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Oxford, Oxfordshire, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... )IagdIaICfl Co11e?e, OxI'ord. ?? COURIS BARON. ? ii' Ilotvizi Coo ri a i3ttroit of the Pr?sde: C0Ilttte cf ?t. Macv ??lat?daIc't, Oxford, he h v: 0 the ? ,LZId at the tdacttS under- ?te*Itt otte!' white the '1encittS and such others who ItlV? bit ?t tess to tnt t ?,ct are tics red to tit tend. tat],, ;,:as 1(ydtc'?t-At the ? t5ti'?C HoUse, ti M tin- Ktir26thdttY of Ma', at TwcI?e o'iiuch. the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TORSES~ laken) *izuo GRASS at ;RYE H111 FAiRM, adjoinuiig Alilingdon Bridle, at 6s. per wenti. 1~oiues anld Foals at 7s. oGd. ctii Apptifeationl to be miade on thle premi-sc. Highi Bridge lwfsarj: 2 WTsvI1Lr i ovSlll, s ~ commtssioun, andi wlhit DEAL,IS at 11s. eaclh, anld all othear~leats in prioport ion. Inlch au ite andle EehlsoyI Dcal Bn)ards at 3 jd. per Los~t, snjerfeiall Imeasure, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LodlY A NEW CONCORDANC.E TO THED 1, ft~lnn HVLY BIBLE. .eigh}t lf lESSRS. RIVINGTON ?? infirm~l niarry 1' ithe public, that thev arc preparinig toa poblisir been a CONCO RDANCE to the B~lfl'l1, whichl will in- basuties clude all words *of importance, arril arlosli a refercrrce to the most mwaterial passages ins the Holy Scriptures. , a Tbe W'nrl; will be editedl by the itCP. J. W. ,oc,, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... (h~fw'd{shir e Aqiricuttu~ratl Soc~ietyJ. IS(~lE1 IlIElI'lBY GIVEN, Tlhat all iA Cltidates tam' Vienmiurns iln C'lasses 3, 4, amidi 5,l li st be sea t ins, past paid, to tim e Seretimi'sv, anl tbh 4th of ,Uay imaxt. Lists of the Preai Ohmlis, Fat~ In.u fior tihe Certificates mlay be had at ammy ,~f the fidllow- ilog places, weriee aiso all! Subaeriptlomms iu arrcar aie deaji ed to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? by FOREST OF NVHICHWVOOD.. xvill : HEREAS ntt a Conit hxeldts r the Ralnger's' aa-B V-I~Ldge, in tbe Forerst oif Wliicliwoiid, befire. ofthb Right Hon. Lord Charles Slietiet', onec of the Verderors ,of the Foerest of Whlicitwood, iropeor per- - snis wvere appointed and swvornl Markisnseri for thet l n:scrotal Parishles anid H loarlets er~iitled .to clainm Right pro- ' of Conmonittl thl e ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Mrs. HEURBERlAT, M Sillnzer anad Drests Alaker, STR AW and CHI{ P HAT MlANUJFAC~tURER, I (atharine-street, Oxfordl, DEGS leave mo~st respectfull1y to inform the Ladies o)f Oesfurd and its vicinlity, her Fricndls, aud the Pnblic in general, that shle is now in Lon- don, selectinlg ai variety of the tuoast fashionable A'rticles, which svill bc submzitted fozr inspectioli on Weduesday nvxt thle ...

Advertisements & Notices

... J'fil TYD I:IR') P~rArK ,,ill l), sr,. ia~ t 10tb 6e;v ol Octobeien3ruc ?? tiite 1 er MilCjlc C{OIP . ?? sts 1.\, ii' lziis Graclicy- l.ows ?? 4 0 ?? eii unt, Isei-yell-,ld I eifuis ?? o .li,, A- ?? . ?? s l Z l Yes rI 10 t7 H ri fi * etsd .lhree-s'iiir-urld (sfIts t; ti , ori' . ?? To-yeer-soldt (ohs. . 41 ,lj d setl ?? Yearlhig ('silts . 2 tfncbticdgs31 i Mrsxil X ti i l t (reait dire wsill ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? Bi.Z Otz J,(.irfords ltire. t j.;opl *. \l) A ?S beg toinhnn r~thle public, gt 'tt;.Lt ?? ?? of ?? prulil Ltito', (G, F, , 1 1 f jl ai~ ileaving6 his presenlt reside lee, i; ll[l.s~fW l thlis counlty, thxes Wvill har1es thec in; .s :them bu, early ii theiutlonlth ofJullc, 'II M-n'' rc. vigililt, altid trly~l! iltl~lllS lule IiSlt- tji'[>ji ..XMI'S, &c. Iaide ?? Irin hb ru . Ited at theC ...

Advertisements & Notices

... t~t Rjlh~tt1QPai1S in1. Ise ,im1bs, dC. Dr. ET'l'lLMNl i's P).CTOI(.'l] D1R.(PS. TN;\ 1?llUsoun;tio. and Chrumic C-omplalints, ill Lviol ent Pains in the ~inmbs, and in] moss Cases wher e Colds are the Origin, nio Medicine hias ev'er been used with greater succrss, or held in hig-her estimzation, than she 06~euuisle IIl:tMx'a fDnors, it is necessaryi however, to observe that there are v a- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... i?IITRE iNN, OX.F'GRD. ?3 GYAL DEFIANCE COACh tu Loadcin, J1.?. every Nforr iii' cit Nine ii'ctoch, dii ocii.ti ii en oy. COACH to U iaiaiyklihii m ely Ntoui'ici? at Ecithe. 1)it to to Bitnljoeci, I.e am imrlon ?? /f iIYWZL/i, 01 eli' Menu i? at Eci?tit o0leck-flum is the only Coach from Ostoici to I.t]lIli ili1?toil. COACH tii C/icftooliau, Glacostoi, and Tforccstcr, every Miii ning at Nille, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -- THE EX2HIBITION , MILITAR~Y: CARRIAGE, Catinp Eqntijsnne, Gold Phnte, Ir>ardrlre, ltic. EX-EiMPElROR OF FRtANClE, ' ?? 3t WVATER{LOO, Willftnaj4ei ose .THIIDAY!r OXFiOB ,D Sat nlai', Molay, 1ยข? 7t. - Oxfotd aVOxfotdhilre:. .: AU-XfLIA'Rf)BLR- SQCIrTY*. HttE' Fourthi-.Alnniivera-ary Mesetiang of this .L Soiely wtil he blslens at thc Trow H11,al Ozt- ford, oa Whnit-Trues~ay, the 27iil ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IITRE IN;N, OXFORD. Gt!YAL DEV4IAN ACE C SOACH - to I.OTLdtOn ILevery ! .Moratslg at Nina&ciock, tjisugl Henlley. / C ;OACH to liiras ziisgknrn e~very Maiolig a it Eight. r Dittoto toBIzuib&ry, Lrmshieg~it, ) sald J >;aano k, avary MVontisigl at Eight 'clocks.-Tbiis Sistel only Coachid fran, Otfo~rd to Leail otinton ) C OACM to G/teltroflam, Gl6sr ev~eto arid TJ'srlcrrtar, esar [ora ugrnr at ...