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Lothian, Scotland

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Advertisements & Notices

... This daY ix pullhhd4 a. 9 ly OlIPHANT, WAUGH, 8 INNES, a In octavo, price ls. 6d. stitched. A LETTER to JOHN H. FORBEtS, Psq and Advocate, colatainiog an Answer to some Remarkis yanl Statements in his ObservatIonrs on Banks for Savings, and ?? to the Editor of rhe Quarterly.Rtview.-1.1o which are added, some Cursory Rematks relative to a pro- e posed Aet of Parliament fat the Protectiou ...

Advertisements & Notices

... In7 WeDNESDAT, 3Oh APRIL, tUPERB STA-E LoTTERy The STAWfl II l L oll )E VI, Begar Draoin aln ql to 0-; Bo t.ANat. , ICkEgjiS & SHARES inthe Cratel t5 wLr; ty of h niteri, wing, a till . .FORIIEST's - 'st the 1 ron Chutrch, Edlnlburgh1 TILE RDAY NP3H ' nets of he Drawing ale expected tG artive tin Where Al f StVFT MpkiNING Tkilet, Ighteen Guineas. }P.ct59 1 0 i gcb ?? :92 31 6 gaIf. ~l OI^- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... N oF Performing till the Bumnier Seato ,fbf L-4 1 I~oR ?? BENEFIT OF 'felj? J'OLES. MAay 7 1317, ;l~berevivedtbefayouite Wc~sFsnAVs Comedy oF JOLLY AS IT FLIES. lic .J C Clured bs terlide Called ?? ni1R I EE WEDDING; THF W IPEssS FLMS7 lAMSSO A h FreeltIVes by Mrts H. SinnotNs. ' ?? ~ppealafS in that Character. Patr ma tje$x by Mr SwA N and tvliss DYtE-. ?? thte popular Musical Eutertalti. The ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .at, STATE LOTfERY. FIRST DAY S DRAWING OVER, I And NO PRIZE above L.5o Drawn. NEXT WEDNESDAY, 7th May, Is the Second Day of Drawing. TICKETS and SHARES, 'searranted undransn, will he on sale on Monday, and continue selling until Thursday at two o'clock, at SUTHERLAND's LIBRARY, C.ALrON STRES.T, EDISIUtRGH. Where the largest Prize sold in Edinburgh, in either of the two last Lotteries, was ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOilCE. L, DICAL GENTLEMAN, Jn genteel ani exteniive Crruiitry Practice, intending to re ie, ?? be glad to treat with any Surgeon of respectability as hfi siacctisir. Application for particulars may be made at No. loo, -Sout'e Bridge. E&inr. 5th Ivlay, is1'7? 4 5f SATURDAY NrX , Advice of the Second. Day's Drawiag of the STATE LtJl lEAY -will arrive at SIEV WRI i-T'S, 102, SorNT BRIDGE, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WILLIAM pCK WOO. ;No. 17, Prince's Street,. `In )ctaV , Price 1i. 6 Td. ?? SCIIINCF.S, ANI)THEART;Y i :Oiledgthe at ' l IiNsrlrtsloti. I\l. V. ?? Of tlse Atonrcement l* A l ½ n OS C~lnelt(, wvith thti Rise and Progreos lf II. Al Ilitqiry into the Origin tif trnI :ilVOY61 drawt: trom Sotes left by the late the rch W lc5 ,i t bt; I ti 5pso ts lahoratory at_ f n ,4n c f lle Cd enhati Waters, by ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A' ~ ~~ ~c hanve t!1,e 11onour (If ' ll- * - t1, &,i getr atof tleir NEW Ii It prcaedtl~ ill Entgland~ by W.~ G* oil or ?? r ~Vm Itilfjeriyi new F 'ai %ili he ari eC ORI LA _N lA' SARSNETS. a ~~~I 1 CI URDS.ITNS. S-i WII IxCE VEILS S& SCARFo. 111IISAND) CHIN'lIR)1S t~() ~ I~ ' a uiriety yf ne w 6e i .r - - Woo ~&SI1 II, I,, UERCllS. \s ~ I.E& cl-Ill0 HATS. * 1 (NDO MIlll~Y flVI 7L(S .(Idt-b & ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 9/ MUSICAL EDUCATION IN CL.ASSES. M R 19 CORRtI hsavingff receiver' intimnatio n fro, M many ofihis friends,-of rheir wishes that le shoull npen (3acses for the 7Inistriction oF -Young .La,;irs i rhe prin- ciples and practice of Musi he re1peclfully h'egc leave to in- I form the Public. that he wsill, on the tt Iay ,,f October next, open a CLASS for sueh YOUNG lADIES as my prefer that mnade of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... COUNTY OF'.STIRMING. - SnrIRLNo, ?? April 1817.. I .T a numerous and respectable trieeting'6f the CnommisSioners of- Suipply'of the Codisty of'Stir-. ling, in their annual general meeting asembled', ' ?? :fOMAS GRAHAM STIRLING, Esq. of AirtS, 'Convener of the.County,-in tshe dir. The meeting having proceeded' to' taie into conisideration ar B;ll now in its progress through Parliament,entitled, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1neSLD ARGYLt.sI-llRIL N ail 1t : S4I' eSL by pullfic rotrp 'Sti h SAIIF.F feehooste of Edinburgh, PI v-hl lb Roycl at two oi'clck afternoon, iteit previoursl ,,i~t 4yo Nl 7 privato' bargain, of lhich de noieda tik' e'pased Ilands were intended lt5 have beeSC Wilibs d ?? of April, but itt tis-' dslire of ?? slav of sale has been flxed far the al P archs5 4r, ~ ~ ~ ~ ?? St JMay I 5et. ?? IA P ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TIAI T MENAGERIE ON ADt gIVTD A >! ' lU5AIVIF O (ND. / ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o '-t3 ll tl innauteo anc n ounin p R Tol ?? Pub .n lalic ot Ek linhurgh and a th I bilhas enrtryed r and adeded tto1ha collection, itq 51.iif, th it vhe Lartietil; Mound a heall ttfil I mi Ur the y ?? CAIm IL, c1) lI as t h b nported into Britain for the teol tthat hs Itolii pot the only oti t a live years. r -t tile Camie b ...

Advertisements & Notices

... )g ' I ' ' ' TIO DP'lES9LO, ' I in V;rtue of the Poewws contaifid In u 2soi'and ispeisition in To be SOLD bt public rusp, wthiss t94 Royal Exchange . CiFfeebouse, Edinburgh on Wednesday the 16th day ot July181 ,7 iat One o clock-afernoon, E HAT PIECEoPorGRLOUND in theWHIIG3- T R. RAEHIILL, belonging ?? Robert Robertson, and presently possessed by' Mr John White. The property coll- sists of ...