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Yorkshire, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... Methodist Missions KN EVERY QUARITJWER.-OF TIE GLOBE. T HE1 ANNUAL )MHEUTING of ?? ME- L 'I D l-LIS'l' M`lSSIONARY St.CTETYfor ?? K-NREn'(o' Clriciie'r, 'Kill be held in the New \k-thotvist Chapel, Gratious Street, 4naresbeo', on Iriday. ?? ithl of JAIY. The Chair to be tak-en precisely at Two o'Clock. The l'cligious Scrvices conneleud with this Meeting will be its fcdlow :_tjn TIUJSDnAY ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BAXI ;rA IqFIJ.ST IAT-n INN lrtFtkfts.Zi4- @!:ifrO#as ; rwitlt*fh Poroesselos ?? W I*UJ by AUCTION, Yo ~r Ptvtwi~l~s T*~adSg, Wy J'7. Bia 4& t~rrc Je Joi 2*I5%Ysa Aid~y 12i77t., l~ll, tt lic tj a k~AT Vnlstasie isat~teeitio.t sanl kfiltivalled e A. PFrtte, tier WRlITi LIO?R, sat IASenTFORD pi-l ?? ~ ~~ ?? s~all les!eai aid w ¢iREII3:LD PREMISES ne S;Ioss,,, X;&i li ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DANCING. P. KAY returns his ;rqtefi Arkuo -. _ tlcdnents to the ?? and Gentlemen of 1Leeds and it Vichnity. folr the distimzfmislcedI Patrim- a re they have hitherto honoured himn with a Continu- anceof whitch it will evcr be his Endeavour to mrrit. ie begs Leave to inform then, that he has just re- turnedfrom v'were-he has received Instruc. tions, from the bcst Shiiirce, in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... To he LET, and Entered to limediatel y, A DYE-T 'IF, sitniated near the King's -VIlls.-The Utensils snay be talkcn at a fair ?? Partictlars applv to Messrs. Thackray, Smith, & Co. Dyers, School-Close, Leeds. In Robert Filtont's Bantksruptcy. TI1' Ciedlitors whohave prove d their Debts I under a Comsmission of Bankrupt, awarded and is ued and now in prosecution against ROBERT 1 FITTON. of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... The JONGE MARGARETHA,V . JACOB~ VERDOES, Master, .Suc|d -i Wh e,x S =S TON; 3nId being 'aj swailVels I will Ineeticith gqiicl~4sp,qc r Ci C . W1LAOg, WUILlIlSQN, & 00.1 ' AHUL, April25th, 1 . FoAM&TER D AMf, The -H ElItCULE Si .. | :C:Tov NV.M.SrEX,'S, -CLARK fihls up,; anid v,ill 'meet with quic dispatch - ' N' WI%NliVWIL'INS01 &'Co. - ,, J'or L2SflVT UA =o R ,E , | . 1 21 i jetq . . lilE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... * A 3'3 ~3 ,,3~3A k~ 1 A EA$T4,,-1DJJWIG CLERGY, 1.GOVEftN61S Nbf t k lA4RITY' for 'th Reief of the WaW7-a~s.ad4 to the orders of the lt6iGnp' eetin *ccI rtmff e di~h e- UYYb-J1 scriptions . , i a to , with co ionty of o:0the L, U J hatyhld OiX-1e aro o Brs .LX NIGH E il Pit, I Wille~mmi'd~h?.upp~:.. sitt u twh arcnýs . ' he~ile'iisot ot, N,.,rD net ? L . in e!v?ig-bam, asinHod' rne.tha , ...

Advertisements & Notices

... YORKSHIRE SOCIETY. ru8HE Sixth Annual MEETING of this Je Society will be held at the London Tavern, Bis:sopsiate-Street, London, on WEDNESDAY, the LORD LASCELLES, M.P. in the Chair. STEWARDSa. 'ir M. Sykes, Bart. M.P. John Smith, Esq. M. P. Geo. Brydges, Req. Sheriff John Hall, Esq. High and Alderman, Sheriff of Essex. amuelsWrkight, Req. l. RV. Stephenson, Esq. -tvm. W alker, Esq. I. R. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T4 ~ ri at t70will corcT' ue to err eveY liDa. until the hc , iotf tieile EletirIIat tiec \MlD7i N NY, n ,a r te out Housec, vehcre the; Friindr> of Mr. -awrsl:sworti tiill be pleastrl t; r address ?? Conn1lnuicr mois ?? To the Chairman*; r and previou1sly to prnocssilioZ to thte ?? I t /na tikaz y- requestut they witl l ery thue for proiper C Tickets. M1r. H.'s Commnittee at LFEDiS, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... P1111 O~'GPJE' Li`ETJCTit ESI ?? Cevnip oof I o _sV- net C. f - | Sr\l C l o-l~i)it- ='ar 3arr ca ,f CLX i~i. AO~S~l . It ',.1ni,'de-iyablc tons'certiin, a*~cir4 s 'iho to | la, 1I Nte:, zi)X l i f .tre wilee.'li Z:IArw.-* CI L i. lA:C I:tlc (11! ?? t l :le o th lcisl i! In 1 i.ts : are .: ui 'C.l Ii Jo;; t dorn ?? ir Na;: 'i as rotza ito co- vol'cn m. a- ?? ?? Ilioee r. Hcatoi's, | ssy. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WATE 1ZLOO. T 1E llr';TERI,00 .EXHIfllT[(.NL is n n'ote OPEN in the MNusic-fHall, Albiln-Street, it: Leeds, for it Short Time only. all In isic to Inquiries which have' been made, by Letter, lii seveml. Gentlcoeme in thc Neiglibourhoodl, A ie4_Sqrcq.' ,arsllail, the Proprietors, beg Leave to say, Cing that the Trose of their Arrival at EdInbro' being linit- . )e ed, they 1ill not hlavti ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... i WER.-TO LtE? CHPAP, For, a Term of Years, tO Spacious It 00 AM 8 with SlhafRA T ` Drums, and Going Geer, ?? Ground and Second Floors in t6ie Blaek Dog Mill, F or Bank, Leeds, with Ten or Twelve Horses' Panzer fron a Patent Stearn Engine, by Bolton & Watts, and at present undergoing a thorough Repair by Messrs. Fenton, Murray & Wood, Engineers.-When comi, pleted will be equal to any of their ...

Advertisements & Notices

... :For A4STERDAM, The? JONGE ELIZABETH, Capt. R. C. BLOOT;. -Is ,noqw loadlig,. andm willsail in ten 4ay. :. ME;TCALF & PULLON-.` ; WHO. HAVE FOR SALE, DUTCU OAK BARK,'of agoodaqtiality,: iustarrived.- ,. {utn, May 9th, 1817 . (One concern.) - For ~ROTTERDAM51;, TIIS FTNE DUTCJI HOY MARIA: &. ELIZABETH, - CORNELIUS RYNBENDEN. .,and bein- a saiall. Vessel, ,ill meet )it I . itnilte :dspatli. ...