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... Fatients either sex, unable to attend, are requested to send small quantity of their urine, as forms bis judgment of many inward complaints by analizing that fluid, and is thereby enabled to perforin the most astonishing cures in diseases of the liver, bilious ...

it Hit duty Mention, natnely, tHat Ho Had been hoB|tiUb|y entertained, previously Hia being taken iiitociiKlody ..

... collection of the duties accruing the City Chamber, upon goods entered outwards or inwards, within the port London, being the property of aliens not naturalized. The complaint adduced on the part of the City is, that this branch of-ils revenue has considerably ...

Bolton Hall, Cumberland

... Surgeon*, FOR NERVOUS DISORDERS, ASTHMATIC and rom* plaints, Dlood, and Old Coughs, Solomon's Cordial BALM of GILEAD Stands all Inward Decays, Lowness Spirits, Dabllityor Relaxation in .Sex. Its success unparalleled, and its fame unireraally established. J ...