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Advertisements & Notices

... ENTON MILLS to be LET;, seven miles 'Iii from S'xeter.--Apply to CHARwLES KNOWLES, St arcross. Dated, August 29, 1817. TO be SOLD in Fee, a very desirable Estate, .T called LOWER KINGSFORD, in the parish of Kentisbeer, in the county of Devon; comprising a good farm-nhouse, and suitable offices, and forty-three acres of very good Orchard, arable, meadovO, and pastfite land, now In theoccupation ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BOOKS PUBLISHED THIS DA THE BORDER ANTIQUITIES COMPLLTED. Parts 16 and 17 together. containing six Plates, and 250 Pages of Letter-press, in medium rIarto, price 1i. is. and imperial puarto, price 1i. 12s. or with Indian paper Proofs of the f Plites, 31. 3s. of the ORDER ANTIQUITIES ef ENGLAND and. B1) SCOTLAND; comprising Specimens of Architecture and Sculpture, and other Vestiges of former ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GAME. XI-MREAS thie-several Mapors of Elyaston; ?? oi SAMUd um Men 'is, is' the ?? ol' leiby, besr,ir tp iiti46liht Honnorable tile Ean t l~arrhairtoln. itave citlate veqrs been ?? ircitpassl uriluc und she~i Stock oi ?? g~iyreduced.~ That legal Proceed~in lfotie rveoerey of thaerialntie, tll ' be conumrreiced agins all qunaslified Versons whu shall liere c alien be ?? In pusitc Guam, upon ...

Advertisements & Notices

... J71f1HE QUARTERLY REVIEW, ,7f No. XXXIII. /7 Will be Published in London, on SA TE DAY. CONTENTS. L TONGA ISLANDS. 1. A Chronological T Hiissory of the Voyages and Discosrries in the South Sea. By JAMES BURNEtY, Captain in the Royal Navy.- 2. M.tRlNEHi's Account of the Natives of the TONGA ISLANDS. S. Transactions of the Missionary Society.- 11. Mr DUGALD STEWART'S Dissertation, exhibiting a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... To COUNTRY BOOKSELLERS, TOY SHIOPS, and all Persons dealing in CHliLDREN's B(OO;S. T H.kRRIS ~(Successor to \N'ewb.-ry,) at the e * Corner of St. Paul's Churchl-Yard, Lolnlonl, (viho 1 has a larger collectiion of Books, both inst mctive and ri amusing l;r Juvenile M1inds, than are to be met vvith at 11 any other house iln the United Kiagdom,) lindinr that c 'MVorls less taslefully ornamented, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IR iEY3U1 1A :1 .fleniu tbiti-idies-ulib b. i ji jj,; have pioduted varioiis ifapit Arty' y , a.4ld atl ile . epetuydoiletttgtc~~- oil .4* tf~~ranith.t t o26 2--. 64i^ tip hvi gete:rql e^,K yllvsru . ,, ' ''BRICiGGE, UT 7I - J VA4 IVbP. r X of ?? P~iUCipfe Fp ?? ilhe duty TED t.-MA h~ijliiGOC LERGt4NA .l eln~apd ept~lin nera Alftre, &A t riidX ig Ltlep ectry e..- ?? appjlir-h t.. .SIsifsaa ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MINERAL BROWN PAINT, PATRONISED BY GOVERNMENT, FOR OUT-DOOR WORK. HSE ANEflAL BROWN Pr.kINT, being a 7 ?? and durable coating for all out-door work, situh as zh.ds, barns, ont-llou5es, tellies, palings, gMates, boat and barge botitom-, shlip's sides and upp-).r works, and all wood and iron work under water, or exposed to the weather, for tiles on roofs to prevent theni inbihiing wvater, and ...

4v A.N 1 I',.lC'ES

... A S LADY'S MAID, a Young Woman, who is trav'ug, her presene situation in consequence of the family she understands drcsa-makgin and hair-dresslng; .has no oection to tovn or country or to r )o abroad; has no ob- ject on to wah on an elderly laldy or twvo ?? add:esse.l past paid, to A. W. at 31r. J-ardy's green grocur, No. 23, King-street, Flolbarn. A S FOOTMAN, either in or out of Livery, or A ...

Advertisements & Notices

... R. WE ST'S PICTURES.-thrist Rejected, St. Peter's first Sernmon, the Design of the Crucifxion of our Saviour, with several Pictures and Sketches from other scriptural Subjects, are now exhibiting at 125, Pall-Mall, near Carlton House, every Day, from'1 Ten till Five. By order, CHARLES SMART, Sec. N. 13. Proposals for publishing by subscription, a Print of Christ Rejected, to be had at the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALL. Oy Alit. thiis's. 4~2H4REDEaihD, 'PLEDGES. -. T~tOLD' 1Y AMCT.ION, Nit. CROSS, ba~liuthi's' the, '.2d and -23d of NN, Iitg of E unre&lea d P~ro A faf.~ p~lietip FIJIl Mf.rl at ti:rsiy, ar lis respeeswe hops I 'Fkd.~ lasn. Nwothinghsahi ,id, Alufket' Place, Vilth ~. 0 t - 'tig tttlt WilsCheMn, -n a lfc Iii 10 it' umnderito t su ?? aii wlB~d; -ierty of oth er I (u~rej4~sof tlcitopftqi.~ ...

Advertisements & Notices

... cOoMBE ESTATE, in the parish of Chag- J fiord, a~verilived ror 0i 11VJ ill Fli:cldell _ unr Tuqs..ay ?? j a l the Crows Inn, inCbagford, on Wed. nesday the 9th instant, is POSTPONED. Ex ; fer, Sept 3d, IS 17. A LADY is desirous of receiving intelligence A of a -.SlTUAT ON, as PlRVATF GOVERNESS, for a Fnraxo, whose abitity and ?? l,een utich approved. She can command the most de- sirab.le ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 6tT. GEQ)RGE'S MEL'DICAL, CHYM1VITCA L, ki and tf fRURGICAL SCHOOL.-'The COURSES ?? comspne cin ?? ouEOctober. 1. ?? nShURGRlRY on .riday, October the od, at seven in the TAenifg, hy U. C. BLiODrE, F.R.S. Assistant Surgeon to St. George's HOSijtA °. (n the JALWS of the ANIMAL (ECONOMY and the PRACTICE ?? PTHYSIC, at No. 9, Georgp-strcet, Hanover-,bT GFmocri P&eto0N, MV.D. F.R.S. Ser ...