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Advertisements & Notices

... It Gennime TEA tinyl G; IrY WVA.RHKOUSE, f - (it ?? (CtlttEqr, e . A'I-OU1 IMEA.STREWi, SOUTHSEA. . AYLES & SONS respectfully beg to ir Ifoini thle Inbabilatos ?? tihe en- ; vironsi of I'mrtsniluth, &c. that thry have OPL:NnD tlhe alove LA. EE Ot1R, adjoinin their Soalp anill Candle MaNflnfactory where they have alid if) all extensrie and geinaiiie Stoch of velty Article in the Tea, Grocery, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... (-ooble 0 1111'111)q-), an contain-r eci'v five Shetets Lettorl Press, EDIN~131GHr~ GAZETTEER~, 1, _1~ ~ ~~ 1 U,~ a Ij.,j e-]3y of GEOAil' 'yic',Pll- * ir. co.IadCormercial. d by A, ARiOWard by A'rr ?? Rege'It. frAClil5ALL) CoNsrAilIC and Co. al u-sr~t, Roees, Orame, and B;-own, 3 ~lkis to present to the Public a body ~ ~i1, iteeant een ceeplete in oll its branches.- ?? t.,h ~ lire r~the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PELICAN OFFICE, nOR INSUR. NCe ON 1tVES AND GRANTINSG ANNUTISz5, T HIS Office was established in Lombard Street, london,in the year 1797, by a numerous and respectable proprietory ; and the Board of Directors, with confidence,arising from the increased prosperity and perananen- cy of the establishment, as well as from the experience of iti usefulness and benefit to the public, think it due to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SAILES. BY AL.UJC''IXN. TR. KEMP has the hono r to announce to the -Li Pebiic tha LUiASMIV1()LD) PREMISES, together with part of the Wii.e and Utcissils in Trade of ?? wcn. Strntise, *4j, I'olborn-hil, Wine and braudy merchant, has berz DiSP)SED VF bll PRI VAlE CONTRACT. The ?? of the Wjin, treteir with the Holisehold Furnituie, w.I!! be SD( oi1 the Premises on no-mmrrow, at twelve o'clock. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... \ ii. / a ?? ti., f' 1 ?? I f ?? J5, 1h I |rp: 111 of taic o State Lottery t 3.ces | 4, ?? Cmlh;1l:i, and, ($1 ri'i-ia -sws ¢1dsf |IS Ii'pp Ct I k lv is I, i. beot iiiwiJds, the l'iI C iie, thle hlU ~te;vill hel all&mldrl il ?? lDay, tbe l()th i II ,, t tq 8eljuivui) v). The S'cmeitc Ciiists of VIA| T;s Its, t. ie d-;,ws ils tio cli:sses, psr,,sisvg ! I i/ .X 4 '1 2'11;;1' .iid ?? aliter ...

Advertisements & Notices

... r: ?? -- - - - -^ -- ?? - - - . ?? a Aceti ig of the FIiEN DS of the w .1. L'RITI'5ti arid FOREIGN Il1nLE. SO('JETY, 51 holdell it) tli, Olil Totin Hall, Pllntsmiouthi, Of Monday h tie )2r5t in o J N 'fl'.jC, ,:rT'rt, Esq. in the Claiir, t reat ii. ersa-Il~rt, wtal itl tre pcr~ainnsiorr *frireMlsrt t of i Borough Of Pot'rrrourlon t. Pa l7 ,111: N-IE N '1 NG f, ol iI;'I'I IIS O,f Ith BIrrIrTIS ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ¶1?. WEST'S PITURES.-.Clarist Rejected,. lit. Peter's first Seri-aon,.ths Design of the Cruciflition of- Ve.-.ror ith Sieveral Pictures cod Sketches from other ::t1ri Subjects, are now exhibiting, at Isi5 Pall-Mlall, near CI,rltcu I-ouse, every, Day, frois Tien till Yfixe.. By order, CHAR~IJS SAIART, Sec.- .l.Proposals for publishing by subscription, a Print of Chirist Pejeeted, to be had at ...

Advertisements & Notices

... R. JAMES POVDER auid ANALEI'- T1I1C PlI.LS continue to Ile prentvedi and staid by e F. NEw11rnII1 & Pos, 4 auSt, l's Ch tirch-yalrid, L.ourr don,arid 29, Daens-strrcwt, Dibriin ; soll ilso by lbeir S Agent Mr. Sanrger, No. 150, Oxfird-stmret, L.oindtn, d and atret respectiblhI Venietis ii 'Tuswn arnd Cointry. Mr. Newberv teels it nvcesasarv to stale, in additionr to his affidavit, that he ...

Advertisements & Notices

... i3OOKS PUB1LIS1ED THIS DA1. FOURTM EDIT'ION OF LALLA ROOKXI. In Boo. price 14s. 1 ALLA ROOKH, an Oriental Romance. By THOMAS MIOORE, Esq. Printed for Longman, Hu-rst, Rces, Orme and Brown, London. Also just published, in Rvo; price 125. TWUnsTRATiots of the Powso, engraved by Charles Heath, from Paintings by It. Westall, R.A. A few of each may be had in quarto. Tn onc vol. l2mo. price 7s. is ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TOWN of 4INGSTOuLaid COUNTY of the > S-A TOWN. RJE-WSTET SESTSONS. 2 oe Jl4 thc a te: wl hokld.t.&rih 5 AJL :S*Ons ~~foig. *tdhorising:.Iazneeqerer' ;ani . Waie~e1es, frtidfing- vWdnth e *Tdwg .t7 andjCounty. of th Tow '£nof Kingstim-uton-r.:l . . HEul,' tO;Otit their.LZ ei, on.ONDAi the- i]Egkth day of &.tem>bier next; at Tea O, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ' BDOKS PUBLISHED THIS DAY. MTHE QUARTERLY REVIEW, No. XXXIII. Z A. willj published'on Saturday. Contents:-T. Tonga -Istands. 'tl'A Chronological History of' the Voyages and Discoverie Id the South Sea. By James Burne , Captain in the Royal Navy. 2. Mariner's Account of the Natives of the Tonga Islands 5. Transactions of the Mflsionary Society.- ir. fr. Dngald Stewart's Distertation, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HULL., For AAMS'TERDAM, The JOVNGE.WiLLEM,. KLAAS P;ETER FABER; . -Succeeds the 'W111M, 'andsill sail in a fewv lays; WILSON, WILKINSON-, and co HuL.m, 26th A ustQ, 1817.- For;ELSINORE E IIIGA,. The NEWLA ND,' ..FRANCIS liVNTER, - intended to sail about the middle 'of Septeinber.-For particulars, inquire of HULL, Aug. 29, 1817'. RIQHD. TERRY 4 SONS. -or SALE' . ,OIL VLTRtLOLSOFT.-SOAP.- ; ...