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Advertisements & Notices

... SAILES. BY AL.UJC''IXN. TR. KEMP has the hono r to announce to the -Li Pebiic tha LUiASMIV1()LD) PREMISES, together with part of the Wii.e and Utcissils in Trade of ?? wcn. Strntise, *4j, I'olborn-hil, Wine and braudy merchant, has berz DiSP)SED VF bll PRI VAlE CONTRACT. The ?? of the Wjin, treteir with the Holisehold Furnituie, w.I!! be SD( oi1 the Premises on no-mmrrow, at twelve o'clock. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... fl HE APOLLONICON.-A Grand mechanical V musical instrument, under the patronage of his Royal !ighness the Prince Regent, is now exhibiting at Messrs. 'I flIGHT and ROI1SON'S, No. 101, St. Martin's-lane, Cha- g g.troqss. The instrument performs twice in each hour, from a telve to five, Cherubini's overture to Anacreon, and Mozart's I overture to La Clemenza di Tito, with a grandeur of effect ...

Advertisements & Notices

... and CROLE, B W VNsTJ trcl treet, on Friday next the I esh t of loe davnured Cape MA- 120 itablet urebseers. 71i V5lt, L~~~attetm of isale, and Ca- tI i an C, Church-4treet. e~u-BU~t.D17Ff& MATERIALS, S ?? o qAit^BL~ S° HOUSE. 5, Ser' R VIL DEI jorIVNE S, J4e. ]HO B° B' NSTANLEY and CROLE, tioan By ie~ St Domingo House, on Wednesday tor, ,oilovvi~ daysa, at elevenC l ~~ preciselY eac ...

Advertisements & Notices

... COT'rRACT'S FOR STRAW. Commissariat Departiirot, 2 hmoeas ' C/tol7Zers, 19/a Sept. 1817. Q UCH Persons as are desirous of Contract- lig with tbe Aaeiit for Commissariat S piPlies, to fornish far Twelve Months, fronm tie ?? of Noeember iext, such Quantities of STRAWV for filling P'aillisses, as nmav fromn tilum to time bi, required at thi ea arrtchis in [fhe uildeeirenlionied Couroties, atay ...

Advertisements & Notices

... At Dtme7,icb/oH , Berhs. - 0 i ?? rn; entered hpon at lMhicl'6'in)s, A i . pitaI FAiINM, iln the (oacc l iatin ,if r ,1,gy ul caded The lamwr Fut, dl3si r Iy !md7 It'e 1),fIV.ttl, 1l the Vaile oi rsiiitte ieirsa ;ii lci if Abiiigilian, 3 *f \V .itag, aiiit 6 of dol 1 maol ianiet UOowns; ?? all flllot MANS)N IOUSE bm bijs, 2 staules, ~v mse, asd ut icr niriclit oral buildingms; toi7e r *ii i ...

Advertisements & Notices

... £4000 *iAY lie ?? Imd at interest, on ;4:,Iroved Freehold Security,upon application M I. 6riiitl1s, solicitor, Broadwdy. _Ij aL .\'9IiUal General Meetin, ?? to I J li Clel ical Fund for the County of Berli ill lie livdl at thye Bhar Iiill, Readirig, ou TuesdaF , l~ vorelxit Ii d Octluier, at Eleven o'cliick in the %vlic;I it will lie proilposedi to act upon0 the hlls sxirlding OQidvr of tbe ...

Advertisements & Notices

... L \DNCING| ?? tt ~siprCiEtriT tiit respcctfully intimatetl - t f ?? S-! Zr,. the Naheits bidl CZtt ri that ie 'S {; inL t P tvl B ,rii anl1ti I, *n. And %I ill R I SU I.'1 hL L'1,'ASSS :-nd rRIVAEL E TEACIIN5-1 i| I l tl th crrr lt. S I j JA~RS 5i SQARE, N'o. I 1, l jlliXE ptr,,(J£2. tbi7. S -IFENCII CLASSES. 1 q7, , fASS:CLA'SSIS nill rccomMC encC I i { ?? \ t EiSDA Y the ist (f October. ( OE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALES BY AUCTION. V e:kkshire, on tle border of ?? I lessrs. SVKN b NiSR, TUC-IN and lORRE5T, and Messrs. HAWK1?.,a on We-tncsday, .the 1st of October, at tveilve, on the Pre- mnises, in Six Lots, uinless prev*.usly disposed of by Private c Cont:aIct, DCiSIRABLE FREEHOLD ESTATE, the i *A - 8roperty of a G~entleman going to the Continent, situate at doert'mer, seven miles from Reading, 11 from ...

Advertisements & Notices

... * For CALCUTTA, direg, * l T,he very fine copperexl.gbip JIG4I, > 2 > C~~ainR£ 104N fCqTBBR~N as Burthen 402 tos; sails very fast; ad will be ready for se& about tbe lb jDStan :-i her accnmmodations for passengers arexcellent, hav- F:, i6g two cabins eigandIy fitted ep.-p, r termsofttblch F or freigbt apply to CROPPER, BENSON ant Co. - For SAVANNAH, The fritisb Coppered Barque LO.RD ITWORTH, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ;4F4)1tL N1CON.-A Grand mechanical Isrelii..~t~coet, uniterfisk -p-Atronage of his Robyal ?? he Piit~ 'lego-ni, is',n6w exhibitirig at, Messrs. FntO'E ?? )NS No. 101,' t. Mnstins-!ane, Chla- xi-ro;,; Thi ruen performs twvice in each soor, frona twelJVV tO fiea ' su 3 -IVerture to Anacreon, abd' Md1zarr's ovor inrie t, rA -i-aoenl c~iisrit, withi . grandeur of' ie&et ~.nd pr~:t!~jc ui'e ...

Advertisements & Notices

... oF, uCE OF 1tHE COMMSSlO ?? ILLTHi z ISSUn OF° Cl RTES FXCG1EQUER X31LtS,- SOUTR Sl, HOUSP P ; AtrdG&.C,1A - A LL Persoos to whom the &OO4 M1S SIONERS ] havte agreed to grant LOANS of BXCHEQIUIYE D[LLS, are -hereby riquired forthwithtto raklethe rneasures- recessary. td connplete the~seeuritie§ sebe giye. b tere;, so that tie advances to be made them mnru be issued without delay. ,,he parties ...

Advertisements & Notices

... C0LCIIFJT1:Rl1and ASTESSEX XUlL!~k 111cF emiaber; utimi h ?? 'of this Inlimilti ¶1.tner Tfc''mlyilltmt'ImiI, that thle' lpc al yit ANTNX:I SE51R. Ilitlc96tiI ot' October. by tie ve. it P,. BfEIcll lVi:I' . A. Rcc1m,01 hlittt11111-6mm, D-edi ibrdslhtt'.. aid I 1I'l time AIVNUALGJ1'NERlAT, fWVT'JNG wviii be heid ?? ~~ ~ the SIttifOctober. The ?? CL-J 111 isliNG imidhO W1 THAM BDRAN(CH ~ I jE I, ...