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London, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... WVANT PLACES. A S IIOUSEKEEPER,orCO0 anal HOUSE- AsEE!-PE It, a respectable Person, who has hved in tlat fopacity, since vhich tinme has kept a house Of her own. Wages no object, so that the place be comfortable, as the Person has got a small salary of her owvn. Most respectable references will be given..Letters addressed (pust paid) to A. NV. No. 65, Hay- market, St. James's, will be duly ...

Advertisements & Notices

... iHIIE APOLLONICON.-A G(rand MECNIiA- p NICAL, MUSICAL INSTRUMEN T, under the Pa- trt,;iage of his Royal Hlighlness the Prince Regent, is now vX- p iIB'1TING at Messrs. PLIGHT and ROIt SO3NT'S, No. 101, St. Mlartin's-lanle, Clarig-clrsa. At the conmencement of each hour from twelve to fivL, the Instrument will perform Cheru- bini's Overture to Anacreon, and i!oart's Overture to (le- nsenza Di ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALES BY AUCTION. -1oemaan-street.-Exce~lalnt Family Residence, recently placed in comp let e order, Hottsehold Furniture and Effects.-By SHUTTLEWORTH- and STEVENS, on the Premises, oin Wedrn.edav next, and following day, at 11 o'clock, by order of the Executors, ASPACIOUS and very commodious LEA SE- A ~HOLD FAIMILY DWELLING HOUSR, lately re- Si paired and nmsicroixs'd, very eligibly situate ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TR. WEST'S PICTURES.-Christ Rejected, W S. ?? first Sermon, the Design ?? Crucifixion of our Savioir, with several Pictures and Sketches from otber scriptural Subjects, are now exhibiting at 125, Pall-mall, near Cirion 1ouse, ever), Day, from Ten till Five. Byorder. CIHARLERS SMLART See, N. B. Pioposals for pulblishingr bv subscription, a l~rint of rhrhst Rejected, to be had a, 'he Exhibition ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IV ANzrS A SITtA'rION. Steady Wouan, as HOUSEKEEPER to a ^ Single Genritosarn, or COO1K in a small Family out 'of ?? to direct to I1i. S. £yj5, Piccadilly. :. , - ?? SALES EY A JCTIO-N. 'lI-'O T fl'J1PI-vLD and TYTIIE FREE F A'rl', NC'1'TTR-1 Iy r. FARElIROTHER, at Gar- rav', ?? TS n AYf .t twelve, in Two Lots, l'rP ONiTANT, EXTENSIVE, and - a'ua~v'ae FlF''l IlOLD ESTATE, consisting ol the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALE, BY VIKr~rrv'N = = - 7 ei- ?? h.- : -h .I 4> SAT !.-P8 S2TPONui.t'retth , en~i~ ~oi-y WV. BURT, on Saturdiy4 i) t t h Ix~erse Tim, I t., Sicphen'q, Nor~Aj~~h, itf 6tr nr&lsv-d- LottlS. 7eThrtfilE impropr~s~e. G~i~A f - - ,Stoke, Hbyfcro~S;~near Nsoty'ieb, wi ^ rr triate. t~debes, l'arsonage-housesndaO other. ,-tul13-tg rhie Reversionar~yi ,Ttercst in 3 compa Ut' n iD; ,,n tS,, ,- l qi? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WANT 1LACEN 1 a NURStlRIYD,,or to attend upon an ELDERLY or YOUNG LADIES, a YOUNG WOMAN who is very clever at her needle; can have a good chirate¶xrfrorn the Lardy she is leaving, with whom she has lived threftears. The Lady parts with her to take a Governess.-Direct (post -paid) to M. C., 125, Swallow-street, Piccadilly., W&S rORKING BAILIFF,-a MAiddle-aged in- duistrious married Man? without ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TE A POLIL0NICON.-A GrarkI: MECFJ-IA ?? OF his Rto)?al Highinees tho i'ric otws 11 I \, ~~ ~ .it Messn~ FtV6lItandRl~N No; 101, ?? Mi.v W~se to' five. th. Iastlunleist N-0l perf'oirin ht P-~ur to~ Anacreon;. ~Vd ?? s ONvertElit to MeAs ?? Vitl With z -grndcuir 'Of effect aiid precision -up- ai~ed lv s ' Orch'6ctgo-ofPerf6rners. Tlb flo'nis openl eld nia ~ICb ven e t.Aita 'noie.1s, AT a-ENNERAL ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FOLQSIVG~ EXHIBITION 'of thelio N UNORFOL K NV l1 DOW._Mr. BACKLEtI iegs to ,e lwe il rteful lensr of thle many odiltitsguihed ex- ~~tonjsil ofapprohation he Iris recssisis fro~'m the No'cbility 'od E.or of Art in the Lx1lssistin of tit., 'iX rk, aind bii th-- hs-- sitar tso state tlat. it w.11 FTNAhi IY CLOSE TrO.MOR. pow .EV'E __ C, f _ from ,0 till 6. Adimittanc iristo- Stained ('uass Works ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALE'S.BY rIJU( ION. Elegant HIousehold Furniture, Pier and Chimney Glasses, Mirrors, ivquare lianof-ortc Books, Prints, &c.-By Mr. JA-M-IE. DENdWV, at his Auction IBoom, Chariles-street, Bvrr'eley-soqmre, on Tuesday ne:xt, andfollowing Day, at 12, IfHE imadern and elegant FIOUSEHOLD FUR- _ NIrITURRI, larpe pier and chiinney glasscs, square piano- forte with the additional kqysffowlig-piece, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... _ill'IN at essrs. FLIGHT and I.O-BSON'S,,No. 101,- St. altinsl an eCharing-cross, At the commencement of each r hour from twelve' to five, the Instrumnent will ~ierform Ch-ru- t~ bimi's Overture, to Anacreon. and Moveart's Overture to Cle.- V1 Mienza Di TIlr; with a grandeur 'of effect and precision sin- t. equalled by any Orchestra of Performnersi The 136i~nss open y daiy from eluyven to six. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WA NTS A STATlON do A S HOUSEMI.1D, Nvhinc there is ttdc-ncedle- Ier wvork, a steady middle-aged pernon frem the' Cd-uintrv, cs 'ho can be depended tupon. *a.d canC havea i goo' char ter Fro h luer last ?? to direct tpast paid) to Cz ?? Breoxuzr the lcmw..treet, Holborn. - . pa S WORKING BAILIFF he has bee aec- _ tomed in the nesv husbandry m nd sucklior of name la-bs ground workiug, anid ...