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Advertisements & Notices

... A' ~ ~~ ~c hanve t!1,e 11onour (If ' ll- * - t1, &,i getr atof tleir NEW Ii It prcaedtl~ ill Entgland~ by W.~ G* oil or ?? r ~Vm Itilfjeriyi new F 'ai %ili he ari eC ORI LA _N lA' SARSNETS. a ~~~I 1 CI URDS.ITNS. S-i WII IxCE VEILS S& SCARFo. 111IISAND) CHIN'lIR)1S t~() ~ I~ ' a uiriety yf ne w 6e i .r - - Woo ~&SI1 II, I,, UERCllS. \s ~ I.E& cl-Ill0 HATS. * 1 (NDO MIlll~Y flVI 7L(S .(Idt-b & ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 9/ MUSICAL EDUCATION IN CL.ASSES. M R 19 CORRtI hsavingff receiver' intimnatio n fro, M many ofihis friends,-of rheir wishes that le shoull npen (3acses for the 7Inistriction oF -Young .La,;irs i rhe prin- ciples and practice of Musi he re1peclfully h'egc leave to in- I form the Public. that he wsill, on the tt Iay ,,f October next, open a CLASS for sueh YOUNG lADIES as my prefer that mnade of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I j i; ISH~ 1 1,1' I AN' ll l ?IWB AiY. j f ~cll .clicii and valu. bit 1'ooks. Alt3 Pe'lsonl mIraiy rotcuie a Prrprietur by sribscribirlrrg Otnet U ltlill' auid a bil fill 8 Oal , l- l OnC (Juilrt:i per arlturll | lric.vards.-5Shai t' it. irdtieraire. DcIrb.%, M~ay 7, 1817. I ~ ~~~ 1'-, iL3 l.A.NL), MIL LIN IER, DIRESS & COi'SFI MAKER, ; p L lr, (iT ULLY iirfiprms the Ladics r OtDerby Wilt ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FPO LE T, FURNISHED, a HOUSE, in WEST -I TETGNMOUTI-1, with a beautiful view of tbe. Harbour and river Teign; consisting, of dining-room, drawing-room, two kitchens, seven beds, and sundry N conveniencies,- Enquire of Mr. Luny, WestTeignmouth. B To LET, at Midsummer, A DWELLING HOUSE with agood GARDEN, A pleasantly situated, and which has a communlica- tion lto the Frier's Walk. The House ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ABSTRACT QF THE ACC7ONT OF THE RECEIPTS AND EXPENDlTURES QF TILE TREASUREIt OFTIlE COUNTY OF DhkBVP, :~roamf EASTER 1816, to EASTER 1817. I ;TIAN r TO 53. GEO. 3, C. tj, P 1 ' n r f l N R A . Ir . TREASURrIt. To Balance due to the Couity,. EalieSressions 118t6. - - I . T' Cash received fsta FasteDr M , to Easier I817, - a , X s. d. 356g 4 1i W.e$. 9 £11,394 6 )Of Detrty. Mhi April, 1817 - _ i ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,TO C01V)tER, this SEASON, at HIxLLEaRSDoN' near Cullompton, Devon, at Three Pound Three Shillings, and Three Shillings the Groom, S SANCHO - de bay horse, 9 years old, 1I hands higb, with black syn egs, large bone, and fine muscle; by bay Ascham, dam anc: by PIot-So's, ottt of, Dimple, by Highflyer.-The gowcr by stallion was the slie of the dam of bay Ascham; grandam, aci, the d9m of oldJason ...

Advertisements & Notices

... D ISFIlEY 1,EICESTERSIIIJIE. It. S .M IT' I Vespectftolly inlorlm itti; Fiedtds }' ldtePublile, that lite bteinda S'^eatng htsv [t.4AI8in their 11'bol,: Oil Roloiladv the tit illstalnt, 1ial miay be st-en mnitl Saiurday the t7lh; and t hat on Mumluday t9i 9tlg diay ul' Juste, lhe pru posts mo sheew tfhla fIbr L.ettnin IbIl~le v (, 601 May 1817. '1'0 i31 1 1T', Andl euteied uapon ImmedintelY, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... JU-%MPE1R ESSiPNCE OF PEPiPEH-ilINT, I, Well krrrswir as a safe, efftclural, WAr P~leiisaar a lrle 5i , Goiofy 'li C1101irk % f'4irrs illt~ ~ HI(Iitoac01sls, irtilige 'll), Hr 'terres, Seal 'icliiierst mtiparldalit oil PregurarrCN, RO'lIrxarirr alin Llislitutde Ilioml Artmospheric fle'rt, Vvino aof' ire iraj5 i iscieorl~lit IIt eattlie, filie Abs iriarii Spirrror q.i fie Spasnitoiiic Affect ...

Advertisements & Notices

... COUNTY OF'.STIRMING. - SnrIRLNo, ?? April 1817.. I .T a numerous and respectable trieeting'6f the CnommisSioners of- Suipply'of the Codisty of'Stir-. ling, in their annual general meeting asembled', ' ?? :fOMAS GRAHAM STIRLING, Esq. of AirtS, 'Convener of the.County,-in tshe dir. The meeting having proceeded' to' taie into conisideration ar B;ll now in its progress through Parliament,entitled, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ROYAL ACADEY Someoimers et , Th. R11XM-lIBTIO.S o f th SYALI ACADEMY is NOW 0P EN.- Admlmi98ie (from eight o'clocr till seven) is.-Cata- l0ue r5. ?? .. H. HOWARD, itWA. Sec. _Wfk. WFs's PICTURE o CHRIrsP RE. MI. JZerCED-Mhny Ladleg *tnt Gentlernen arhongst tbe ?? who h'ave steei this Pd ?? having ex preised a rhh to hpe anformed w'hen it ?? Wyesta' intention o puiitshink a Prinflfrhrn it, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... *.SAL)ES BY AUCTION. Essea~i~l Frehol Estte, 04 Aresbetweeti Avt-elr Stifod ?? o th RadtoSo= fekd-1-, Air. ItO- BINS li (iarawy'son Fida. My d, 'at twelve, ~Vey eigile REEOLDESTATE, Gtrea't .LL olan Hal, ejust~in te Psi4h'oF South Ockendift, 'tan Stiford, Ini thle county of Essex; comprising a g~ood farm Laouse', with offices, garden, orchard,'apaclous farm'yard, with vitcelleat barns, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1neSLD ARGYLt.sI-llRIL N ail 1t : S4I' eSL by pullfic rotrp 'Sti h SAIIF.F feehooste of Edinburgh, PI v-hl lb Roycl at two oi'clck afternoon, iteit previoursl ,,i~t 4yo Nl 7 privato' bargain, of lhich de noieda tik' e'pased Ilands were intended lt5 have beeSC Wilibs d ?? of April, but itt tis-' dslire of ?? slav of sale has been flxed far the al P archs5 4r, ~ ~ ~ ~ ?? St JMay I 5et. ?? IA P ...