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Advertisements & Notices

... SALES BY AUC'rlON. Lease and Furniture, ?? by £IOGGAR'T and PHTLLIPr , on the Premises, - MORROW, at 12 (by order of the Assignees), HE LEASE of a desirable MERCANTILE or T pltOIESSTONA.L RII1TDENCE, situate No.5, on the wvust side of Fiusbury-square, overlooking the Artillery Ground, held for 14 years unexpired, at a moderate rent; at the same time will be sold, the elegaint drawing and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... n I NHMIRE MUSIC M EETING. 1 1 ISi. informs tbe Public, that, datring . uk ?? es1 ira ?? iI feceetilig ?? iels, Is, CO(ACt H wil le ave the Stal 1ni1, GOSpar't, far %;in- hllestvi, at 'I x o'cioik iltcinls eat ?? i aid will Ie- *; n fisro ?? Bell iiud Crown lam, Wiucliacster, each f vcriwool at rouit s,'cl.cli. I f1 or tile li fittler accommotudieation (if Mosiciallis engagelt iii lie 1 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 4ljj~'IBALD CdNS TABLE S' CO. 1y~lNTSif the PHILOSOPHY of thle ~ 'i-i~fT N INI.-By DuJGALr, STEWART, Lsq. an~ d E. 8c. volum~e 1I. Seconad tditulti. Slim Is 'r 'FSSAYS.-Ily PUGALD STRIVART, t4.11e~p-I A: Prmerly Professor of Ntorzd Fhlub-I tetiartyof E:dmi' tirgl. Second edition. 8co. ih~pflNS o NAURAL PHIL0OsOPHY ; being itra tlvr,wed in) the Uoiversity of Edbibhorgh. .RSS. 1 and iF.- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ieg, at DIIL. RsOBEiRT JA.lS~ 1)PW~ Licirt. ~ANALjdI-rIC PILLS. 'A le ie~ Beg resneetinih', as ?? 1 aled ath iliarcsas,' ll'dijtessrs.Nct 1wtiin tis ?? I' thinly ?? Ranasd StN, l, ?? yass), Loistisr. Tilte Retail '(are i, I ?? afera t The i H as iachich e Issvcntssr; i;andI falithr, Dr. Jamesi residedl, No. 33, Ilisr,1 G laetter, livley-liqric , w5lucre tlt' Mserdicilles Ilae ii lid.~ ...

Advertisements & Notices

... R. WEST'S PICTURES.-Christ Plieected, , St. Peter's first SerLmion, the Design of th..e rucifixion of our Saviour, vith sreveral Pictures and Sketches from other Scriptural Subjects, aire now exhibiting at 12,, P'all-Mall, near Carton House, every I):D, from Tell til Five By order, c2WARLFS SMART, Sec. N. B. Proposals for p'sblishing by subscription, a Print of. ?? Rejected,. to be had at the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... N the Press, almI shortiv will he pubilished, OBSERVAlIONS on hm l'POWER exercied y)g tile ADMIRALUY, of PASSING OVER CAPTAINM, when arrived at their wimll to Ii 1i10de Ad1 lliralhi -v10 Copies of a Corresporflilfce nigh that Bowrd.-By Capt. ASasL'I 1011W; GRtVTrivs, R.N.. alittley ..10 Harriqrisoi Bo1stilers Portsmouth. 1tO0YAL EC INI.;p, ' OFII, p hr U.I-T Persons, ? fllS be (!i t t. of lie ...

Advertisements & Notices

... )BOOKS PUBLISHED THIS DAY. In 8vo. price Qs. boards, JiiBE HISTORY and 'PRACTICE of VAC- lL CINATION. By JAMES MOORE, Director of the! National Vaccine Establishment, &c. &c. &c. Printed for Jobn Callow, Medical-BookseUer, lC, Crown- court, Princes-street, Soho. Also, lately published, by the same Author, 're llsvoay of the SMALL POX, 8vo. boards, 12s. ACCUM'S CHEMINCAL AMUSEiMENTr CHEMICAL ...

Advertisements & Notices

... e BARONY OF FINRAVEIN A VALUABLE AND EXTENSIVE ESTATE IN THE. COUNrY OF FORFAR, 1, /g Y A-FFORDING t ltPWvARDS OF FOUR FrErtSOLD OUALIFICATIONS, FOR SALE. A Upsit Price Redated. E To be SOLD by public roup, within the Roval Exchange Vof- feehouse, Edinburgh, on Wednesdaytulie ist of October next, between the blurs otne and two o'clock afternoon, HE LANDS & BARONY of FINHAVEN, T part of the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... VOOR~l ?? ?? SUSSEfX. -(IIlTlf(' il elity iveii, tlitt a VES'J RY %till he _ 1 wi, ill thle Vcstry-rolnii, ill tile Parish Church xut Bilillhisil 'ist, enl t l! 25th d&y (if Seplenillr instant, It tiir cl ov'eiiirh ill sit' OItelmooIi , to (Csiltract fir lhET 'iNt sail iiMAINl.AININO die P011 at the said 1 Piirish, ?? titC vea'r, frnm Micimelmas rne:_t. Avy 1 P'r'Il ;rilliaw iit, C(sle)ict ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ACHILD to NURSE.-WANTrED a CHILD . to DRY NURSE, by a Person, at Beckingham, in Kent, who has had long experience in nursing, and can -have ,an unexceptionable ?? further particulars, address (post-paid) to Mr. Nunn, Grocer, No. 2, Great James-street, Bedford-row; or Mrs. Howe, Becckingham, Kent-N. B. A coach to and frem Londoti every day. ALAUND)RESS FA-IVILYsI V: ,AING. Has good ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IS Is; hcdn ^te, given, t1HAT'ah pjlpiti&oa wiHlbrimade to Parliament linj - -IL the next b$6nsion,-for leaveto lbring in a BILT. o01 t'DiflLs, to altert; aimend,>etend, enlarge, and eiplain tlih ,everal Acts passed~ini the 14th; 42d, and 4sth 'yedrif of the reigp of his presentMDajesty King GEonCE thei ,rfuan, for.the making and establishing ot'Pablic;Quays, ' or Wharfs, and Dotksat KMnston` ...

Advertisements & Notices

... l1l DIXON's ANTIIILIOUS'PILLS.. ,. T11AE1 IED ile is 'he fruitful source of all those, V disorder!s whJichd ,act on the Stomach alndi Brwels, occasirsniiig lwtigeattofn, Heartburn, Flatuleascy, - iead . aielies, 'Spaisisr5sard a variety of other, affections;. tle . consequenco'of s diisdroered action of the 'Liver and e1 Bjlta;ry OQrgiis 'he Th6troaufctiqu of D1Xo'tN asAaTI1EZIrOuJ PILLS, as a ...