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Advertisements & Notices

... ,g~LAST NiGHT OF 'IRD, AND MISS S. BOOTH. t BLA1C AI St For the Bresfit oJ C MISS s. BOOTH, In 1?jDAY, :SEPTEMBER i, 1817s I'M1~s ,Shkidah'5 celebrate CohSdy of the ,OL FON)R SCANDAL R t ?? BLANCHARD, ?? . ?? Miss S. BOOTH. A Vtplbe Puayad Fseceldiss S. Boatb wih recite Si LISOS DE ON THE PASSiONS, With approprnate Music. To rcteaft with, by pticulr esirer f SPOILED CHILD. , pickle, (with ...

Advertisements & Notices

... It Gennime TEA tinyl G; IrY WVA.RHKOUSE, f - (it ?? (CtlttEqr, e . A'I-OU1 IMEA.STREWi, SOUTHSEA. . AYLES & SONS respectfully beg to ir Ifoini thle Inbabilatos ?? tihe en- ; vironsi of I'mrtsniluth, &c. that thry have OPL:NnD tlhe alove LA. EE Ot1R, adjoinin their Soalp anill Candle MaNflnfactory where they have alid if) all extensrie and geinaiiie Stoch of velty Article in the Tea, Grocery, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... G kIANI ILNN' IO~N I I' ohAV~,- &. c E RIt'.s'1i, N.HS ?? '¾rr - tir ?? ?? A' ¶, S~l n. ..i, IN U im Y,r Mi?. LA N D'bSLI~T '\RY fzNo.I Y i'j-l t st-xlU Cattl l*s -c's + i~~x 'AlA a. TIr'' Y, I'l,.i''-'turea of' I de ?? at- ' 'ceo'l c!lO Nun 1,-cs. j V C2, ltevo Nmbr S ~~~din Moiley V cw ?? of Prior good f~rrtoi Il's ?? thiL'' It s r ive ' the piea ` Priz ?? - a C '-i5i' C ptchiii co;or ...

Advertisements & Notices

... J71f1HE QUARTERLY REVIEW, ,7f No. XXXIII. /7 Will be Published in London, on SA TE DAY. CONTENTS. L TONGA ISLANDS. 1. A Chronological T Hiissory of the Voyages and Discosrries in the South Sea. By JAMES BURNEtY, Captain in the Royal Navy.- 2. M.tRlNEHi's Account of the Natives of the TONGA ISLANDS. S. Transactions of the Missionary Society.- 11. Mr DUGALD STEWART'S Dissertation, exhibiting a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... R. WE ST'S PICTURES.-thrist Rejected, St. Peter's first Sernmon, the Design of the Crucifxion of our Saviour, with several Pictures and Sketches from other scriptural Subjects, are now exhibiting at 125, Pall-Mall, near Carlton House, every Day, from'1 Ten till Five. By order, CHARLES SMART, Sec. N. 13. Proposals for publishing by subscription, a Print of Christ Rejected, to be had at the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... R. TERR-Yrespectfully announces to his Friends s and the Plu'nlic, .Ziathis BilNE ?? he TO-IIOll- Row, when will be presented the Opera of GUY MA:.NR ING, with the Covtent-garden chorusses, &c. Dominic Sam:p- s'ons (st timie) Air. Mlatthews; Meg ilerriUes, iMrs. EXgerton. An lriterlude- of the Chili'of the Old Block; -Chip; with addi- tional -nsos ?? Mitthews 1 to- conclude with the popular Co ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WAJT ?? ' SITUATION, S HEAD WAITER,. in town orcountry, in a A Tavern, I lotit, Tnfi, Coflfee or Chop-hoise,a P,. ?? that understands the business well; can have a good reference from i his.past place, evhich is very ?? (post paid) tor C(. D., N o. In, High Holburn, vwihbeattendedto,-V C.,an take a stock. of glass if aequired. 7! 3'Y.At-WTION. I Jjai6; t'ri~intfn ag, yvrrii-mg PapvCr, ;e's lt, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GAME. XI-MREAS thie-several Mapors of Elyaston; aidSokie oi SAMUd um Men 'is, is' the coUnty ol' leiby, besr,ir tp iiti46liht Honnorable tile Ean t l~arrhairtoln. itave citlate veqrs been tuuIt ircitpassl uriluc und she~i Stock oi Grrrrle g~iyreduced.~ That legal Proceed~in lfotie rveoerey of thaerialntie, tll ' be conumrreiced agins all qunaslified Versons whu shall liere c alien be bULInd In ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ¢ELS() RACES, 1317. RUN FOR, ovtr QAVi`R ION-EU)GE, on Alj be T:WR sDAV1 the i ;;h of Sepreniosr 1817, 1 1SR T05IONGOI.J) CUIP vahle ONE-HUN DRElD GlINEAS. 6151. b 5 \ear-o lil5 ?? e. 9t. . ?? ?? -i- . °l Year-olds & 2ged.. s. 1S.b. fitljs ?? al ltwed 2ib. Four miles. ~MsC5 and For wthich are nanmed, 9 or Dais's hrowx'n horse Fitz Orville. 111i ax \lu ,sV bay colt Eglintotl, by S amfs;rd, Ia ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TOWN of 4INGSTOuLaid COUNTY of the > S-A TOWN. RJE-WSTET SESTSONS. 2 oe Jl4 thc a te: wl hokld.t.&rih 5 AJL :S*Ons ~~foig. *tdhorising:.Iazneeqerer' ;ani . Waie~e1es, frtidfing- vWdnth e *Tdwg .t7 andjCounty. of th Tow '£nof Kingstim-uton-r.:l . . HEul,' tO;Otit their.LZ ei, on.ONDAi the- i]Egkth day of &.tem>bier next; at Tea O, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? l: M.I' i.NG3, Ii - ?? si-.;1VA'T re s i~'fll a t G inforrin the Nobility, Gentry, and the Public in Col geirt-;r. that they have invented ia MANGE or (CALIKNt)EWl (fir *thich they have obtained his Ma- m1 jcaty lo loyal I cttcrs P tent.) superior rtr simplicity us fuiness I, any yet oftbred to the Public. This an, Ma~ng lc. t:i i tands in the small compass of a Chest Mt of l-ritwers *oks ...

Advertisements & Notices

... And S;fOJI V11~A R ET1UICXIk'ffp~ 'f~rustees will hold their next Qluarttriv Mie~eting- T~'joliminvliil t, at tlw Crowl, Ill,, in Claydonl, oll ,re'l~lay, thle Wel day of September inst, 4t welve solicitnr mod Clerk. WAL.SHA M LEWIL v. OJ[Eihereby given, I'I at Aj J&Catien i's jint(ojende tob aeto P'airhiainimt in i. oeit s in Wit, for cae to bring in a Bill fbi' dividing, allottillv. jlwIj ...