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London, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... . WANT PLACJS. A S- CtOOk.nd:hHOUSEKEEPE.R or COOk, A-w where :the I1ady is heir -own 1inusekeeper, a steady Middle-aged Woman; sh e` is perfeft'stress of her business, and- none need apply but where a ?? maid is keprti her re. ference is undenisable where she has .udst, left.-Letters. post pald,.to S. Ci at'Mr. Duggins, ?? street, Oxfdrd-road. A S COOK and -HOUSEKEEPBR' to a Single X ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALES BY AUCTION. Antique CGems, C-ameos, &c. &c.-By Mr.SOTHEDY, Book-1 seller, at.-hisHouse, -45,gStrand, oppositceCatheririesreeI THllS D1AY, at z-2, - - tl headof.clpss frianus th scr ?? obsei~ed-in 19 his bust, is n thisexquislte fragment reresited 'lv a nat~ural t0 vein in -the scoe head ~of ISc-xtus Qirue I-he Triumph of 'C Eits, 26 bagtsellef of; X4 figures-, Cereq ' Coiiolanris; Ajax; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... f8 W ?? P~HYSICIANS couadm to JLLrecomimend DALEk idouble,,.stroog JAMA1CA 601- OBR WIN-E'.for sm msediate rellefandi sure preventisse 1193W5t I a raur ci the ?? to her Majelity, Ao Coven d 22WRY ang ST. MARY MAGDALEN, M~ilk-litimlias Lan- dal 'akemable in Vestry, oha Tuesday thse 2* ?? f April, S4 fo the epeeM purpos of takig aifto Cosdron .505 ,-_Iu - Slow 4dadtax In Plarhament, earitlld. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~~ hee C~j o ti- raerAa1.The 5ecold Obole C,nrro Hond fot Sc-ne (the1SoloYbyi'N¶Te. V ~j4.i1Irq. Bartlerman)'-C, Fureeln-SOOP. ?? rvis, Angels, ever hrig'h Jndfai ~~ Crrrtni rioivcr h I* bj~ Geo Falt Tess ?? Clhfro 7O bt OFI, H'~,el tlw lo(~ ?? and 'the G;od- l-andel--A dt 11.. Overture-to Znef~ ?? STG frojtfle oer rhe ~4 ~t~l~elgA; . .A;Rhen,. i ¶.g- ' 'W~tbZd- it dp ~ drare~t Irhi~tindOry% ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -SALES WY A400T!Q1N. -7a&ia Dresden, and other por~laine, Miniatures, Jewele, Road- Curiositice, at Rkchmond% !Surrey.-By lIly. .CH ISTE, t the Ball Room o~ike Castle Inn. a covnn id the lease forbidding sa,'le -itifdihe Premises, by order of1 zli~xe~uur~ 'H~aDAYTO-1VORROWand ?? i ieit,.iach _day precisely atoni~e,~ `rr`41E whole ofthe very 'pieciois. and choice COL_ XI .L.CT1I6lX.4f ...

Advertisements & Notices

... N-TFw RNTOORENVE{ST~k4ii q~iant clie ?? ~h ULOCERT, op -a radcaewlltkple RaEgNsoi a ?? ,Cb~ri B3td 6f~ the-AhtentMusic,' The lorin. - cii~aj Vical Parts by 4Uadarne Caniporese and is Sregp~s, and rs. V~ugnn, Mr.Veugan.~i~ir ?? l~yve~ts- Mr.' Bellamiy, Mr. Hawees, znndl Mr. Bn~l~a,.wdwill in-L in orpr~i~T I od~or, Mr. Greatorep. Anong the principal g 16,fnimentalt P&ei~frners are, Wlecssr4. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... YrAREE 1!HUNDRED P6ubtS tOST ! t- . LOSTr on Tt0ay, the 29tb of April, qp osed in Bond- h streta BUESA PURSE with gold tassels, containing Three Notes of 1o6lKVeach, ?? Pound Note, Three One Pound Notes, znd-siohe Silver, several Receliak, and a small Ikey.-lf the aboviimentioned Purse has. fallen Into the hands- of any, Lady or Gentleman, they are requesetd to take or to send it to Mr. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALES BY AUCTION.; !'rlntit, Portr~I'9a.&i-i Copoer-s'l)Iieq.-By Messrs. XING, at their_.Grcat ~koom, No. ~, King-street, Covent-garden, THIIS-DAY. at xz, 3 bad at the'Room. Alinerals'By Mesers: KING, at their Great Room, No.'33s, King-street;, Covent-Fiarden, on Wednesday~ next and Twoa A. r ulys valuable PntCandphighlya ?? rCofleUNG I at3 thfi MINERARo, the proert of Cent, arenlauti. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Aop.i,,lane, and Alillows House7.lanein t ?? Lo n, Aeld nt.ela egtr.Reonf B9V Church; Hle d dty able the Mouse Yofn X $ tpl i~ f I Clergy jtw.% , 4ty. ?? a,. C h nC not 'caged jtar h any, ?? Or ,;tAqe~az on*~a99 :batst bojy, as tne air hestjas la J~bpl~lIqMCU spdsqm *lljhoef ,dedutionoe. mowe F p4lse -valne oa rblety of Otnee paishei hs. de jreirith~ ?? of end to jreater part 'o.t'e'Iiba , ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~QrA ~DE (, i~t- ?? - N7: ESTS PICTtRE1i7 iTCHRISTR o iial.[E Many Lulqs.l %.Gentlerren ao me fitforrined ~t'hen Ilt WA~8 )Mr 7 West`sr1i~ttontcnf pp4jt j~g Print from, ilt' tjm ~athOzd~rvepualt, ~ ultte ,~g the Puh1llicin geeat arwmgjsn1 lile m at Nq I2g,- ?? o hI i ;weee cplnco -r eevdand pisepa~rtlculaM.~aV. t) hfad.:.- Bir order, LEUJ~S S`MAPIAB~TSCreay 'Il Te Ezblbition opels, a.20Ustaa, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MR ?? - [d 4t1e SALE ofrhe Celebrated, GUN-POVItD13B WORKS, . at Bajtte a1dvrctised td tale place ln the kdth bist.-at Lte Auc- t W:albrook,.2.% ; i87. ?e . i - 7 - h -b -SALTSP BY A JUCTION. st ?? Collediton of Boon nd.Pri.Ot9 so superb Bindings, the property-of Aletznder Daviison Ere -By Mr. FAREBRtOTOHE'R, ot the Premises, THISI3 and.Monday next, at tZ. HE magniiicent Coileaion 'of BOOKS,. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OyAL. ACADEM, ?? Nt is jy treiay given, Tha.,h ?? P W THdIS, DAY4.tWoe ~OCocGAnio~ x ?? a i~hibitfrs -111IaStudents may receiv~e their tkes4d aTa.1 Sj~gesb applyinig-at the Am'demy Thlis Dyarrwlv ?? ~.wEST'S PicvTIRE -f H ~T RE. sic ,h~codswh hvesen thisA Pidture., having epes. lab ..;a s 0heinfrt~d henitwas Mir. IVest's inritetlonro.p biie's -t fo ,I'ia auhoriied ep lyod stt the -of eciv I, ...