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Advertisements & Notices

... of 'T'HE VIM ST CAUTIION csarno1. preveul rthe jiiattdtc. . f tioll of tbat unpleaeatsi and troublesome disorder, tile ilgl, eVelp iin tile; respeclarlle jaitsiilies; and from its .iifectuops natore, individuals hare cpo mititly liable to it3 at. til tacl;s. It will. tlivrefore, be of adrantige to alny who 0pay s1 saffar cunoer il to: klow, that they may rely oat beitig eifec- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LANDS NEAR INV'ERNESS. _ J .or .$Ace by privare hargain, rHE LANDS ot EASTER DRAKIES, bSFAI;lIMlD, and RIESAURIE, in the close vicinicy of invermes, as formerly described, are to be sold by private . bargain. Apply to Claud Russell, Esq. accountant in Edinburgh Messrs M-Queeii and Mackmntosh, W. S: Campbell Mln- tosh, town.clerk of Inverness; or Rloterich Reach, writer I there; either ol whom ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ¢ELS() RACES, 1317. RUN FOR, ovtr QAVi`R ION-EU)GE, on Alj be T:WR sDAV1 the i ;;h of Sepreniosr 1817, 1 1SR T05IONGOI.J) CUIP vahle ONE-HUN DRElD GlINEAS. 6151. b 5 \ear-o lil5 ?? e. 9t. . ?? ?? -i- . °l Year-olds & 2ged.. s. 1S.b. fitljs ?? al ltwed 2ib. Four miles. ~MsC5 and For wthich are nanmed, 9 or Dais's hrowx'n horse Fitz Orville. 111i ax \lu ,sV bay colt Eglintotl, by S amfs;rd, Ia ...

Advertisements & Notices

... VALVABLE I'itI)ING GROUND t Asj'intuig Onse Bridqe. TO BE %SOLi) BY AUCTION, In Six Lots, ont Th7rs~he, the ,lJth Dlog of Septern- e- ber, inst. at ER veu ?? ile the Fs'omoll,0'. ill f t the Bridae-Ysrd. Nolrth-Street, setbjqct to such A Conditi(ls as shsn I be produced; A Very Desirable PLOT of'-ROUND, ai . constituting the scites of several Buildings latey tl taken down, fronting Briggate to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ENTON MILLS to be LET;, seven miles 'Iii from S'xeter.--Apply to CHARwLES KNOWLES, St arcross. Dated, August 29, 1817. TO be SOLD in Fee, a very desirable Estate, .T called LOWER KINGSFORD, in the parish of Kentisbeer, in the county of Devon; comprising a good farm-nhouse, and suitable offices, and forty-three acres of very good Orchard, arable, meadovO, and pastfite land, now In theoccupation ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 6tT. GEQ)RGE'S MEL'DICAL, CHYM1VITCA L, ki and tf fRURGICAL SCHOOL.-'The COURSES ?? comspne cin ?? ouEOctober. 1. ?? nShURGRlRY on .riday, October the od, at seven in the TAenifg, hy U. C. BLiODrE, F.R.S. Assistant Surgeon to St. George's HOSijtA °. (n the JALWS of the ANIMAL (ECONOMY and the PRACTICE ?? PTHYSIC, at No. 9, Georgp-strcet, Hanover-,bT GFmocri P&eto0N, MV.D. F.R.S. Ser ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EU S leave to ittitfali-ti to Iiis,~ Viju d(1 an d t ,11e l'b fic hat 110 inteendq, inl ot'izx~quuneir III 11i, 11''itt~it'llo OF ioalraIVt'r. AK~lER, III thisl City. IC liii' Iitely Vi jited Edn ?? t1V btad the mos0!t fts'our. 1 - 111I tig FNE r A I , a !IIi that VMetro.potli'-O)ider !i~t~ thisl Al ne wvili be thaiikt'olly fmld PUnCtUally atttiietle to. by applinsig at hidI Ilu.itst', Xurthl ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BOOKS PUBLISHED THIS DA THE BORDER ANTIQUITIES COMPLLTED. Parts 16 and 17 together. containing six Plates, and 250 Pages of Letter-press, in medium rIarto, price 1i. is. and imperial puarto, price 1i. 12s. or with Indian paper Proofs of the f Plites, 31. 3s. of the ORDER ANTIQUITIES ef ENGLAND and. B1) SCOTLAND; comprising Specimens of Architecture and Sculpture, and other Vestiges of former ...

Advertisements & Notices

... C Z M V 1 ?? .( ?? ( . i{s. Li- :i.t es dblithed blthe notal m l ia Bi71s o' Min l it v that htt h1 b u!f th. Children horn tire i t uil l'vfiac ?? ! Svsen 'Yvars of Age, a;nd thl fruitful s0oi:ce Of iithi- Ittoriality Iu, fou.nd to es ist in that foul t alte er tihe StomsarchI and lito svcis wvhich; p' Inces the 4eneratai (i of Wornms. As thr safe restorer of In. jf-ilthle Hvalth, in this ...

Advertisements & Notices

... e s nor C iW trigze; REDCROSS STREET, LIVERP(0 Te¶iose Speed, Regularity, and Seci, sbeen' keeps who, a have anger, e anar- po ro, e this S. HENSHAW 0 Cd. r e in- aJ ESPECTFULLY announce to the Merch ' re N Public in general (for their still better , ,as I ThE PRINCE SAXE COBO UpRl r mot; NEW LIGHT POST COACH T0 LON mie aToL id 1a5 Will, infuture, leave the above Inn every day1 [be at Half ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WAJT ?? ' SITUATION, S HEAD WAITER,. in town orcountry, in a A Tavern, I lotit, Tnfi, Coflfee or Chop-hoise,a P,. ?? that understands the business well; can have a good reference from i his.past place, evhich is very ?? (post paid) tor C(. D., N o. In, High Holburn, vwihbeattendedto,-V C.,an take a stock. of glass if aequired. 7! 3'Y.At-WTION. I Jjai6; t'ri~intfn ag, yvrrii-mg PapvCr, ;e's lt, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GAME. XI-MREAS thie-several Mapors of Elyaston; aidSokie oi SAMUd um Men 'is, is' the coUnty ol' leiby, besr,ir tp iiti46liht Honnorable tile Ean t l~arrhairtoln. itave citlate veqrs been tuuIt ircitpassl uriluc und she~i Stock oi Grrrrle g~iyreduced.~ That legal Proceed~in lfotie rveoerey of thaerialntie, tll ' be conumrreiced agins all qunaslified Versons whu shall liere c alien be bULInd In ...