Br JAMES HOGG, 'ijvo Gutitsrt, -to be paik on. 1itlCc to stU.tSCI bes9 3, GuIN brtskl by she friends of rhe Ah-u prsn %nfr eit; IlcIi.gcvr protit timys ;srtk Ioh the PnblITtofl d0re availslte toheisei t. t ii i Y orhe tht ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TIAI T MENAGERIE ON ADt gIVTD A >! ' lU5AIVIF O (ND. / ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o '-t3 ll tl innauteo anc n ounin p R Tol ?? Pub .n lalic ot Ek linhurgh and a th I bilhas enrtryed r and adeded tto1ha collection, itq 51.iif, th it vhe Lartietil; Mound a heall ttfil I mi Ur the y ?? CAIm IL, c1) lI as t h b nported into Britain for the teol tthat hs Itolii pot the only oti t a live years. r -t tile Camie b ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? .. ?? ?? ?? ?? I. - - - SILKS, SARSNETS, LUSTRES, GAUZES, &c. ,n fi 3 SBY AUCTlION, Tl , ~~~AT TtlE AGrPNCY OPFICE Oa Tuesday next, and following days to I MR WALKER will ?? to SALE, by aucb- Wt, a variety of, the above articles; likewise a very n elegant display of FANCY MULI9NS, WHITE a BLACK VEILS, LINENS, and C6ll'ONS, &c. &c. The CH11 A Sale will commence about fiursrday. H Edinburgh, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... = LACKI ILY A SON- k .4 It ~ R~AIl1 DRAPERS, N i'EC I intim ate that their NEW coo r za L P;idin, Mc tr Sre jult- arrived, in LonO & Cttsistinlg of th p l RAW flDNStAILE, and ad 1101~~ H iBONN I42 FtS adt n hre t ~atietv, and ofsfthe beaAstmak. { l .lgirwrV, FIG gliF, 'WFI'J,.kEDj' and PLAIN W sitE &; c>OlOURtE SASINS'. NGI iiO I3,ZRENS. el aCOI'OUREI) BO9sA-EMs & Cs lstP' CHINT7,S, and ROBES. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... In7 WeDNESDAT, 3Oh APRIL, tUPERB STA-E LoTTERy The STAWfl II l L oll )E VI, Begar Draoin aln ql to 0-; Bo t.ANat. , ICkEgjiS & SHARES inthe Cratel t5 wLr; ty of h niteri, wing, a till . .FORIIEST's - 'st the 1 ron Chutrch, Edlnlburgh1 TILE RDAY NP3H ' nets of he Drawing ale expected tG artive tin Where Al f StVFT MpkiNING Tkilet, Ighteen Guineas. }P.ct59 1 0 i gcb ?? :92 31 6 gaIf. ~l OI^- ...