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Advertisements & Notices

... B71ECCLES RACE.S are li~ed fur i ct;enmb tr the ?? anf 2 thu 1'a ticnlars in a filitur l a-v 1th £ia rnoera~l'l^ Xit.r. PtiiE d tt 6i' E, jt .ds NICHS. ?? ?? .S SA'Tr. CATT'Nii t(1 ?? C3*rk ot the (curs.'. -}/Ff37L L ?? ! ; ;1'I 1 ;\ . A.,i i;rfii II are :rrl'-l Lc -1Jj S0Qctfi1!!v in 'olired, SA l ?? 01 'h iai ate lj s illi j l rri 1)17'EC'I' ?? Fra:m a, I lai tpeovirv ,MUtRR ' TOi aidl PI. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WVANT PLACES. A S IIOUSEKEEPER,orCO0 anal HOUSE- AsEE!-PE It, a respectable Person, who has hved in tlat fopacity, since vhich tinme has kept a house Of her own. Wages no object, so that the place be comfortable, as the Person has got a small salary of her owvn. Most respectable references will be given..Letters addressed (pust paid) to A. NV. No. 65, Hay- market, St. James's, will be duly ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Sof Preparation occupies sitsle space, and when T nl used as directed. forrns arnost desirable effer- e- abeing drati gbt. Sodin6xes of 2s. 0iP. each. iy Improved Carbonated GINGER BEER POW.: t DER&S. The beeeficial qualities of Jamaica Ginger to are in this preparation agreeably united, producing an es effervesceritdraught. To persons going abroad, fa S, tigued with exercise, or ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 5st¶I~ t'~rOrOYofGAME fin the CO UNTY of BNF AND CONTIGUOSiIO 2PART. OF ABERDEEN AND DIOAAYSHI-IIES. r TRiBSIDENT~7, His GttAcu Till DUKL o' G4ORDON. I ~ d Noat aataa and GE'T'aul 1o I Fo 'tilT11 of' till A,,90- 1.'T10s, having dletermiined Ftricti'.' to prasilt, CIO (,nne, '1eni avd aganisot all Poarchers, un lmi ,li`Ld Ie'.si lii, '1110 toi11111 trespassing Oil thieir resp'etivye Pl ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ftAWDEN OllAT()R.;V ~N MONDAY, the EleVe11th o0A1 !iil 0' lIM7. will be performed in Pawder1 Chapel. Grand' Selection of' SACRED M-USIC, from the Works of Handel, Havdnl, t.* Pr-hic pal 1 oced PVocal vnerr. Aliss Smith, Mars. Cawthorn, Mr. Ilargreaves, Mr. Sliaw, Mr. Wctherilfl, and Mr. Dennihon. Pr-ianipal Is/1 1(11 nta ! Pr formernj Leader of the Band, Mr. WHIT2E. Second Violin. Mr. Wilson; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FtA'r1'L5;L O W AT ERLll0 &e. A F.ill, Aui U entic. and Ci r i is ititial Ac' A countoif the MemorabIc 'A'r.TLEof WATER- LOt), u,, compit kted, in Seven Parts, Price ss. each; or, iln 13ords, Price Only 246. ele-antly pritted ilS Quarto, aud embellished with Twentyiorna beautiful Etngravings, part frorn Drawings by tile ingenious b Captain Jones, who was engaged in the. Action, and a executed ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE. 4 LL Persons having any Demands on the A Estate of RICHARD C.\RSLAKE, of the parish of Sidbury, in the county of Devon, Gentleman, deceased, are desired to send tb- particulars of their accounts an or befor!, the first day of September next, to Messrs. RoB aRT CHowN and JOHN TAVLFH, Trustees to the said Estate.- A od all Personas indebted to the late Mr. C. are requested to pay the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Desirable Country Residence in Devon. 0 be LET, with immediate possession,.a T good FAMILY HOUSE, well Furnished, sitiuatgiil, the parish of Sandford, about 3 miles from ?? market town of Crediton, and 1.1 from Exeter. The house com- prises a good dining and drawing-room, 5 best bed chambers, housekeepers and servants' roorms,. kitchen, 'back-kitchen, and offlces; good four-stall stahle and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALE'S.BY rIJU( ION. Elegant HIousehold Furniture, Pier and Chimney Glasses, Mirrors, ivquare lianof-ortc Books, Prints, &c.-By Mr. JA-M-IE. DENdWV, at his Auction IBoom, Chariles-street, Bvrr'eley-soqmre, on Tuesday ne:xt, andfollowing Day, at 12, IfHE imadern and elegant FIOUSEHOLD FUR- _ NIrITURRI, larpe pier and chiinney glasscs, square piano- forte with the additional kqysffowlig-piece, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... he 1 The Cargo of TM P, per' A, A, John's, adverticed for Sale Ay AW' rotw, is disposed of by Irvte ra to _ = boe .MEETINGS OFCkE/rj-05' Aug. 8 L, Froat & Co.specal ?? It. Johbs Robinson, final dividend ?? l.It. Patrick Lynch. firstandsecrnd ?? 12.Thomas Fleming, third, IF AADVANTAGEOUS Qf- OFFER OF PAR NERS Is i NY GEwTLEMAN who has a SUloafro Ilt A to £1000, at his immediate dhpl introduced ...

Advertisements & Notices

... \o.2, LtOA~I LA-INE. j tltd Goid~s~ Ueettleiy, d:td THa)dWiva? To he S4OLD by AU','71ON, ho By Ml. &kautnn LbsAi, all~ f~~rr ~,rr-dap t~e 9k, .4!orr rrj jtrir, and Tacsda,~ tiie 12t]1,, iio;!n tYA'rgn-t,lS17, at his Safe R omsa piert 2, i; Beor -Lane, Le, dri; tneir A' Qo ?? Xtluable SIT VFR app.~ WARE, kc. coniprising a beautiflil Epcitgne, Can- wbc diesticks. Braniklots, Cavorn transies. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Brierovce Farm, TJ'o'esett Ifalet, Derbtisshii, iI . ltht Al!,treh 3t81,6. r STR-T am now il the 6911t year ot mey tige: matty of my 91 i latter years liitwe iseet spolt ill sore ;Allictititi, arisuig ffrtm ;4 scorhlitic odilrttion :di Over illy body, titlt Wally I ritanitg sores, partitrithriv in mgy legs; tt such ant exteint I ian-i tbe dischnrge, lust vlhen seitted, it tecame necemsary for ...