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Advertisements & Notices

... ?? l: M.I' i.NG3, Ii - ?? si-.;1VA'T re s i~'fll a t G inforrin the Nobility, Gentry, and the Public in Col geirt-;r. that they have invented ia MANGE or (CALIKNt)EWl (fir *thich they have obtained his Ma- m1 jcaty lo loyal I cttcrs P tent.) superior rtr simplicity us fuiness I, any yet oftbred to the Public. This an, Ma~ng lc. t:i i tands in the small compass of a Chest Mt of l-ritwers *oks ...

Advertisements & Notices

... And S;fOJI V11~A R ET1UICXIk'ffp~ 'f~rustees will hold their next Qluarttriv Mie~eting- T~'joliminvliil t, at tlw Crowl, Ill,, in Claydonl, oll ,re'l~lay, thle Wel day of September inst, 4t welve solicitnr mod Clerk. WAL.SHA M LEWIL v. OJ[Eihereby given, I'I at Aj J&Catien i's jint(ojende tob aeto P'airhiainimt in i. oeit s in Wit, for cae to bring in a Bill fbi' dividing, allottillv. jlwIj ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 4 SRFEI STOLEN. THFi~tEAtS .e Sh ( Night last, er early on Sun- N Vd d1a Blol iiing, A Sl 'tiP, belonging to Mir. WAr. BABUIR, of'Sitmldlilllfetld, ,A-i6 killed io tbe ficid, tril raIcare, takern av, awl the skini left. Whoever will give iintornmiatio1 ot the oiendie or ofiuioders, so as they call e brouight to justice, aed convicted theie'ot, shall receive I IVh GUINEAS nenrd of Mr. swald; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Ceorni jfl t of Hosieuy, Gbloves, be At B. OVE RTON's Commission Warehouse, NO. 23, BRIGGATE, LEEDS. 3 OVERTON, impressed with Gratieude flie. for the Supposrt he has received sinre his com. mcssemct ii CSCabove Shop, feels it hi's Duty t make it still more generally known to the Public atI large, that lie has rECesiVed( a Consignrnent of the li lowing Goods: Notwitlstatildins, thle Avne tile ...

Advertisements & Notices

... *a, TiQUARTERLYREV~IE\bir N. X, XUI. 1- Will be pulblishle d oil Saturdaly. nd CONTE'NI'NS. it- i. TONGA ISLANDS. 1. A Chronological History nl- of the Voyages and Discoveries ini the Ssutih Sea. By W, JAUElS BuRNEIY, Captaiw irs the loyal i.Nart. 2. a- MRNlanirn's Account uf tile Natives of the TON'Gr Ail ISLANDS. 3. TranisactisiO of the MissiosIalY So- Of cietv.-11. Mr. DUGALD STEWART's ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rnoen. o:I00 M L CtI ,THtE \VHLE OU SIA yit Pdar-e to, , f:the .e - ;u'atel be~ t;- 'i oe Farm rif the law is h, I. : ml ! tit lts Of, nine !loons of I).i Crhtr th I ' i he CitB hl'lmr~-t iV A 'Mi b To b 1 n, ai Cl~ retto at Niar F R o pIDL.AVW T c ci a large .7!t rni f'a i 'O . l,. , I Q 1t' splity vhit O wr'eps *pai;icl ric ,;l ry a in d i (.crot hy V~a-r guo'J dry ris tr iii. !. ,Ci li'ht a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ! r~IED METHODIST SUxjiJAl SCEy13 )OLS. sEPM.I; Nrs wil 1)e p eadwdit, ciud C03L- ?? LEC1'IOns ?? inl Aid &the~above institnl-' tion, on Sunday, th- 7th -L, j t, viz t At W sley 0Ch1rp at HaVf-past '1'n in the Morning, At By~ the~ fev- jc *YNpl Albion-Stre Chanel, at Six aii the Evenicrr, by the tev. 1)Avln i LCI At the Old Chapel, ZaliSix inl.veniig, by .bh c Rv. ?? LV] 1iopS OtsNr s..A - at ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LA W. - rANTED i enhns ?? ARi3ICH EID nl l ER, of respectalile, lare rts, and' irio has .rectiredi ?? (if by kiter,, I po;3paid) oMr. Bradford, attorney, Bucksiaghasi. GAME LISTS. tCOUNTY OF OXFORD. 1,. .1tersOns:%VIIo ?? GA=E CLsRTIFICATrs fot' the vear 1817. List (1) eenid Certm/ieates at 31. 135. Gd. each. I A NNESLEY Rev. Chas.. All Souls' college, I. Oxford; Ashby, John, Clifton; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... To Merrers and Drapers. A Singulatl5 valualle ?? ; PTIES of lsl~~tis~lxe first resp,~l;ilityr is oircrc/ to tbe notice of any ojie desirous of cnmmencinig in- the above lirite. The preimises consist of a conalm- . .dious Shop, ivith every other convenience for coi- ducting an rxtensive Trade; li parlovrs, kitchen, brew house, with seicn bed clambers, -iesides ittics, and suitable Oiut-tl iei, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Lo~~lvlV~~ilB 15^t'08,5. J T HE AP0LLONICON..mnder, the Patronage ofhis Royaln lihness theOP17r' T,, 1' ENT. les. ale FLIGMT and RO1(SON respectf liv leg to wacquaintthe N'o bility and Gentry, that having:,nanod,0 .In fnuiraion in their Ware- rooms the Instrument xvill ti i -)Pl ' for Public Fi:IIBI- TION on Monday next. floturs frotni twelvel to five daily, Admission one sh'litging, , o t l ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DR. SIBLY's, RE-A WI7IIATIEN(G SOLAR TlNCTt URI. HAILENGES all thc IeMdicines iI the Kiiigdom, for J its salubrious virtnes in nervous diseascs, dlebilitated COllStitUtiOIIS, ?? of spirtits, spasms, stonmach and bowel complaints, rheriliatismn, and all imlpurities ot' the blood. This valuable restorer of nature is pleasant to the taste, gratetfl to the stomach ; When taken, tlies to tile heart ...

Advertisements & Notices

... JAMEJ S GILES, C iS/ ET1E r; d 1d?-R and&UPHOk$7ESR, ; HIGH-STREET, OXFORDI; 0M OST respectfully reirltrts thanks to liis nu- merous friends fssrtheir liberal suppiutidusing the last fifteen yeats, and begs to insforni them thast fie has declined Busifiess in favour of Mr. HENIt, GOOLDING, whom he reconmmends to their notice. i HENRY GOOLDING, AVILT4G taken to the Warehouses and ; LIuPinesSof ...