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Advertisements & Notices

... ?? OR- S.4A ?? 3 B? AD)JOUR I1? , JlU T, A BEAUTIFUL ComPAur SMALL ESTATE IN SEJIRLIN GaHIKI:. To be SOLD by Vilblic roup. within th, I.yceum Suie Rooms in Glusgaor, upon Wednesday the 'Ith day uf September curt. at two o'clock a'tt rnoon, A Ll, and WHOLE the LANIDS & EST ATI, ?? of BALFtUNNING, beionging to 'indrew Lonu1i BLICha'an, Esq. Ivhig ill hii_ panmh ot' Drymcil and eiiurtt Stirlhig, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LAND5 iNR THi COUNTY OP Ai p - To be Suoruhy puhli: reoup, within Ale Kp o A1 , on rl Friul the 71h ,of NowdY nbo ir Iext b raS ;nXintsit,' ?? and thribe o'clock after ih ?? of by private bargain, ?? the prsoF 2.- HEFIVE-SHILLING LAND T L.ONY~talirrs S.Ml rzsi ,ij ?? Il l l tonse an3I Outc-looustr, and sir o Nli Joso t - to a boiall genteel fainily, alld having a iitio each gerbhr with the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... At M rs. RUSSELL's S C H OO L, irlil IlPoreeon Holse, .2lfore/on-s-Alrsk, serd 'jOUNG LADIES are boarrld and educated DCC ft in every useful and polite acconiplishissent, on ar- tbe follswing 1' ins Per Annum. ;ed Board, EuigliAi Grallinlar, H-istory, his and Geography, with plain andl 18 1B 0 faney Needle-wvorl, . .. .. . V a Fraench, ?? ?? 3 0 D .rawxinlg, ., ?? Abe lie ?? . . 4 4 0 eDanzcig ...

Advertisements & Notices

... G Tre 'To Clarqylqnlel atd ?? ntlasters. ?? PIllE Situatiin, of HEAD. MAS'l'EUL-'of tile ted: ROYAL GRAM.MAR SCHOOL it HENLEY- 49, UPON-THA-'AMhS havikbecnie'tacant'by the re- tely jjinati'n of tile Rev. GEORGE ScnaCLL, IDoctor it, iten' Dilinilv,-Notice is wereby g iee; 'I'lmt a meeting of It of ile.' lilistecs of the said School will liehell at t'e lI Red Lion Inn, in Henlev, oil Ta esday ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EU S leave to ittitfali-ti to Iiis,~ Viju d(1 an d t ,11e l'b fic hat 110 inteendq, inl ot'izx~quuneir III 11i, 11''itt~it'llo OF ioalraIVt'r. AK~lER, III thisl City. IC liii' Iitely Vi jited Edn ?? t1V btad the mos0!t fts'our. 1 - 111I tig FNE r A I , a !IIi that VMetro.potli'-O)ider !i~t~ thisl Al ne wvili be thaiikt'olly fmld PUnCtUally atttiietle to. by applinsig at hidI Ilu.itst', Xurthl ...

Advertisements & Notices

... io LANDED:.D Pa ORS0 H CH.IJ H PATPRONS, and CAPITAALISTS. - ccl EVER A ASilm S oof. M NEY,- ?? THO'SAND POUNDS, to O NNt HUNDRED S aad FFIOTY THOUSAND POUNDS, o bbe invested in Landed Property, in Soutiern, Western, and. Midland Counties, with ?? Residences, preferred upon, oe nearthecoaits, in some cases; also SUMS of £1 000 to £80o09, in Church Preferment. Full particularS to he sent, po ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALES BY AIUCTION. On Thursday next, at 1ti, at the Commercial Salo Roona, E A Beautiful Collection of ITALIAN ALABAS- t A TER ?? be viewed till the sale, at No. 61, in I the Commercial Salc Poomis, where catalognes may be had; I and of the Broker, No. us, 'Cha*(n-alley, Cornill. 1 C I sie. L. P. MERAC. Modern Household Furniture, &Bc.-1y Mr. DAWSON, by Order of tlhe 1ourt for Relief of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BOOKS PUBLISHED THIS DA THE BORDER ANTIQUITIES COMPLLTED. Parts 16 and 17 together. containing six Plates, and 250 Pages of Letter-press, in medium rIarto, price 1i. is. and imperial puarto, price 1i. 12s. or with Indian paper Proofs of the f Plites, 31. 3s. of the ORDER ANTIQUITIES ef ENGLAND and. B1) SCOTLAND; comprising Specimens of Architecture and Sculpture, and other Vestiges of former ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BOOK'S PUBLISIEID THIS DAY. In 8vo. price Ds. boards, THE HISTORLY and PRACTICE of VAC- T CINA TION. ByJAIIES MZOORE, Director of the National Vaccine Establishment, &c. &e: &c. I'rinted for John Callow, Medical Bookseller, 10, Crown- court, Princes-street, Soho. s Also, ately published, by the same Author, The HISRY of the SMAILL POX, 8vo. boards, 12s. THE IIISTORIY OF OUR7 OWN.N TEIil S r. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BOOXS 'UBLISHED THIS DAY. Nor the primary promotion of the Christian Cause, and the subordinate Contribution of temporary aid towards the sup- port of a large Fancily, reduced in circumstances through the long and severe affliction of their Father, who has been con- fisned near Five Years with bodily indisposition, which obliged 'him to discontinue his Public Ministraton.-He has laboured with ...

Advertisements & Notices

... R. JAMES POVDER auid ANALEI'- T1I1C PlI.LS continue to Ile prentvedi and staid by e F. NEw11rnII1 & Pos, 4 auSt, l's Ch tirch-yalrid, L.ourr don,arid 29, Daens-strrcwt, Dibriin ; soll ilso by lbeir S Agent Mr. Sanrger, No. 150, Oxfird-stmret, L.oindtn, d and atret respectiblhI Venietis ii 'Tuswn arnd Cointry. Mr. Newberv teels it nvcesasarv to stale, in additionr to his affidavit, that he ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I ^ n ~OSOF PRINTS. 80K LEY and CROLE, 0 | the i 9S instant, and following day, - ,&d M.rlkre, e each day, at their Rooms, in C I1s-,l t pree, ad highly valuable Collection of (Jereostenive afne BOOKS of PRINlTS; com- - curious Works in Foreign and a A~n rar x llent editions of the-most es- at ; ...