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Caledonian Mercury


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Caledonian Mercury


... ELINBUR Cr r'11-I ~bii ae rop~i ~ nFormed, that I3eaS'' m ?? lt u I'tiIJt, 'he rIMlR SrA- I( lteatrr-t val, C4tvh i z!t ar ?? ave I Ile Pro t ,i. ?? ab seiice pre\ itlsa to the ter- Vel, ?? g,,esa, he will, in ?? e, appatr du ns ?? his ItosI cier(Itbral@ ?? tracters.| I ?? , seas ?? lit wil,,rl~go od h or~ (I. ?? p,, J(;it,,lI j ngS. ieti RAt CJehrt,- J11g sEE,,- ' b0~iq ?? kofncr Mondy thet ...

Advertisements & Notices

... aGRAt-D WHEEL! a ° 2 , Ontaining zoor Great Prines of a TWENTY 1TH3tU`AD PO(JNDS EACH t Advice of which will arrive To-morron Morning at' ANDREW SIEVWRIGHT'S, .02, SOUTH BRI DGE, EDINBURC1, o Where a tfe'v QUA rERS, EIGHTHS, and SIX. TEENTH ISARES will edntinue on sale till S1BNOCLOC rctms EVZN1NG, as being th'e last opj 7iIunity of obtaining tha above Grand Capital: Ig I2- NTIMATlON TO THE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DESIRABLE PROPERTY, WiT'H-l A FREEH-IOLD QUALIFICATION IN THE COUNIY OF FIFE. U LfO 3 For SALE, ,THE LANDS ofMAIRSLAND and others, T l lying in the parish of Auchtermnuchty, and consisting of about 146 acres, as tormerly more particularly advertised. Offers will he received, and further partictilars madt known on appiic ,tin tou lhomsotn and t ergusson, M. S. 135, Prinre's | Street, Eilinburgh ...

Advertisements & Notices

... B JAMES ANDERSON, BOOKSELLER & STAIJONER, HAS much pleasure in announcing to his H Friends randthePublic, ?? ri e still contihluiesto I favour the Offices of Martin & Co. who Sold No. 4674, a ti Prize of 1.50, but also entitled to TEN IHOUSAND w POUNDS S lER.IING, in a whole Ticket, to6a Georlenean at on Wednesday morning, a very 8hort time before the Draw. ing coimenced. Friont of ROYAL ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,T,.H72Ar?t) VAL, JEUINBU'RGH- ~r IsbIic C-e ?? ildrel.ta J ?? ~'jjeair seh Ueit ar he UM MlvF.R sEdt- tile , t, 4 i tlt[ 10I i-, i whet', front lthe On I joIDA ertxel is scitss I .e pel fobrilaunos ?? cIM vLD ,-ien lv * ?? gritted1i'slet ?? to the cc r- scott lie oi? in cms.'qtiu cf, appear diil ittiiti it t ?? tawict peiodhii Engagement is s'rl o ii~ uttth nanig of Mtinday, tile ON. ~\IMATEI ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LrEI7H f H4AXBYWGH SHIPPING CUMPAlr. n FO' P RQJI]ERDAM2 . :2 20 T '[he ERINAj eh at i ?? lhebirth, ?? e ~ day theV2th-Asigust., _ : e ix t tse Uabins of .thi L'othsp n's Stritcf& are fitted bp in tthe moss elegant and cemmniodioius miinnr, .and evsry atten- 1on wili i6e paid by boh ehb Captain anI Stewvard tb the cooni ort and accomnniodai6o clfiasaengets. F . ir freight br pabsagc ?? tO I ...

Advertisements & Notices

... l~riarr r Rollf ?? r* ~~ ill f~rri~cl.1 tI at I Pr' pr 8 of 00 ' Jr .,i C '1 LId rdvi' . I~IX~i oe af b~ne. ?? thle cle101015~ of their Scasoit, raw a' ?? ~~fl~~lIG rsC~ ged Y. !t I 17 t ci)rltyid {Die O'N V' A vtiS .Coamedy Lit Oi NiS CpOiIAwooly?4r 1aNc r T K 5r I * b 'ir rt se .rp NW ?? i i OOS {..vsie~irbV 'SI. Jo. mzlaanti prlritctat of %vrll ' tiler~ s, sill) ?? 115 rrre1 11y~ra .,e OF ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 7 'tr~trrr ? Cqrlll - S .10't of the FNGAGEMtNiT of T.A.J iS(I('H ,B ft #V>1Il.IrD!§ i1ijt!RsDAY, July 17-. IFI,will beper- p prcseflt vnol S ,eridal's Cotmiedy of i R I V A 1. S. for that Iight ontly), I j;a EsuIIndoIl 1y Mrs hr. SbDroNS. %f 0jld' I will bc addeud, the cel hmted Grandt Coflaic Pauto-C II;l QIJlN ?? ON, l.oeoD MAV~ ta IF l.tanON. O Cicely Sue, afterlvatids CIOlwn, bY Mr GN tna ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A ?? 1' V-*LTUABLE,: CzARCE, AND CERTlS.1 o MEDICINE; FOR EITll'.R SEX. a R BOERRTA AVE's RED PILL, fiaouous throughout Europe for the cure of every stage and u symptom of a Certain Complai::t. eey ?? Y These Pills are mild but ploverful, and s ie ?? e in recent as well as the most obstinate cwa'5- h 'i h o are full and exptlicie, rondered easy to tv-j ?? we i all persons, of either ,ex, are e ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 4 .-Tis-day is tsbtished, . yOULeA4NT, NVATIGIF} and INNES, Hunter Squire, TElB OBbGAI'IONS AND ADVANTAGE 21LV 'SAN'CT. I.VG 'THE SABOATH. A SEIRMONi Preached in the Abbey Church of Paisley, by JOHN M'BETH, PA. A. For behoof of the SABBA'tH EVENINo SCHoots of that plaOeL.. PRQPERTY I& EDINBURGH AND P6RTOBELLO .51 li FOR SALE. To be Soso by roblic oup, within the Royalxechange- Coffeehouse, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ;~ ~ ?? tjiat tqhher presentf * i! feling, of the greatest segret t91 t thepresent ,uiapled to inlforo¶ thle public, that Mr re bornig , bbourig inder so 'c 0050. iedY o ?? eteyrdtrY ,ane, to ie totally incapable allth iiidirpr~s pristi'~k irlk bi5 ilan'perar fVie-~ arr1 ~ ' Ar ?? ER'S etletY to lie in al eeantI 0 ert of his Engageenett induced hinn tise or h rte r he resin frntrond n, the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MIRl£liME 2S Bi~vtIAEF1F, E 1 141'NIOr? OF THiE ENGAGEMENT R ~%s Jo W~s NE AN~D M R E E 1,, e,l July 28. I1T will be p or- ihein ' 6erjtlrlil (( asz, Vrrse 'vitn anob juebc Ix phe I ?? ri e p'er ;i te lli, ,ghbr Eteliumed -r JouN 51 ON 0 ,ha Mrovji, trodrce the fllOuWt' Cori c SongsI oE ?? oese; Dr, Ned0 Noodle is Courtnship:.- whorh i gtrlivep, WithleOlrCasi(Inn Verse, WritStd n and1to be ...