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Advertisements & Notices

... R} OYAL .ACA1)tMY, SOMESET HOAUSE. J . MOTICE ju herely given to' the SlaSdebhs, that- the g~i.1OOLS wvill re-comnsence on Tuesday next, and the Libra-, j'en the t ~ hij4OWRD, R1'. A. Secretary. - (FE APOL ONJICON. 'A Grand ,jedhahicA . I musical instrument, under the patronage of his Royal Highness the Prince Regent, is now exhibiting at Messrs. ylTGI'T and ROBSON'S&,'N. 101, St. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BOOKS PUBLISHED THIS DAY. ARROWSMITTil'S ATLAS. To royal 4Co. price 11. i6s. half-bound, NEW GENERAL ATLAS, constractedfrom A the latest Authorities. By A. ARROW.SMiTH, Hy- ?? to the Prince Regent. Exhibiting not only the ondries and Divisions, bat also the Chains of MNountains and other Geographical Features of all the known Countries in the Wcorld; comiprehendei in 55 Muap, from original ...

Advertisements & Notices

... (R xvzr S PCTURES.-Christ Rejectedi I ~ar~ s ir esmo, the Dcsig-n of the Crociloidon 'of'A ~vioerl wit s tureal in Sklchches from other a ..1torltibe~t, t'snowahbiting at 25; P'all- Mail, near 101 eons, dery ~y~ ~omTen tillL'ive, I By oder CHARLES SMART, See. 'I ~ R ropoals or pbl'sbing by subscription, a Print of la ~,tob d it the Exhibition Rooms, No. 115, iwS1B JElCT.-PANORAJVA;- Leiccester ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ¢ELS() RACES, 1317. RUN FOR, ovtr QAVi`R ION-EU)GE, on Alj be T:WR sDAV1 the i ;;h of Sepreniosr 1817, 1 1SR T05IONGOI.J) CUIP vahle ONE-HUN DRElD GlINEAS. 6151. b 5 \ear-o lil5 ?? e. 9t. . ?? ?? -i- . °l Year-olds & 2ged.. s. 1S.b. fitljs ?? al ltwed 2ib. Four miles. ~MsC5 and For wthich are nanmed, 9 or Dais's hrowx'n horse Fitz Orville. 111i ax \lu ,sV bay colt Eglintotl, by S amfs;rd, Ia ...

Advertisements & Notices

... F IRAWl3 PflERE N'l'ED c eounteract tbe ninnv Attempts tibt arlc daily made T lk iipose 0ol tillt 111110:llarT a sp os e)iposiliol ieiste d of the Genuinle lh]iclarij p-cepared by Day and Ntliirin, they 01 c intiicedl to adopt a new Label, in whiiC thleir Si ,llatilr e a( .Id ress, 97, niHGH HOLBORX, Is plccl so cov.spiciluo0sly in the centre of the Label, thVI they trmlst :1 attelitiOntO ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NS.ANLEY and CROLE, On le26i ' athalt-pas't eleven0 ~ (rridl~~)l sthicrooin, Mabl-sret, it 0cIakt0, Collection of valuable PICTURES, l $c.°tdIeIv Ces of the miost admired Masters of A wh us s 22t lss mayof vvhich are of high class 4 en1555mtlY ofgh fro' the Contiet;,~ to, Iand rtcete Yfound the following highly va -slte J daci5 a] Village Festival by FilburgA, a tory o yuoll CGaspe r Pussin, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALES BY AUC'rlON. Lease and Furniture, ?? by £IOGGAR'T and PHTLLIPr , on the Premises, - MORROW, at 12 (by order of the Assignees), HE LEASE of a desirable MERCANTILE or T pltOIESSTONA.L RII1TDENCE, situate No.5, on the wvust side of Fiusbury-square, overlooking the Artillery Ground, held for 14 years unexpired, at a moderate rent; at the same time will be sold, the elegaint drawing and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... F, RHUNpRE.D M A TS DUTTC H . FLA, Ir-m L.5 to ttse pr tot. Five T@ons A few lons best l.O 'DONDERRY FiAX-anrd One Blidred Hamnp,-rs belt GERt'SIAN APPLES, just arrived from Holland, per rle Van Eg0osor. Leith, 27th Sept. 1817. JOHN SCOUI'. I 57J'J SUN FIR-EOFFICE, - ROYAL EXCHANGE, FDINBURGH.. T I-IF Insured at this Office, whose Premniums fall due TH at the Term of MICHA.EJ7.,MAS, (09th Sept ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TOPSHAM, DEVON. TJ1O be SOLD in Fee, by private contract, a I capital brick-built DWELLING-HOUSE; consist- ing of three parlours, two kitchens, cellar, and dairy; live good lied rooms, aud two servants' rooms; with a spacious courtlage behind the same; coach-house, and other convenient outhouses and offices, two walled gar- dens, and a well stocks orchard adjoining, containing about three ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A* 5 I P ?? Iijt ' ii t li Lsi.e of ail ?? d isorders wilic I i en. o~sthz' S.'sch and } .;s e,.ahiooing lndsgetioi, e AIeiltiiin, e'l:.iwiiui'. 1-~e~il ard ; er, SIVSnl. anld a sariety r F i-':.;intO T'C qtionellCe(' of atl.ihordorcd ?? a nv! I~Rii~ Ortrll-l;. Tihe intodkt-o(ur)ioof DIiO) .T 1 Sl ..l S iLLS, as a corrector and cure of thosc c *.sl i;. ?? of the greatest acquisitions inl ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Will For ALEXANDRIA, ill t ake goods at shipper's risk, but ship's . expense, to the District of Columbia, The fast-sailing Brig PLANTgLR, ' ALEAALEx. LAN C,, Mraster- uurthen I 11 tons, coppered and copper.f`stented, and Mc a good conveyanne for ?? freight or passage, sai apply to Captain Lane, or to Ca RATH BONE, ODG SON and Co. For BOSrBosN, The American Brig SEWELL , ISAAC STONE, MEaster; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EDUCATION. 7i HE Rrr. MaL 11URNS at DUN. v~is~w, tn rw'ie ISo ~iYOUNG. GENT11EME 1E into Ilk lajlny ilo .sddiiion j. 4Jst 0 homI~to, is at pteselt Educating with h1S AIt owsSoi.- 1.js. l'sipiik altt rid School, sand have the advillv;qits't at - onew ?? FIrternri s, a~pply to tise Publi~her; olt o tin tltev, Mr Buntrls, fiti oihlsstose. Mot., ssj' )toi, 25t/1 Aivg.IS17 ENCYCLOP.JKDIA EDINILNsIS ...