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Leeds, Yorkshire, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... VALVABLE I'itI)ING GROUND t Asj'intuig Onse Bridqe. TO BE %SOLi) BY AUCTION, In Six Lots, ont Th7rs~he, the ,lJth Dlog of Septern- e- ber, inst. at ER veu ?? ile the Fs'omoll,0'. ill f t the Bridae-Ysrd. Nolrth-Street, setbjqct to such A Conditi(ls as shsn I be produced; A Very Desirable PLOT of'-ROUND, ai . constituting the scites of several Buildings latey tl taken down, fronting Briggate to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I ! ?? 1 ifl9 . -URQ.U14A lT, Lilnvn -braue'r -iV'.Haberdnshur, &c.dimprussei% ItI Elliv~ly &t'se I G ?? fir the many Favours C-)ctt'rrtA ulpon her late lusbiand, during his Residcince in Leeds, taket this Opportunity of returning her most sinc, r.e Thanks, aml begs Leave to inform her Friends oend the lpublic n general, that she intends c-tisinuiiig tli Ftirjes (tfr Read ilfosc siill/, in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OF' THlE TON'S AND 13,`R0V(;1I OF I.EEDS, THFE Pll~ti ic re! reslipetfnuvl i ifornwid: wardnems and vih Ins- ready I've PvtbI cafiol :tbous tile' End of tie prelicol Miuith. Gentletien wil ng to bevnine 5tibsceibLtrsze rice- qucstvil to send in tsliri Natmucs immlticictuv, IS nerle-) thle whole numlicr (if Ctiocs~ are subborihvied br. Pric-e to Suibseriber.,,, Ss. (3d.-T'o Ntm..2lecribcrs, Is ...

Advertisements & Notices

... | Hurlderlsield and New Hey Turnpike-Rood. TOLLS TO BE LET. N OTICE is lherebv Given, that tile Tolls E arising at the ?? Toll Gates upon the Turn- pike Road from Huddersfcld, in the County of York, to !qey Hey, near Rochdale, in the County Palatine of Lancaster, and known by the several Names of the Pits Wood, Out Lane, and Red Lane Dike Cars, will be Let to the best Bidder either altogether ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? l: M.I' i.NG3, Ii - ?? si-.;1VA'T re s i~'fll a t G inforrin the Nobility, Gentry, and the Public in Col geirt-;r. that they have invented ia MANGE or (CALIKNt)EWl (fir *thich they have obtained his Ma- m1 jcaty lo loyal I cttcrs P tent.) superior rtr simplicity us fuiness I, any yet oftbred to the Public. This an, Ma~ng lc. t:i i tands in the small compass of a Chest Mt of l-ritwers *oks ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Ceorni jfl t of Hosieuy, Gbloves, be At B. OVE RTON's Commission Warehouse, NO. 23, BRIGGATE, LEEDS. 3 OVERTON, impressed with Gratieude flie. for the Supposrt he has received sinre his com. mcssemct ii CSCabove Shop, feels it hi's Duty t make it still more generally known to the Public atI large, that lie has rECesiVed( a Consignrnent of the li lowing Goods: Notwitlstatildins, thle Avne tile ...

Advertisements & Notices

... iVEsr- RIDING. oF YOF Fj General IlMeeting of Liertesenocy. 4GENER~AL MRj'Ti.NG~ of, 1i11p~ fI JA EITTENANT an'd Deputy 1Leutenants of the West Ridin'-' of the County, of York, City and (uCatit Of th-e City of fork, vill be lielci at thic Towrn- Hiall of notherhamtt , onl 'Iuesity. the Seventh Day of October next, at To elve o'Clock. at Norn. to lactic Preceput for Procuring lists of thc AnnuI ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LK AIMEORTHI, ,gent to Weedgw(Jod's Patcot?, Double, Trel,'e, and M1,7srifold Ws-fititi Alacliincs, ESP lfTFULLY soj;i its 'hfe A tention Jof the'Nobility, Gentry and the Pttqlc to the above highlylisetull In vention, which, for this Purpuse is allowed hly Men of all Classes to he 0 the most simple secret, portable, cxcpoditrorUs, and really convenient' ,Machine Cvcr (iffercd to the Public;- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A I peersoms saving any Claims or Te- mands on JOHIN FIIRft-l, late of Clayton, in the Parish of High Hoylanld, in the Countyof York, Yeoman, deceased, are desired to send the ParticuLjas of such Claims or Demands, with the nature of therl re. spective Securities, (if any) to Mr.John Gill, of Swithini0 near Barnrley, in the said County, Malltstcr,- or Mr. Robert Hareison, of Barnsley, Go ccr, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ! r~IED METHODIST SUxjiJAl SCEy13 )OLS. sEPM.I; Nrs wil 1)e p eadwdit, ciud C03L- ?? LEC1'IOns ?? inl Aid &the~above institnl-' tion, on Sunday, th- 7th -L, j t, viz t At W sley 0Ch1rp at HaVf-past '1'n in the Morning, At By~ the~ fev- jc *YNpl Albion-Stre Chanel, at Six aii the Evenicrr, by the tev. 1)Avln i LCI At the Old Chapel, ZaliSix inl.veniig, by .bh c Rv. ?? LV] 1iopS OtsNr s..A - at ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -=t _ A i Pa- Ot an ORATi tO. all N FiMIDAY, Sep eniher 261h, 1817, will Cu be performed isn the MErHODlIsT CRAPEL, to Rivao5l.Ev, a Grand Selection of SACRED MU- SIC, from fthe Works otf Handel, Haydn, Brtyce, _ Betlioven, &c. br a mitecous select Band of Vocal and instrumental Perf,)rmers; principal Vocal Per- forners will le Ydrs. Wild and Miss TAylot, gram the Aialichester and Livcrpnei ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Couooijnvfl?'lt of fflostery, 01lomes, ?? At B. OVERfOAN's Conmolisioni arehouse, York: ?? 23, BAIGGA'rE, LEEDS. maini OWE RTON, impressed with G4ratitulde the f ILJ for the Support he has received since his Corn- Cand niencemnent in the above Shop, feels it hiti Duty to make- it still niu-e generally know-n to the Public at large, that lie has received a Consignmentftof the follow- ingGoods, ...