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Yorkshire and the Humber, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... SA'IUEL TINER WOILKI G ~ GOLDSAITTH, .c. .1IETURNS s rael Thank-s to hlis Friends and tbe Public. for a'l past Favos and hopes, by his utnremittted Attentintor rtaino thart Conricleuce which they huve an 1on~ reposed -inhi And he begs to infurm~ themn,'that, in Addlition to Iiis Largeand Valuable Stock, hei RCHAStl great Variety oif beautifttl FANCY ARTICLpEs, which hie trusts will be found ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NE1V IXlEDR. DITRECTOftY. In I £ ie ,'th of August will be Published, P-rJice to Su','crihbess 3s. 6d. -to iAon-Sieb- st'r ibes's 4s. bil. CLpsios D!RE(CTORY, General ain j A IeSinnitel, Of tl'e BOROUGH of LEEDS P t ?? lUlDING S The Adtilrcs of all Persons in Business, and respectable llouseholdsr;, it, that pnpulons District, arranged in N stuch a Yinnner as to ainbrd the greatest l aci!ty ...

Advertisements & Notices

... II Pftd' -ALBI\'§ GDN (JINE CARMINAT if r ta. 9 superioc to all oblern emediei ior the rrnd,-purginge, OIS, cdnvnisions, and those difofders io th i 6lmaclh.pud L tPe b6oweli of infanip, which prolee fatal ta rg manyq undjr l the 5ge of two year,. tt s- equally efflcacioua irtcholic, fhe fluse4 anid other tomplairats m the istescinew-' grtw rent personi. . - > .; : 7C Vf T'is i walsrlhfe ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Patent M_\anifold WrtrrspectfUlly iegs Lrave to ?? to his Friends and the Public in general, that he has received from I ondlon. an u nt riwet otf IE LLF11Y, an~d WjA'TCHESJ, and of' W PI OD's PAT ENTj ,j. M N IFOLD] W iu',;t TERS; and that he has OPUN-e!) A SHOP in P Conrnexcial-Straeet, Leeds. stherie h.- puritasls to car.ry onl the Blusin ess of a ',SO P K iNG GOLII S M ITII j EW CLIE i, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... V . . ,~3.. i_ ,Junte 13th, 'y8i. ,,. . - .o.& LSINORE and KWNIVNGSBERG, . .The HU1BER, ' . ' JAMES C LAR KB' Will be dispatched about the 2Oth- of 'this ...

Advertisements & Notices

... COUNTY FIRE-O FICE. P TRUS' T-EES: The buhe OF RUTLAND, - G. The Marquis of BucRIDNG!Ia. The Ma-quis of NORTHiAMPTON. Thc Earl 6f UPPrER OSSORY. WirL6ArIPRAEP, E1q. M. 'P. S. gERNA11 MORLAn, Esq. M. P: dtRECTORS'FOR YORKSHIRE: HALL PLUMTR, Esq. Biltn,. CIARlrES LurTWIDE, Esq. gill. hliOiLAS SiSas, Eq. Cowningham, near VuWL al i5AAc-SW4gEai F~sq. VerA. , X fAJ'e.:S Vdinroa-J. TB-Bl. usBAoN'r ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TAND 'its Hi~she imss~ ttND iin i^Fie hige'itjitiatiof foi ,the cure nf thse . ,5,curvy,S.rnofula, Leprosy, and ail dieorders origi~.' nag in an. imuppro slate of te blood -eipggradsal, ~ldt ; ¢and -itmiit iper4't-le, i' tleir. iperazrion .tieV611 sob ttli has ever beed discovered ttr tait- dangerous rninetal' Metfiry; seetenling le bkitd, a.d istimulatirg iCito expi. all noxiouis. and impure- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... n - n tratct:ttt~#tnt o tl - of REGCiEPTIZPl andI EX . RE on Account of the SUBSCRIPTION F1J ;D raised fir t RETEg ifthe POOR inJI-u lL, SCULCOATESX anxd~N~eighbourcibod; .0 for. the i :1: . - : omtpfA. - :: i - : M 1816,w S APiirs 18. 0 d s.d, BalanceoftSubscriptionlstin B12 inthe - C n A - hands of Mes rs.PEAs HARxsONI 11l 4 9 purcbasing, warm Clothing for tiW 200 0' 0 asidCio-;. .ith.. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PRtES'1. MAYOR01. ( 'Midsnitrnier (General Quarter Sessions, 1817. Brsqrieyh qf 'L1, d.9, is th/e Comnat, of York. F ,T41'1,E is herlhv given, Thit tthe MID- N1 SUA1;TER GE.NI hlAT, QUARTER SES- SIONg of the PEACE, for the said Borough, will be holden, at th Court House, in Leeds, in the said - Borough, on Monday, the 14th D1)r nf.Joly next, for thc dispatch of Bu,incss. at Ninco'Cloink in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HI -'is. eme 'super or. o llpee gra Rltunaftm~P~'Ps. ~u'tIiand fur rdte Luuun i paralltytic sl snollpyItII Couivquence.ofilie redasc~twp iii -Ife Coat of jpkie ingedits, renverej , otl ahdutyj;nclodet Prep'rred and z~d bky 2.0.1t n~S~s a-h odejiaablse Vlsii e h Yaetoie,in-St ..,NuIs O0surch. yard; hu as many persons mnista Ih ps,3lsr~ .ust iti~s the j~~dr b 51pteN 4nt;t e~~s~l~ l~ottle b and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LEE DS MERCAN IiLE AfiAT)ENsIY. ft 'sR SON, ( . ir it several ?? on Commercial szatjeecsl respectflilly itithi tht hi.. CLASSRS for-rth ';.lr'er Branches of CO-S;'ItMEfCTAL LEARNIGsG, will comnmence on Monday, the 91st Inst. It lias been generally and juetlyecomphrdined of, that the usual M'obc of pr.pjiing ?? for Cumnerjid Villipoyment is vc y Deficuive. The Defect is owing, to the obsolete ...

Advertisements & Notices

... il -- B kENEF4T of the M IJIAl 'ARY BAi' 1). ti E'l'frand ?? iA 4it ithe it'- JL_ Z.Ioi. *n- ATERILOO, &c. ?? thc-Miioc-. laili.Stre t, wiTI pusilvely Clses un Saturdy,- thc 12th lii~t.'tti, .Ui2t it m; y be Uripule in York at Tl U BAN D rev.eciftilby solicits the Patrona-e tf: the Public on MO., AY ncm,.the !)th Ilst. tie i'ro- ceces of %shicli DA have bcaenerua-ly a1pprgtpia to ithi Beniefit ...