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London, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... nOYA L MEW , CHR.11T .ca~8s.1.The lrorrprietor of the STrATIUES arnd CABvETr -Pic- ,luiu',$.,formiing the~ Cnlle~fiotq of the Rotyal NMews Gailery~ rr~e~lr~iV aqrrina te Anrreraefthe Fine Artsaand the pu~ir i geerrl, hathisGaleryit~owvtoru; and that, he has, at vey crrsderhi exenc, r-araniedthe Colmsasal.Grouri. fra Mote ~em, 5, t n oaurror ree-s,mnerdd a~. tre elhraes erilio. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... gEW ROOKS)g, ?? BAR 15T~~A ~trsid~lyaqiit the N lhlity,,0eir try, andhl3 Fried g nerally, thait his, ANN UA.CONCEIg ' vfil t1;eplae TilSItVNIG.~ The Perf-~rmrance~, wll ience a5 eighlt o clock., Do-rr, to , ha- opene it sgeven.- rickets, h'alt a gtibe' each, to hse had ...

Advertisements & Notices

... *.SAL)ES BY AUCTION. Essea~i~l Frehol Estte, 04 Aresbetweeti Avt-elr Stifod ?? o th RadtoSo= fekd-1-, Air. ItO- BINS li (iarawy'son Fida. My d, 'at twelve, ~Vey eigile REEOLDESTATE, Gtrea't .LL olan Hal, ejust~in te Psi4h'oF South Ockendift, 'tan Stiford, Ini thle county of Essex; comprising a g~ood farm Laouse', with offices, garden, orchard,'apaclous farm'yard, with vitcelleat barns, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T ETHIRTEENTH ANNUAL EXHIBI- lIN 'of the SOCIETY cof'PAiI'FER'S in OIL and'T ~~AIER OLOU~S,$ NOXV PE~N at ?? Room, A1 Srg adens.'.Adtiittance is.. Cataloguss 6dl' Ge. i I SL A.O N'bf ARTS.-EXHIB1TION o-F PIC-. -t S JRS 1b\ol Mstersi.-The Public are very frTespe& ea fitlly Inomd httheSALOON of 'ARTS, in Mladdrioxa qtegeaI are, IS N5W OPV-N, iwit a se ?? lu'ated ltaiiau,.Flemishnan'~ Dutch ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HEATRr ROYALDRURY-1LANE.-Mrs.1 T, n3 fir I.YSBFNll O on iay next, ADEL- GlTVI ?? 1lt X eft Gusiscar !. by 'Mr- Ponneli Thornton (gran t- t1 t, the I'r..nslator of Pla Tus). his first appearance; ILnthair, r, Mr. Ilae: Arl91gn' M3, Ttrirs Bev: I-.n Mrs Alsop.-After F s. SV .VlEFTF.R DAGGERWriOl). Sylvester l)ag. A 9'rwelid. Mr. Ilarley, Irn which Chara.'.er he sili inerodnce Ni he Comic Song ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BOOKS PUBLISHED THIS DAY. in 8vo. 7r2. 6d.i A -TR14iNSL4ASC10N~ . ST. HELENA Prionted for John Murray. Albeiiiarle-street- Of whom may be had. a New itinn'ot the Original. So. 7s. 6d. E. In uo. hRd. HOSYN n a Grecian Tale-ALASHTAR, 4rahl'n$le. Ly A GAILY KNIGHfj, Esq. Printed for John Murray, Albemrirlestrept. By the sanw Author, ILDErajs. a Syrimo 'I'ale, Svo. 45. 6d. Price as. 6d. LPHI BEY; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IVANTS A SITUATION, ,8 COOK in a regular Family, a middle-aged Woman, who perfectly understaiads her business. Direct :Paid) S. B . -No. 121, Charles-street, Westmninster. SALES~ BY AUCTION. -e, Wine, Bed and Toble Linen, (ilass, ciiina, Piano rorte, 1' Uiliant Diamond Ruig, 'and Carriage.-13y Mr. S TIDV ?? at his Great Room, 191, Piccadilly, TRI'IS DAY, att prccisely, 'HEI genuine 'VINTES of. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -AS GROOM,, or GRO vdVLET to a ~ASihigle Gentleman, a steady Young Man, who perfedfly iinoerstands hiqbusinesj; has no objedhion to ?? in tie honuse if required, nor to any part of the country: canl have qn liode- t aioahibe chiarafter,-Letters, post paid, to ?? P. 23, Great CA-Stle vil street, Cavendish-square., ab AS8 BUTLER, or BUTLE-R and V1_ALETr, ifl :7.a ?? reguilar servants are kept, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALES 1jY AUCTION.- ILsat India Madeira. China, Chess Men, Rc. rif Captain It- HaY. -By Mr. H. PHILLIPS, at his Great Rooms. New Bond- -acre'-t. T10- NO RlROW, at one fosr two precisely,I I H Y DOZEN of remarkably fine OLD E I~iTIND)IA MsADEIRIA, teporyofand i'S, ported by Captaisl R. B-ay, of the Astel, far his own private use, after remaining -in X-i0ia nearly is years under the care, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Ut LACY and Mre. BIANCHI LACY re .~ speaEf~lfY inform the Nobility. Gentry, ,an their th-t their ANNUAL. CONCERT will take pl ace at 1 Ar~ge oonm,, T-HIS EVENING when (being WVhitkun ,vill e offarnned a Grand Seleciftip of SACRED MU- Vocal l'erforer,, MNlad. Camporese, Mrs. Salmon, Mrs. v. s Williams, Sig. Crivelli, S.. m ogeti Sig Beg. Mgr TIawtesoad' Mr l~acy; Mlr. S. Buggin. Mr. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .'N-DER tbeirimmediate Patronage of'H. R. HI. the 3plriltesi CHlAR[.0'?r1 of WALES, and SAXE CO- ,UjR(;.NEW ROOM'S, HanOver-squalire -Mrs. QU ICK, *Pjfesor ?? Teacher of the Piano-forte, has -theI U~rm st respeiflly to acquaint the Nability, Gentry, and liyer teitds Iin gtsieral, that inl conisequense of fier having a ?? tstally blirnd, an ! Six Infant Children endelryvdependent on her ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WOOD, MAX11.%ol TN a MEETING or ASSEMBLY of the MYR J.Acet~n1ce-., and Livciie- of tihe several Companies of the City of London, in Common Hall assenmbled,, at the Guildliall of the said City, on Friday thew3th of May, 1817,- Resolved unanimously, That this Common Halal has learn't,- with feelings of regret and alarmi, 'that ?? M1inisters have avowed their intention of proposing the further ...